Monday, October 4, 2021

Live A Hero Midsummer Hero Festival Episode 1

One day in the summer, some time before Ryekie is officially back in active hero duty, the people of Parallel Flight are in the midst of a fierce battle. And by fierce battle, I mean the dreaded dinner rush as they run a food stall at a festival. Mokdai is working as a waiter and thanks a table for their order, then reads the order off to you for two Akashi Takoyakis, two Justice Curries, a soda, and a beer. Mokdai prompts you to repeat it back to him before you tell the kitchen, and you end up messing it up by saying there's one less takoyaki on order than there actually is.
Nobody seems to notice as Akashi acknowledges the order and tells you the order for Table 4 is up, then tells Mokdai he's supposed to be working the grill right now. Mokdai gets flustered and goes back inside, asking you to handle the dining hall. Once he gets into the back, he starts getting hungry at the smell of yakisoba sauce. Akashi gets annoyed at him saying so because he's hungry too, and he says he hasn't made this much takoyaki since his school's own festival. Mokdai asks Sui if her parfait is done and asks if there's still cookies for the Sui float, so she answers there's still cookies left. They're almost out of ice cream for the Mokdai soda float though. Sui then laughs to herself that making parfaits is pretty fun.
Out in the hall, visiting children cheer about seeing Justice, amazed at how big he is and asking for handshakes. Ryekie laughs and agrees, offering to throw in autographs too. He also moves to get pictures taken with families, then asks Crowne to handle the camera. Crowne complies and tells everyone to huddle in closer, then snaps the pic. Huckle notices a beer mug next to Crowne and asks if that is hers, so Crowne quickly claims it's not like she's drinking on the job or anything. Huckle comments on the yakitori being on sold at the stall across from them, so Crowne says it's called Muroran Yakitori and went down great with the beer she had earlier. Huckle tells Crowne that breach of contract is punishable by pay cut, leading her to try to protest against it.

Title card pops up, and this episode is called Food Stand! Parallel Flight Co.

Time then passes to the point when the office is finally on break, and Akashi gives a big exhale as he says his clothes are all sweaty now. Huckle says getting temporary staff to help was a good idea after all since they would have struggled to keep up on their own. Sui says it's hard work running a stall and never knew it before since she never worked in one before. Akashi then asks if it's fine for everyone to have come in casual clothes since he's dressed more to have fun than work. Huckle says it's fine since the festival is conceptualized around having casual breezy fun with heroes. A lot of heroes come over dressed down and stand in front of their stalls.

Sui comments in surprise as she says she's seen that a lot too. She never realized it before now since this is her first time attending as a hero. You then take this moment to compliment Akashi's outfit, notice that Huckle let his hair down, or say Sui's dressed cutely today. In A, Akashi is shocked by the compliment but thanks you. He blushes and says it's a festival and all, so he figured he'd dress that way if he's going with you and trails off into mumbling. Sui points out that Akashi's not saying intelligible words anymore. In B, Huckle is a little surprised you only now noticed, saying he figured he may as well since things are more casual. He asks how his minor image change is working, so Akashi says he kinda does look like a stallkeeper now. In C, Sui is thrown off by the compliment and thanks you. She says she took out some clothes she likes since it's festival time, then asks if they look good on her. Huckle nods and says he's glad she's more open to going out like herself.

Anyways, Crowne comments on how there was a crowd of customers at your cafe and asks if it's normally that busy. Mokdai says of course it'd be since it's just before Zap the Justice's big return. If he were a customer he'd be doing everything he can to visit too. Ryekie laughs, flattered at that, and he says he's been working hard at his independent training in preparation for his comeback.

You ask Mokdai if the shirt he's wearing is something being sold at the festival, say Ryekie's casual outfit is cool, or comment on how mysterious Crowne is dressed. In A, Mokdai is happy you noticed and says it's actually last year's festival shirt. He normally has it stored away, but he brought it out without thinking about it since he was happy to come again this year. Crowne comments on how Mokdai is more excited than anyone to come to this festival, just like you'd expect of a hero nerd. In B, Ryekie is flattered and thanks you. Since he's dressed lighter than usual, he's got antistatic wristbands on for safety's sake. He offers to give you a hug as LW forgets to put in a tag for you correctly, and Mokdai asks him to be careful with customers since he might still shock people through the bands. In C, Crowne is taken aback and admits she was worried she'd pull the outfit off since it's not what she normally wears. Still, she thinks she looks good in it, even if it's something Maculata stuck on her. Mokdai asks if the shirt is the only part Crowne picked herself and worries how Maculata would react if she comes by later.

Soon after, Procy and Gomeisa walk up and greet you guys. Procy asks how business was at Beach Cafe Parallel Flight, and Gomeisa says he's brought cold drinks for you guys. You take note of their presence, compliment Procy's fashion sense, or say Gomeisa is wearing a cute shirt. B has an extra bit of Procy agreeing and saying his fashion sense is first class, just like his cooking skills. He says he's themed it after a beach dandy and asks if it suits him. Huckle says he looks more like a thug who came to do land sharking, offending him. C has a different extra bit of Gomeisa thanking you, saying Procy bought it for him figuring he had no casual clothes. Procy says Gomeisa would walk around almost naked if he let him, and finding clothes in his size was a hassle. Akashi notes he's always seen him in his store uniform, and Sui says she's surprised to hear there's clothes already in Gomeisa's size in stores.

Anyways, Huckle says the stall has been a big success. Ryekie and Crowne are working the front, and now they finally managed to get a break. Huckle then thanks Procy for all his prep work help, so Procy says this should be a time you leave things to professional restaurant workers and offers a friend discount for his consultation. Huckle is surprised to hear Procy is charging for this, surprising Procy in turn as he says he's not helping out for free. Since you guys aren't part of the Grand Prix this year, he's planning on getting you guys to make a ton on the food side of things for him. Huckle calls him a cheapskate, but he agrees he has a point to his reasoning and agrees to pay.

Akashi remembers that the Grand Prix is tomorrow now that Procy's mentioned it, though he's never watched it that closely. Now that he's a hero though, he's more interested and wonders if they'll still sell tickets then. You ask what the Grand Prix is and what kind of festival this is since you don't know what's going on, and Sui is surprised at the idea that you've been working all day without knowing that. Akashi realizes that must have fallen under your amnesia and apologizes for not noticing.

Mokdai starts explaining that Orient City holds a giant festival every year for one week in the summer, which is the festival you guys are attending now. It's called the Hero City Summer Festival. The city originally had the image of the Monster Battleground City, so Raidark Co. started the festival up filled with locals to change that image. Over the years it blew up, so now Orient City's become famous for the festival and its warm beaches. The festival is themed with the idea of City of Heroes, so stalls are set up with heroes you can meet from various agencies. There's also a custom stadium built to hold title matches to for heroes to compare their strengths.

Huckle says it's officially the O-1 Hero Grand Prix, with every agency in the city putting a team together to compete in a contest of battles and ratings. And while Parallel Flight has more members than it did before, it didn't have enough people in time for this year's event, so the plan was changed to opening a stall and watching the show when you guys had time. Akashi asks why you guys didn't make the cut, so Huckle answers that it's required for the teams must have at least four heroes and two Operators. You guys do have enough of the latter, but Ryekie not being back in business yet means you don't qualify for the former. You say you understand, say you wish you guys could've joined, and remember that the wolfman(/wolfmen?) don't seem to count for being part timers.

Gomeisa says that he and Procy are going to participate in the Grand Prix, and he'll be happy if you guys come to cheer him on. He notes that he is bad at fighting, but since this is a festival he'll do his best with his dancing. Procy adds that they'll be in as part of Independent Heroes' Earth branch. They asked Alchiba but he bailed out, though they still managed to get enough people to get in to show their chops. Akashi notes that Procy is oddly motivated for this. Procy attempts to claim that being in a job that involves fighting means you'll want to be the very best like no one ever was. Gomeisa gets confused by this and blabs that Procy said he wouldn't care about anything else if he nabs the two million space coin prize money for winning. Procy yells in frustration, and Sui sighs about having figured as much. Procy tries to excuse himself saying he has debts to settle, and at this point Crowne calls the crew to say Maculata came to talk.

Time passes to everyone going back to the cafe stall, where Maculata greets you all and apologizes for interrupting your break. Kirsch is also there as she says you guys did great and comments on the crowd. Hisaki is there too, greeting you guys and noting you're more energetic then he figured you'd all be. You can either compliment Maculata for how sexy she is, say Kirsch's dress is cute, or compliment Hisaki's street clothes.

In A, Maculata laughs and says it's summer, so she figured she'd go for something more forward. If you've got it, it'd be a waste not to flaunt it! She asks how things are with you, offering to give suggestions for suitably aggressive fashion choices if you want any. Akashi starts blushing and nosebleeding at the idea, which Mokdai notes in surprise and Akashi reacts in shock to. In B, Kirsch laughs and thanks you, saying she likes her dress. It's nice and cool, and easy to move in. She also moves to show you something inside, scandalizing Mokdai into saying she shouldn't pull her skirt up in public. He's surprised when he sees candy making tools and ninja tools that Sui notices too, but Kirsch insists those are her Rotating Confection Martial Arts tools. Gotta be prepared for attacks at any time! Akashi is baffled and comments on how big the universe is. In C, Hisaki laughs and says he's actually the type to care about fashion. His style is cool and refreshing as summer, but still tough and casual. He attempts to invite you to a night time date later on, but Crowne cockblocks by treating him like a regular customer and saying there's a no flirting policy, then asks him to come back two days ago. Hisaki whines and asks her to stop pulling on his ears like he's asked tons of times. Akashi looks put out as he says he can't win, confusing Mokdai into asking what he's competing in.

In any case, Huckle comments on how unusual it is to see the three of them together since they're all in different agencies. Hisaki says they just met up by coincidence, though he never expected only heroes to show up. He knows Maculata already, so he figured that'd be fine. Maculata says she came to see how Sui was doing and met Kirsch on the way. Kirsch wanted to know how the cookies she supplied you guys have worked out, so she invited her along. Kirsch laughs nervously and asks how the cookies have gone over, so Sui says people have liked them a lot. People have been posting on social media about how nice they are with parfaits and soda floats. Kirsch is relieved to hear this and apologizes for making a limited amount since she's not that good at mass production. Mokdai says it's fine since you guys have a limit on how much you could push out, so the amount is perfect.

Maculata says she was worried, but she sees it was for nothing and notes that Sui is having fun with her work. Sui says it's been a lot of firsts for her, but everything being new has made it enjoyable. Maculata says she's glad to hear that, saying she can find new design ideas in unexpected places and encouraging her to spread her horizons even further. Sui nods and say she'll do her best, prompting Crowne to say it's unusual for Sui to be so forward facing.

Maculata turns her attention to Crowne and asks what the hell she's doing wearing that jacket the way she is. She went through all the trouble of lending to her so she could spruce up her fashion and now she's wearing it like some goddamn potato sack. The appalling lack of chic here! Crowne flinches and realizes it's too late to get away, so she instead tries to argue that it's not a big deal. Maculata insists that it is and grumbles about how Crowne's always wasting her natural born qualities. Crowne gives in and says she'll put more thought into her looks next time and begs Maculata to let her off the hook already.

Off to the side Hisaki nods and says it's great how the festival is being supported by everyone playing to their strengths. He doesn't have anything to do besides join the Grand Prix tomorrow though, so he's just kicking back and enjoying things. Ryekie is pleasantly surprised to hear that Laborer's Site is entering since they have a lot of members off planet. Hisaki says that part is true, but it's not like there aren't any members that are on Earth. They managed to fish up four members, who seem to have shown up to get their names out there.

Maculata says she's going to be in as part of Creative Brain, though she's in it for a good time rather than an easy win. Sui remembers Maculata mentioning that to her before and realizes that's why she came to the area early and hit the gym. Mokdai remembers that Subaru is part of Creative Brain too and asks if he's participating. Maculata says she tried inviting him, but he said he hated hot places and cooped himself up at home. You either comment that sounds like him, say it's a shame you won't see him, or ask who Subaru is. C gets an extra bit where Mokdai is somewhat surprised you haven't met him, then explains he's talking about the novelist Nobeyama Subaru, who is also a hero. He's in the same agency as Maculata, but also terribly moody.

Either way, Sui says she heard him say he hated cold places too, though it's like him to say either of those things. Kirsch tells you guys that Gourmet Fighters tried to join in, but somehow everyone else couldn't make it in time. Ryekie is surprised at that since that agency is pretty big yet still couldn't manage to field a full team. Huckle says they're also a lot of restaurant workers, so a lot of them just couldn't leave their businesses. Maculata says that goes for a lot of places, and that she's heard of agencies that lose people just before the event.

At this point a voice calls out having found you guys, and Maculata comments that one of those troubled agencies is coming over right now. Mokdai is confused by this since he recognizes the voice, and Barrel runs up noting that everyone is together and says you guys did great work with your stall. Furlong peeks from behind Victom and greets you guys, then asks if you guys have been drinking enough water to not get heatstroke. Victom tells Furlong to stop hiding behind him because he's bigger than him anyway. Furlong apologizes and says he just felt embarrassed.

Barrel sighs about Furlong being his usual self as he says he's more bold when he's in hero mode. You then either compliment Barrel, Victom, or Furlong on their casual clothes. In A, Barrel is thrilled at you complimenting him and throws himself at you. Akashi protests and attempts to pull him off, but Barrel's wagging tail keeps him away since it keeps hitting him. Barrel apologizes saying he was so happy he couldn't keep his tail under control. In B, Victom asks why you sound surprised that he's dressed down since even he has street clothes, though he notes he's always been in uniform in front of you. Furlong however notes that Victom still seems different from usual and asks if he tried to be stylish. Victom attempts to deny this saying he just bought new clothes and doesn't need to look fashionable. He didn't come to be teased, and he's going back once things are done here. Barrel apologizes, then finds Victom phrasing things as teasing to be weird. In C, Furlong blushes and thanks you after a moment. Barrel says Furlong's attentive to fashion and says you have a good eye. Furlong says he just doesn't want to look embarrassing in front of people and doesn't want to be rude to people he doesn't know. He apologizes awkwardly, baffling Akashi into pointing out there wasn't a point in that, but Barrel asks he not mind since this is like a habit for Furlong.

Anyways, Huckle notes the UEHA heroes with some surprise and says their agency is the top or runner up of the agencies when measured in size. He asks Maculata if they really are having problems, so she answers that's what the rumors say. It's what all the agencies participating in the Grand Prix are talking about anyway. Barrel tries laughing off how their agency has been the topic of the day, and Victom shrugs that it was unavoidable. Ryekie asks what their actual problem is, guessing that they're short on heroes somehow. Victom says it's not that, but their organizer is the one who wants to explain things. Furlong notes that they haven't come back and wonders how far they went, and you either wonder who this organizer is, ask if someone else is coming, or ask if it's Gammei coming. C gets an extra line with Victom saying it's someone else since Gammei has police work today.

A new voice calls over having found you guys, and Okitaka runs over looking like someone who'd be a desk clerk at a city hall. He apologizes for being late since the restrooms were further away than he thought, so it took some looking to find them. Mokdai is shocked to see Okitaka, who doesn't notice this reaction as he comments on the heat and wanting a cold beer. He then notices Huckle (who he refers to as Kle-yan) and asks him for beer and edamame beans.

Huckle is surprised and informs Okitaka that they have neither of those things. Okitaka just laughs it off saying he came thinking he was in a beer garden. Akashi is a little taken aback at the cheerful old dude who popped up, then asks if he's some government worker based on his clothes. Okitaka confirms as much and says he's in the administrative department for Orient City's city hall. He says it's nice to meet Akashi, then notes how buff he is and asks if he's a hero. Akashi is shocked at this and barely answers yes, so Okitaka cheerfully goes on about how even heroes can be at peace if more new guys like him show up, then says he'll be cheering for him. Akashi can't keep up and mumbles a thank you, and you comment on how powerful Okitaka is, note how touchy-feely he is, and/or note that Akashi is getting bowled over.

Ryekie laughs at how cheery as always Okitaka is and is glad to see that. Okitaka greets Ryekie back as Juscchi, saying he was worried to hear him taking time off hero work but is glad to hear he's coming back. He encourages him to work hard, offering to help in any way needed. Ryekie thanks him and says he'll work hard to meet his expectations.

Sui asks who Okitaka is, surprised at how close he seems to be with Huckle and Ryekie. Crowne shrugs and guesses he's just some old city clerk coming to blow off steam after work. You wonder if Okitaka is part of UEHA, note that he looks like a regular dude, then wonder if he's an Operator. Mokdai, still kind of shocked, starts attempting to answer, but Victom calls Okitaka 'Chief' and reminds him he's not there for small talk with some irritation. Okitaka tries placating him saying communication is important, and Akashi is surprised that Okitaka got referred to as Chief. Barrel pesters Okitaka saying he wants the special curry he's looking at, so Okitaka says it's fine and says he'll pay for it. He asks what Furlong would like, so Furlong asks if it's okay before saying he'd like a jumbo parfait.

You note how everyone called Okitaka Chief and wonder if he's a boss or something, so Huckle explains that Okitaka is head of UEHA Japan. Okitaka realizes he hasn't really introduced himself to people he's never met before, so he coughs and backs up before introducing himself as Takadono Okitaka, Commander of the entire Japan branch office of UEHA.

Akashi, Sui, and Crowne are shocked to hear this, as are you as you realize why everyone called him Chief. Okitaka laughs and apologizes, saying he doesn't greet people much since he's usually in the headquarters. Mokdai says he was surprised to meet him too given how friendly he is. Okitaka invades Mokdai's personal space and asks if he's suggesting he's undignified, then starts touching Mokdai's stomach asking if that said so. Mokdai gets shocked again as he gets ticklish and says there's no way it could.

Huckle moves things along by telling Okitaka that the first person he talked to earlier is Akashi, one of their new heroes. He introduces Sui next, who awkwardly greets him. Okitaka calls her a pretty girl and notes that she's the one who fought on the moon. She's beautiful enough that he says she could make tons of Views, then wishes her luck and asks her to get along with his associates. Sui blushes at this and thanks him, and Akashi notes how red she's getting in surprise. Maculata says she's not used to being complimented to her face, which is cute of her.

Huckle then introduces you as the newest Operator for the team, and you politely greet Okitaka. Okitaka is excited to meet you and says you're that talented newbie he keeps hearing about. He's already looked into your track record, and you've done well for yourself in such a short time. You either try to say you haven't done that much in shock, politely say it's kinda like that, or act bashful. In A, Okitaka says there's no need to be so humble and says he loves modest kids like you. In B, Okitaka laughs at how bold you are and says it's fine since he likes kids like that too. In C, Okitaka calls you innocent and says mild-mannered people are fine too.

Anyways, Okitaka notes that you seem to get along well with Barrel, Furlong and Victom. He says Gammei thinks well of you too, so you're probably the only person he can go ask. You ask what he means, but Okitaka turns to Huckle and addresses him more formally for a request. Huckle is surprised by this sudden shift in topic but has an idea where he's going with this, so Okitaka confirms his suspicions and comes out asking to borrow you for the Grand Prix.

You react in shock to the request, and Akashi attempts to slow things down and asks for an explanation. Barrel answers that they're out one Operator for the event, and Victom adds that they're looking for someone to sub in for them. Hisaki is confused that they're asking you given how big UEHA is, figuring they could just get someone in-house. Okitaka says they tried, but it turns out the ones they were going to ask already had scheduled time off for the summer festival. Furlong says there still was two people available despite that, but then one of them had to be hospitalized for an injury when they were leaving.

Okitaka goes on saying it's a huge hassle to withdraw for an agency as big as them, and the show-offs in the upper levels would never stand for pulling out at this point. Also, doing well in the Grand Prix raises an agency's reputation. Ryekie nods in understanding and asks if that's why they came to borrow you. He turns to Huckle and asks what he thinks, saying he leaves the decision to him.

Huckle thinks about it, saying it would be a problem if something were to happen during the festival. But considering your experience, he thinks it might be good for you too. The wolfman's told him he wanted more hours, so he could help with the stall while you're out. He decides that you should choose and asks what you think, so you mull it over aloud.

Barrel pleads with you, saying he wants to fight with you and that he feels he can do better if you're there. Victom joins in saying he's asking for your help too, having seen your abilities in battle already. Furlong asks you too, saying he'd feel better having you around. With everyone from UEHA asking you, you decide to agree to help. Barrel hugs you and cheers, leading Furlong to tell him to stop since jumping out like that will startle people. Victom attempts to pull Barrel off but finds him pretty strong, so he tells Furlong to get his other side and not let go.

Okitaka casually thanks you and says that's a load off his back for now. Huckle does step in to throw in a condition that they'll take you back if an emergency happens, but he'll agree to loan you out if Okitaka is okay with that. Okitaka says that's fine and says he'll bring the contract papers for that later. He thanks you guys for going along with it despite how out of the blue it was, then says he looks forward to working with you, short as the time may be.

You politely say you're glad to work with him and/or say you're getting nervous. Kirsch is happy for you and promises to come watch you at the arena. Hisaki notes that this means you guys are opponents, then laughs that he won't hold back. Maculata asks you go easy on her, though she won't be herself. Akashi worries if things will be fine since people are getting into it, but Mokdai says it should be since you're a tough one. Plus this isn't like the battles you guys normally get into. Ryekie agrees saying it's a competition between heroes, so there's rules in place and no danger to worry about. Ryekie then tells you to do your best as they'll come out to cheer for you.

Akashi mumbles something suggesting he wished he was participating with you out there, though Sui only hears it as him being overly worried about you and asking if something is up. Akashi quickly claims nothing's wrong and gets defensive, calling her an idiot probing at him. Sui gets offended at this sudden insult out of nowhere, and Crowne attempts to calm the two down telling Akashi he shouldn't snap at people out of jealousy. Akashi gets mad and claims he's not jealous, and Huckle just laughs at the outburst. And that's how you suddenly became a participant in the O-1 Hero Grand Prix as an Operator for UEHA. Does chaos or glory await you? Who knows! That's the end of the episode!


  1. Thanks for the translation 👍

  2. i wish i was the mc... i wanna be hugged by barrel so much (for fluff reason). thanks for translation!

    1. I wanna be the MC here so I can pull Furlong in for a big group hug here too. Two Fluffy Good Bois is quite the hard deal to pass here.

    2. in this event = 2 fluffy good bois.
      everyday mc life = 1 electrocuted fluffy hunk and 1 fluffy good bois.
      going to the bar = 1 fluffy daddy
