Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Afterschool Brave and Fantastic Party Episode 3 Part 2

The story picks back up with some monsters being taken down, and that smith who hired you has also brought Gullinbursti around from somewhere as he expresses thanks for him escorting him as well as his amazement that the hero's party is here helping him. Narration says the smith's name is Gennou, and he laughs about the situation. Gullinbursti however wishes he could fight at 100% since he mentions being damaged in some way. As he is now he feels he'll never be of help to his master, and he wonders if he lacks training.
Gennou laughs some more as he tells Gullinbursti to not worry about it. He reminds him that he described smith work as being someone who can fix anything. He also throws in that he likes Gullinbursti's passion for training himself and his buffed up muscles. Gennou then mentions that he's procured some White Stone ore to make a new core, so now all he needs to do is make something with it at Brigid's Brazier.
The main party seems lost with the conversation, so Gennou apologizes for leaving them out of the loop and explaining that this trip to the forge at the cave is for fixing up Gullinbursti. He talks about how Gullinbursti told him he's a weapon created in a forge instead of a normal organic being, which blew his mind when he first heard about it. He's checked himself to verify that though. He's found a seal of an ancient dwarven genius smith, and he wonders when Gullinbursti was made. And now that he's seen him he makes it a point of pride to help him.
Gennou starts explaining that based on thorough analysis, there's some damage to the core that acts as Gullinbursti's heart. It took him a moment to recognize what it was made of, but he was quick to get the ore when he did. Unfortunately his own forge isn't hot enough to work with White Stone, and that's why they're all heading to the holy land of fire.
Time skips to you guys reaching the cave, and Sol is negotiating with the guards there. He promises that everyone knows that this is sacred ground to them, and that the bodies of deceased Rycants lie there, so he asks to borrow some of the fire there for now. They agree, so Sol thanks them for that and for being able to train with them.
Sol returns to the party to tell them the news, so everyone heads on in. Gennou has carved out the White Stone (which is described as looking like a meteorite) into the shape of a heart and has been forging it for some time before taking it out. It releases light in beats almost like a real heart, and he proceeds to put it inside Gullinbursti. This seems uncomfortable, but when he's done Gennou asks how Gullinbursti feels.
Gullinbursti is amazed as he mentions moving as quick as he envisions himself, thanking Gennou. Gennou just laughs it off as someone else who also likes muscles. Yuuji is surprised it all worked, and that some ore is acting like a heart. This seems to set something off in his mind as he stops and mentions feeling like he recently heard something about a heart substitute. The game briefly flashes back to when Sol was describing how the Black Stone is like the overlord's heart, but Yuuji doesn't remember. You start wondering if it's the same thing where it has the power to reanimate corpses and manipulate living beings, then start making a guess on something else based on that.
Sol notices you looking worried, so he tries asking about it. He's quickly interrupted by something happening, which Bacchus notes seems to be coming from outside. The camera briefly flashes outside to show some zombie Rycants popping up, and back to your end Orgus mentions that he hears a commotion of some kind. He then yells that something is coming when shaking starts up.
Yuuji tries to ask what is coming when the Rycants guards outside run in panicking, followed by the zombies, which then causes Yuuji to freak out. Sol steps forward and tells everyone to get behind him, and Yuuji thanks him as he tries to calm down. Once he catches his breath Yuuji starts swinging his sword around, which gets Gullinbursti's attention because he sorta recognizes it. However, Gullinbursti pushes that thought to the side to focus on the matter at hand, telling Gennou to hide somewhere. Gullinbursti steps forward to declare that he'll fight in Freyr's name and pride and jumps in. The episode battle starts up as Sol reacts in shock at seeing the undead Rycants. More story afterwards.
After the battle, things tune in around the point where all the undead are taken down, and Bacchus sighs as he observes that things seem over for now. Orgus is shocked as he asks if the deceased Rycants' remains were revived, and Sol is in disbelief as to what that means. He runs off, and Yuuji calls after him to stop.
Everyone runs out of the cave, Sol first then followed by the rest of the party. Yuuji is shocked by what he sees as he says it wasn't around earlier, and you mirror his reaction as you recognize what you see. Camera switches over to show the chalky white Babel Tower. It releases what looks like the light of the underworld as it stands tall into the sky like a mirage. And on that note the episode ends.

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