Red: Meh, good enough for what you did when you first came here to Courrèges.
The interrogation room again.
Red: I can't BELIEVE we had to be put on security work while foreigners started coming in. And then them damn foreigners stole our Poderna! You're getting judged next, attorney!
MC: I'm not done yet!
Astosis: MC is correct. Trials require deliberation before passing judgment, and this isn't even a courtroom, but an interrogation. More explanation is needed.
Red: You siding with foreigners?
Astosis: No, I seek the truth. To do so, I must parse through MC's testimony.
MC: I didn't do it! / (...)
Red: Pfffft. FINE, whatever. Keep the farce going. So what did you do after you came to the city, MC?
MC: Well...
Astosis: Allow me to explain our main plot device and the masquerade ball the plot device will be at.
Astosis makes a quick check everyone is paying attention.
Astosis: As stated in the contract, we'd like you to be on security for the festival here in Courrèges. What do you know about it?
MC: Adoring planet Luna, fancy dress showing, something something.
Astosis: Impressive prep research. So Courrèges is a city of traditional spinning and clothing which has recently gotten us attention from other planets. It hasn't even been 50 years since we've opened up and suddenly we have so many people coming in. Which of course means its share of troublemakers and culture shock. The security organization is trying, but they've never fought villains much before so we've asked for Observers and heroes for help.
Astosis nods.
Astosis: We'll be showing the historically valuable dress Poderna at the ball. Invite only, but we should still be on guard against villains and Monsters. You'll be patrolling, then joining the ball as guests while being interior security.
MC: Oh okay / Why aren't we just security like normal? / Ooh a ball
(B) Astosis: The vigilante guards are handling it, but their uniform is notably intimidating to the guests. Better to not bring down the mood more than necessary.
(C) Astosis: Heh, how relaxed of you. Enjoy it, but don't lose too much focus.
Maculata: So we can see the Poderna up close? I'll keep sharp, but this sounds fun.
Yohack: Wow, I've never been to the ball before! But I'll be ready!
Astosis: I have great expectations on your performance. The ball is tonight, and I've sent the details to your phones. Until then, you are on standby. Patrol, then visit the town at your leisure. Contact me if you have any questions.
Astosis bows and walks off.
MC: Wait I didn't even get to ask anything. Damn, he's capable.
Maculata: Ooh, how aggressively cool and tasteful.
Yohack: Astosis has always been like that.
Maculata: Oh really? That's nice.
Yohack: Yep! He's the town's old reliable!
Astosis: (walks back) Something the matter? I can go over things if further detail if you like?
Title Card: Reunion, Carnival Welcoming
Astosis: Once again, welcome to Courrèges.
MC: OMG / ...Space Halloween?
Yohack: Yeah it does look like Halloween on Earth! Funny coincidence!
Maculata: It's how their fashion became the latest fashion around Earth.
Maculata starts looking around.
Maculata: All the shop lineups are different from last time when I--OH MY GOD can we go see that suit up close?
Astosis: Interested? I don't mind waiting here.
Maculata: Thank you! MC, come along.
Maculata: I'm your guard, we can't be too far apart. I'll be done soon, relax.
Maculata checks some window display. MC notices someone!
Nessen: Ahh, all the space pumpkins are hand carved. And such beautiful banners! Maybe I should commission some curtains from here.
MC: Oh my god Nessen!? / Oh my god those clothes!
(AB) Nessen: MC? Why are you here? Oh wait, actually, hello long time no see.
(C) Nessen: MC? Long time no see. These clothes aren't that special, but still thank you.
Nessen smiles after some brief surprise.
Nessen: Wow, are you sightseeing too?
MC: Umm...
Maculata: Ooh, MC who are you talking t--Nessen!? Wow, what a coincidence.
Nessen: M-Maculata!? I apologize for the long silence. Thank you for the other day.
Maculata: Thank you, call on me again. It was a lovely time.
Nessen: My staff will be pleased to hear that.
MC: Huh, you know each other? / You visit his inn too, Maculata? / I wanna visit again.
(AB) Maculata: I heard from Sui and my coworker Subaru. Sounded like a nice place.
(C) Nessen: We look forward to your visit.
Suddenly Astosis!
Astosis: Pardon the interruption. Who is your friend, MC and Maculata?
Nessen: Um, who is that?
Nessen: Ahh, I see. Event security work. Hello, my name is Nessen. But also, is this not classified information...?
Astosis: I shouldn't be spreading it, but I don't mind informing you. It's nice to know of any heroes I can call in for an emergency if need be.
Nessen: Oh, I see. Well please call me if you need me.
Yohack: So you're hear to sightsee in Courrèges? It's nice how into it you are!
MC: Huh, you're even taking notes. Something up?
Nessen: O-oh, you saw me? Well I was thinking of taking notes on this festival for reference... (puts notes away) I apologize for that one Christmas event blowing up as it did...
MC: It's cool! / yeah...
Nessen: But thanks to everyone it turned out okay. So now I'm thinking of organizing a new seasonal event. Except I was struggling for ideas, so my staff and I spread out to check other events, and I decided to come here.
Astosis: Oh. Would you like a tour then?
Nessen: Um, a-aren't you busy?
Astosis: Well yes I do have work and meetings, but we have another person who can show you around Courrèges. Yohack?
Yohack: Yeah I can do it!
Nessen: Oh. Well then, thank you you two.
Astosis: Let's go then.
And so the party goes on a festival tour.
Nessen: Ooh, such masterful products.
Maculata: What a fabulous dress!
MC: What exactly is this moon loving festival anyway?
Yohack: We party the one day of the year we see the moon Luna, and we party harder when it's a full moon!
Astosis: I think I should explain it a different way. (wry smile)
Astosis: We can only see Luna once a year. Funny how Earth has a Luna too since we have no record of why we call our moon Luna. Maybe invaders called it that since it looks similar? Who knows.
Yohack: Anyways we celebrate Luna the one time we see it in the year!
Astosis: We make a lot of moon and night themed items to go with it.
Yohack: It's so surprising when I saw how similar it was to Earth's Halloween!
Astosis: Maybe it does if you say so... but I suppose tourists from Earth enjoy the similarities.
Nessen: Interesting...
Nessen is taking notes.
Nessen: So despite all the new attention, there's no active tourism drive policy?
Astosis: Indeed. We already have network restrictions.
MC: Oh right, that was why you wanted an on site Observer.
Astosis: Yes, the planet isn't outright denying the influx of people, but it is discouraging contact with the outside.
Nessen: And yet the festival is still getting tons of tourist attention. I hope I can learn how that happens.
Astosis: How flattering. Well, maybe you can help us with something?
Astosis gives Nessen some envelope.
Nessen: This looks...very fancy.
Astosis: It's an invite to tonight's ball.
Nessen: The one with the fancy dress on display!? Um, I'm not sure I can accept this...
Astosis: No please, take it. I don't have anyone in particular I'd like to give it to, and I do need to step away midway through the ball. So yes, I also apologize for the ulterior motive of looking for someone to guard MC during that time.
Nessen. Oh. Well thank you for the invite then. MC, I will do my best to defend you.
MC: Um, relax? / thanks guys / I feel kind of bad now
Astosis: I was asking for a lot in my request, so I will do my best to support you MC. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Astosis holds MC's hand!
Maculata: Now now, I'm here too and I'll be working too. I think having a bigger party would work better too actually. And in other meanings of parties...tell me about the Poderna!
Yohack: Ooh, me me!
Yohack is wagging his tail really hard.
Yohack: So did I mention yet that Luna looks different every year?
MC: Maculata told me. Also the thing about super big parties when it looks like a full moon.
Yohack: Wow, nice! Anyways the Poderna is a really nice dress made by some artisan from 200 years ago as their greatest masterpiece! Also Poderna is a mangling of Space French for "moon's skin." It's supposed to be Peau des lune. Oh well!
Maculata: Ooh.
Astosis: The people of Courrèges see the Poderna as historically valuable and pretty, but is it also that beautiful to outsiders?
Maculata: To big fashionistas like me on Earth at least. Just look at those gems and needlework!
Yohack: Aww, thank you for saying so!
Astosis: Yes, such high praise makes me proud as another native. There should be time at the ball for you to see it up close, so feel free to examine it as you please.
Maculata: I'll still be focused on my bodyguard work but don't mind if I do!
MC: Hmm, I wonder what it'll look like?
Nessen: I'm curious to see it now too if Maculata is so interested in that dress.
Yohack: I'm excited too! Oh, but designers these days are cool too! I'll show you around.
Yohack is wagging his tail! Suddenly, plot twist!
Native: Help! Thief!
Red Wolf: Shut up you!
Purple Wolf: It's your fault for leaving expensive clothes out like that!
Thieves making a break for it!
Astosis: !! MC, time to operate!
Nessen: I'm in, too!
MC: Let's roll! / Nessen, contract!
(B) Nessen: Right, sending!
Nessen airdrops the hero contract into MC's phone.
Nessen, Maculata, and Yohack are suited up!
Astosis: We should go too.
Astosis transforms!
MC: Wow, cute suit Yohack! / Wow, that's what you wear Astosis? / Battle stations, people!
(A) Yohack: Hehe, thanks!
(B) Astosis: Heh, do you like it?
Astosis: Nessen, please defend the townspeople. We'll capture the villains.
Nessen: Understood!
Astosis: Now, the time for truth to be revealed has come!
BATTLE START (more happens later)
Astosis: Your judgment is at hand.
Mobs: OOF
Astosis: Okay we should be done. I'll get the Chasseur to handle the aftermath.
Astosis looks at some guards nearby.
Astosis: Here. Much as I wish it were not so, they are outsiders. Treat them with all due process of the law.
Red and Blue: ...understood.
The thieves get arrested.
MC: Okay, done! Nice work, everyone!
Yohack: Thanks MC! This is my first time working with an Operator on site, but that went really well!
The party quits out of their suits now that the villains are arrested.
Astosis: Thank you MC. You did very well under the streaming restrictions we have here.
MC: I heard about it but wow those really are on. Can I ask why?
Astosis: Sure, it isn't confidential or anything. So a long time ago we had severe Monster damage happening. We had barely opened up communications then, so we didn't know much about heroes and what few heroes we had were easily crushed. We got reinforced from offplanet heroes, but there still was great damage to our infrastructure, which lead to the Chasseurs forming. They wanted to defend their homes themselves, so they put up the network restrictions. It never got taken down since then since it didn't affect daily life.
Astosis sighs.
Astosis: Tradition sounds flattering, but it's also restrictive. But that aside, I need to get going for one last meeting before the ball. Excuse me, but please feel free to look around until the ball starts.
Astosis turns to Yohack.
Astosis: Can you escort the party?
Yohack: Sure!
MC: Later Astosis! / Thanks Yohack! / Sightseeing!
(A) Astosis: I apologize for not escorting you the entire time. I look forward to seeing you later.
(B) Yohack: It's cool! We'll still be working, but let's have fun at the festival!
Maculata: See you later Astosis.
Astosis: Of course. Contact the Chasseurs if anything happens.
Astosis waves and walks off.
Nessen: I'm back. Nobody was hurt, and the stolen items seem fine. Let's get the thieves dropped off on our way around.
Yohack: Sure! This way!
Red Wolf: This ain't over yet! Hey!
Purple Wolf: I've already called him!
Gaisei: You called?
End of Episode