Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Live A Hero Contract Entering Epilogue: End of Combat Training, And Now...

It has been a few days after the hiring exam and end of the short term part time job period as we tune in at the office of Parallel Flight. Huckle is talking to the wolfman mob and tells him that he'd like to formally hire him on as a part time hero for the agency. They were tested on a lot of stuff for their temporary license, but Huckle now has a permanent license ready for him. Now's the time to exchange the two, and Huckle asks that he not lose the real license as he pulls out a card with an integrated circuit in it from his desk. "Hero License" is written on the front, along with F for the rank.
The wood wolfman is amazed to see the license card, and Huckle warns the guy not to get into anything serious. Since he has an arrest record already he'll need to apply for renewal after a short time for now. When the record gets removed though, he can get his F Class license for beginner heroes. Huckle starts to say that Green should keep in mind of his status as a hero once he joins the agency before joking that it'd be boring to say that all the time. Ryekie says Green is a hero now as he congratulates him and says he'll be looking forward to working with him. Green thanks him and says he can make the money he needs to feed the cats now, and you can either congratulate him and be happy for him, or you can tell him not to commit crimes anymore. A and B has him thank you. C instead has him say of course as he says he's a hero now with this license.
Mokdai congratulates Green and says to do their best together. Akashi says he wasn't sure how things would go when he first heard about it, but for now he says things are good for Green. Green agrees and mentions his surprise at how nice everyone is. He tears up a little at Mokdai and Akashi clapping for him, and then he bows his head to everyone.
Time passes a bit and the party is outside, where Green says it's time for him to go since it's almost time for his spaceship bus or whatever. He says he'll see you guys the next time there's a job, and you can either tell him to be careful or tell him to say hi to the cats for you. B gets an extra line where Green suggests you come visit sometimes since the cats will want to see you too. Either way, he leaves for the day as the office sees him off under this bright, clear day.
Akashi comments on there suddenly being a new hero with you guys, and an ex-villain at that. Mokdai talks about how surprising it is to have a villain rising up to be a hero, even here in the United Earth area. He then notes that Akashi hasn't been in for long, but he's already a senpai hero now. Akashi is surprised about this since he hadn't thought about it, so he tells himself he'll need to stay focused. You either comment on him suddenly getting nervous, tell him to get his head in the game, or call him senpai and tell him to do his best.
In A, Akashi mentions having kouhai at baseball, but this is the first time he's a senpai at work, so he's not sure how to treat Green. In B, Akashi is shocked as he says you need to do so too to operate all of them. In C, Akashi gets embarrassed as he says you aren't his kouhai and that he wants you to stop teasing him like that.
Huckle says Green may become your kouhai, but contractually speaking he's just a temporary or special assistant. Generally when you guys need more help, the office will be giving him work as a mediator. He notes that you guys are still short on full-time heroes, but he says he'll be counting on you guys. Akashi nods and says he'll put his effort into it while Mokdai says he'll need to brush up his skills as a hero.
Huckle is surprised at how motivated the two are since Green got hired on, though he says that's a good thing. Ryekie starts talking to you and asks if you think this will be a good driving force for the other two. Frankly speaking, Green's got more battling experience than Akashi and Mokdai do. When they fought together, he figures Akashi and Mokdai noticed this experience gap and changed the way they thought. Maybe it's competitiveness or an ambition to get better, but Ryekie thinks he can see those feelings get planted within them. You agree that he may be right, nod to yourself and wonder if that's their motivation, and/or comment on how straightforward the guys are.
Ryekie says that seeing a new generation of heroes working hard together to grow makes him happy as a hero who's been working at this since forever. Narration talks about how even as a part timer, Green's addition to Parallel Flight is looking to be a good influence on everyone. A spark has lit up between everyone that no one could have seen coming, and it brings a new heat to everyone's work as they head out to do their thing. The End.

1 comment:

  1. hmm, thanks for translation, this really helpful, been bugged by this for awhile and did you accidentally forget to write the title without "LAH"?
    wishing there is character quest translation.
