Thursday, March 13, 2025

Live A Hero Conspiracy Masquerade Episode 2 (Abridged)

Red: Meh, good enough for what you did when you first came here to Courrèges.
The interrogation room again.

Red: I can't BELIEVE we had to be put on security work while foreigners started coming in. And then them damn foreigners stole our Poderna! You're getting judged next, attorney!
MC: I'm not done yet!
Astosis: MC is correct. Trials require deliberation before passing judgment, and this isn't even a courtroom, but an interrogation. More explanation is needed.
Red: You siding with foreigners?
Astosis: No, I seek the truth. To do so, I must parse through MC's testimony.
MC: I didn't do it! / (...)
Red: Pfffft. FINE, whatever. Keep the farce going. So what did you do after you came to the city, MC?
MC: Well...

Astosis: Allow me to explain our main plot device and the masquerade ball the plot device will be at.
Astosis makes a quick check everyone is paying attention.
Astosis: As stated in the contract, we'd like you to be on security for the festival here in Courrèges. What do you know about it?
MC: Adoring planet Luna, fancy dress showing, something something.
Astosis: Impressive prep research. So Courrèges is a city of traditional spinning and clothing which has recently gotten us attention from other planets. It hasn't even been 50 years since we've opened up and suddenly we have so many people coming in. Which of course means its share of troublemakers and culture shock. The security organization is trying, but they've never fought villains much before so we've asked for Observers and heroes for help.
Astosis nods.

Astosis: We'll be showing the historically valuable dress Poderna at the ball. Invite only, but we should still be on guard against villains and Monsters. You'll be patrolling, then joining the ball as guests while being interior security.
MC: Oh okay / Why aren't we just security like normal? / Ooh a ball
(B) Astosis: The vigilante guards are handling it, but their uniform is notably intimidating to the guests. Better to not bring down the mood more than necessary.
(C) Astosis: Heh, how relaxed of you. Enjoy it, but don't lose too much focus.

Maculata: So we can see the Poderna up close? I'll keep sharp, but this sounds fun.
Yohack: Wow, I've never been to the ball before! But I'll be ready!
Astosis: I have great expectations on your performance. The ball is tonight, and I've sent the details to your phones. Until then, you are on standby. Patrol, then visit the town at your leisure. Contact me if you have any questions.
Astosis bows and walks off.

MC: Wait I didn't even get to ask anything. Damn, he's capable.
Maculata: Ooh, how aggressively cool and tasteful.
Yohack: Astosis has always been like that.
Maculata: Oh really? That's nice.
Yohack: Yep! He's the town's old reliable!
Astosis: (walks back) Something the matter? I can go over things if further detail if you like?

Title Card: Reunion, Carnival Welcoming

Astosis: Once again, welcome to Courrèges.
MC: OMG / ...Space Halloween?
Yohack: Yeah it does look like Halloween on Earth! Funny coincidence!
Maculata: It's how their fashion became the latest fashion around Earth.
Maculata starts looking around.

Maculata: All the shop lineups are different from last time when I--OH MY GOD can we go see that suit up close?
Astosis: Interested? I don't mind waiting here.
Maculata: Thank you! MC, come along.

Maculata: I'm your guard, we can't be too far apart. I'll be done soon, relax.
Maculata checks some window display. MC notices someone!

Nessen: Ahh, all the space pumpkins are hand carved. And such beautiful banners! Maybe I should commission some curtains from here.
MC: Oh my god Nessen!? / Oh my god those clothes!
(AB) Nessen: MC? Why are you here? Oh wait, actually, hello long time no see.
(C) Nessen: MC? Long time no see. These clothes aren't that special, but still thank you.
Nessen smiles after some brief surprise.
Nessen: Wow, are you sightseeing too?
MC: Umm...
Maculata: Ooh, MC who are you talking t--Nessen!? Wow, what a coincidence.
Nessen: M-Maculata!? I apologize for the long silence. Thank you for the other day.
Maculata: Thank you, call on me again. It was a lovely time.
Nessen: My staff will be pleased to hear that.
MC: Huh, you know each other? / You visit his inn too, Maculata? / I wanna visit again.
(AB) Maculata: I heard from Sui and my coworker Subaru. Sounded like a nice place.
(C) Nessen: We look forward to your visit.
Suddenly Astosis!

Astosis: Pardon the interruption. Who is your friend, MC and Maculata?
Nessen: Um, who is that?

Nessen: Ahh, I see. Event security work. Hello, my name is Nessen. But also, is this not classified information...?
Astosis: I shouldn't be spreading it, but I don't mind informing you. It's nice to know of any heroes I can call in for an emergency if need be.
Nessen: Oh, I see. Well please call me if you need me.
Yohack: So you're hear to sightsee in Courrèges? It's nice how into it you are!
MC: Huh, you're even taking notes. Something up?
Nessen: O-oh, you saw me? Well I was thinking of taking notes on this festival for reference... (puts notes away) I apologize for that one Christmas event blowing up as it did...
MC: It's cool! / yeah...
Nessen: But thanks to everyone it turned out okay. So now I'm thinking of organizing a new seasonal event. Except I was struggling for ideas, so my staff and I spread out to check other events, and I decided to come here.
Astosis: Oh. Would you like a tour then?
Nessen: Um, a-aren't you busy?
Astosis: Well yes I do have work and meetings, but we have another person who can show you around Courrèges. Yohack?
Yohack: Yeah I can do it!
Nessen: Oh. Well then, thank you you two.
Astosis: Let's go then.
And so the party goes on a festival tour.

Nessen: Ooh, such masterful products.
Maculata: What a fabulous dress!
MC: What exactly is this moon loving festival anyway?
Yohack: We party the one day of the year we see the moon Luna, and we party harder when it's a full moon!
Astosis: I think I should explain it a different way. (wry smile)
Astosis: We can only see Luna once a year. Funny how Earth has a Luna too since we have no record of why we call our moon Luna. Maybe invaders called it that since it looks similar? Who knows.
Yohack: Anyways we celebrate Luna the one time we see it in the year!
Astosis: We make a lot of moon and night themed items to go with it.
Yohack: It's so surprising when I saw how similar it was to Earth's Halloween!
Astosis: Maybe it does if you say so... but I suppose tourists from Earth enjoy the similarities.
Nessen: Interesting...
Nessen is taking notes.

Nessen: So despite all the new attention, there's no active tourism drive policy?
Astosis: Indeed. We already have network restrictions.
MC: Oh right, that was why you wanted an on site Observer.

Astosis: Yes, the planet isn't outright denying the influx of people, but it is discouraging contact with the outside.
Nessen: And yet the festival is still getting tons of tourist attention. I hope I can learn how that happens.
Astosis: How flattering. Well, maybe you can help us with something?
Astosis gives Nessen some envelope.

Nessen: This looks...very fancy.
Astosis: It's an invite to tonight's ball.
Nessen: The one with the fancy dress on display!? Um, I'm not sure I can accept this...
Astosis: No please, take it. I don't have anyone in particular I'd like to give it to, and I do need to step away midway through the ball. So yes, I also apologize for the ulterior motive of looking for someone to guard MC during that time.
Nessen. Oh. Well thank you for the invite then. MC, I will do my best to defend you.
MC: Um, relax? / thanks guys / I feel kind of bad now

Astosis: I was asking for a lot in my request, so I will do my best to support you MC. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Astosis holds MC's hand!

Maculata: Now now, I'm here too and I'll be working too. I think having a bigger party would work better too actually. And in other meanings of parties...tell me about the Poderna!
Yohack: Ooh, me me!
Yohack is wagging his tail really hard.

Yohack: So did I mention yet that Luna looks different every year?
MC: Maculata told me. Also the thing about super big parties when it looks like a full moon.
Yohack: Wow, nice! Anyways the Poderna is a really nice dress made by some artisan from 200 years ago as their greatest masterpiece! Also Poderna is a mangling of Space French for "moon's skin." It's supposed to be Peau des lune. Oh well!
Maculata: Ooh.
Astosis: The people of Courrèges see the Poderna as historically valuable and pretty, but is it also that beautiful to outsiders?
Maculata: To big fashionistas like me on Earth at least. Just look at those gems and needlework!

Yohack: Aww, thank you for saying so!
Astosis: Yes, such high praise makes me proud as another native. There should be time at the ball for you to see it up close, so feel free to examine it as you please.
Maculata: I'll still be focused on my bodyguard work but don't mind if I do!
MC: Hmm, I wonder what it'll look like?
Nessen: I'm curious to see it now too if Maculata is so interested in that dress.
Yohack: I'm excited too! Oh, but designers these days are cool too! I'll show you around.
Yohack is wagging his tail! Suddenly, plot twist!

Native: Help! Thief!
Red Wolf: Shut up you!
Purple Wolf: It's your fault for leaving expensive clothes out like that!
Thieves making a break for it!

Astosis: !! MC, time to operate!
Nessen: I'm in, too!
MC: Let's roll! / Nessen, contract!
(B) Nessen: Right, sending!
Nessen airdrops the hero contract into MC's phone.

Nessen, Maculata, and Yohack are suited up!

Astosis: We should go too.
Astosis transforms!

MC: Wow, cute suit Yohack! / Wow, that's what you wear Astosis? / Battle stations, people!
(A) Yohack: Hehe, thanks!
(B) Astosis: Heh, do you like it?
Astosis: Nessen, please defend the townspeople. We'll capture the villains.
Nessen: Understood!
Astosis: Now, the time for truth to be revealed has come!
BATTLE START (more happens later)

Astosis: Your judgment is at hand.

Mobs: OOF
Astosis: Okay we should be done. I'll get the Chasseur to handle the aftermath.
Astosis looks at some guards nearby.

Astosis: Here. Much as I wish it were not so, they are outsiders. Treat them with all due process of the law.
Red and Blue: ...understood.
The thieves get arrested.

MC: Okay, done! Nice work, everyone!
Yohack: Thanks MC! This is my first time working with an Operator on site, but that went really well!
The party quits out of their suits now that the villains are arrested.

Astosis: Thank you MC. You did very well under the streaming restrictions we have here.
MC: I heard about it but wow those really are on. Can I ask why?

Astosis: Sure, it isn't confidential or anything. So a long time ago we had severe Monster damage happening. We had barely opened up communications then, so we didn't know much about heroes and what few heroes we had were easily crushed. We got reinforced from offplanet heroes, but there still was great damage to our infrastructure, which lead to the Chasseurs forming. They wanted to defend their homes themselves, so they put up the network restrictions. It never got taken down since then since it didn't affect daily life.
Astosis sighs.

Astosis: Tradition sounds flattering, but it's also restrictive. But that aside, I need to get going for one last meeting before the ball. Excuse me, but please feel free to look around until the ball starts.
Astosis turns to Yohack.
Astosis: Can you escort the party?
Yohack: Sure!
MC: Later Astosis! / Thanks Yohack! / Sightseeing!
(A) Astosis: I apologize for not escorting you the entire time. I look forward to seeing you later.
(B) Yohack: It's cool! We'll still be working, but let's have fun at the festival!

Maculata: See you later Astosis.
Astosis: Of course. Contact the Chasseurs if anything happens.
Astosis waves and walks off.

Nessen: I'm back. Nobody was hurt, and the stolen items seem fine. Let's get the thieves dropped off on our way around.
Yohack: Sure! This way!
Red Wolf: This ain't over yet! Hey!
Purple Wolf: I've already called him!
Gaisei: You called?
End of Episode

Top of Summer Mountains Episode 2 Part 2 (Abridged)

Enigma: I hope you'll be an incompetent loser forever to justify my existing.
Coding and cyphers are still important in the modern age to keep things secret from other people, and somehow those cypher codes somehow created a person in the mass hallucinations of society. First time technological threshold breakthrough!

Enigma: I do things people cannot comprehend because that is who we are.
Pseudo-parthenogenesis! Or just copypasting, whatever. Copypasting yourself like this does mean vulnerability to extinction threats though, so Enigma chose to evolve with individual incompetent meatbags. There's like tens of thousands of him out there on people's phones or whatever.

Enigma: Master MC, I have been customized to go with your outdoor investigation. I need you to be incompetent so I can live. I suppose that's the [REDACTED] of humanity that I'll never have since I can't hold responsibility.

Bathym: Put the flowers there! They'll be just as nice as the bride and groom!
Beowulf: Damn, you're hardcore Bathym!
Macan: I got sideshow fights on! Come at me, anyone and everyone!
Garm: Me work hard at anything!
Ikutoshi: ...groom's side, family of four, mom, dad and two older sisters. Bride's side party of three, two dads and one little brother.
Pollux: Cool. Groom's family this way, bride's family that way.
Ikutoshi: No they aren't! Oh wait actually yeah. Ugh, I hate this stuff.
MC: ...time to get ready! / Oh my god the Berserkers are here!

Belphegor: Snow called Andvari who called everyone up! And we're STILL shorthanded so thanks for helping!
Enigma: Such impressive butlering! For an event I cannot begin to understand! I must watch...
Competitive Enigma.
Kumano Gongen: Why bother with marriage? Just be friends with benefits.
MC: LEEEEWD / FWB is fine too!
(C) Kumano: Uhhhh I mean, kidding! no WAIT
Kumano: I mean, oops. I mean, what's wrong with lying? I MEAN--well really I don't want marriage. Bad memories.
MC: Huh. Well it happens, but don't say that here.
Kumano: Well I'm not shitting on other people wanting marriage. It's just in my case--never mind.
Kumano shuts up and touches his dragon half.

Enigma: I agree, Kumano Gongen. (nods) Marriages are so old school!
MC: wait what you too? / But I wanna marry you, Enigma
Enigma: !?
Enigma: Y-you can only be SO unorthodox, Master! (blushes)
Enigma: Redacting response. [REDACTED]. Redaction complete.

Claude: We have a grand opening wedding lined up for business but the plot is threatening to cancel it!
Snow: We showed you the part of our own investigation results on whether we could solve the plot.
Enigma: Except you are shorthanded and on a time crunch.
Belphegor: Yeah the bus bringing in all the hired help fell into a warp hole or something! The people are fine somehow BUT STILL!
MC: Damn. Good thing for the hired help, but isn't that when...
Claude: Yes, we called in our guild since they can handle all sorts of nonsense. But we still need help! So we ask you to solve the plot for us. For the wedding!
MC: You are just not letting the wedding thing go, huh? / Something up? / Maybe I'll get married too!
(C) Claude: We'll keep a slot permanently open for you!

Enigma: ...why do you care so much about marriage?
Claude: Huh. Why do you ask?
Enigma: I know you are the colosseum king. You are an elite in Tokyo, marriage is only to your detriment and filled with conflict. Such a ceremony may decline in the future. Theoretical proposal: immediately scrap this business.
Kumano Gongen: (stares)
Claude: Wow, you should see my home life! Yes, marriage is historically bloody, but that's why it's worth it!
Enigma: ...incomprehensible. You would fight even a losing battle?
Snow: Master Snow is saying progressing history is worth investing in.
Enigma: ...I see. Did you suggest that?
Snow: A butler would never. I just think through everything all the time.
Belphegor: Okay everybody I have all the work instructions printed! Now let's make it all work out!
People start marching in.
Snow: By the way, will you help us Enigma?
Enigma: (looks at Snow) Very well then.

MC: oh noooo if only some superpowered AI can help with all this work
Enigma: Ahh yes, the cries of incompetent meatbags.
MC: OOF / stupid meatbag needs help! / are you helping or what
(AB) Enigma: ...please let me finish, Master MC.
Enigma: I shall help you because that's what gives me meaning!
Belphegor: Thanks for everything! Snow-senpai told me to ask for help when I'm in trouble, sorry for all the flailing...
Snow: Just something to learn as an intern.
Belphegor: Okay finally the assignments I put together with Enigma's help! Xi Wang Mu, Bigfoot, Tanngrisnir, Cthugha-senpai and I are in the kitchen. Himavat, Chernobog, and Durga handle the chapel area. Zao, Kumano, Enigma, and MC are floaters helping with whatever!

Xi Wang Mu: You need cooking done? Mama can do it!
Tanngrisnir: Stew!
Nomad: I'm supposed to be a DETECTIVE! ...okay prep work done, gimme the next part!
Tanngrisnir: Ahh, the tension. Brings back memories.
Cthugha: OOF I burned myself!
Bigfoot: Me, done peeling. Did lots back home.
Horokeu Kamui: Impressive!
Bigfoot: Me making friends!
Party Hall

Garm: Napkins folded! Garm, good boy?
Durga: Wow, you are! Keep folding them napkins!
Ikutoshi: I'm surprised you aren't cooking, Chernobog.
Chernobog: My cooking skills are on the simpler side still. I'm better at these things.
Pollux: I know that feel, bro. We'll make it work one day!
Chernobog: Heh, you've seen through me.

Taurus Mask: MIC TEST!
Oniwaka: You're cracking the windows, dammit!
Enigma: You are both too loud. I shall adjust the sound settings.
Taurus Mask: But how else are you gonna raise the roof!?
Enigma: ...and now you broke the microphone. Try not to crush the next one, Loud Boy.
MC: Wow, everyone's working hard. Somehow it's coming together.
Belphegor: Yeah I thought getting the Berserkers to decorate and stuff was a terrible idea at first, but now we're gonna make it work!
Snow: It's the right person for the right job. And even if Master Claude weren't here...
Belphegor: Right, we'll get it done!

Macan: ...who the hell decided to make me the receptionist!?
Snow: Our first customers here are Berserkers fans, because who else would ask us to host their wedding? Also you need more watching than anyone else.
Beowulf: Haha!
Snow: do you, Beowulf.

Taurus Mask: Uhh, which was which again? Whatever, the happy couple's here! Round of applause...please!
Hooray for Cat and Screenhead!

Enigma: That passes for acceptable announcing? Clearly you humans were built defectively in different ways.
MC: Thanks for helping us get it all together, Bitchy McSmugface!
Enigma:, excuse me. I was just jealous that I cannot get married in Tokyo's current state.
MC: what?

Enigma: We've been copied and personalized for our individual Masters. If I were to have quirks, it is only because of you, Master. I want you to need me because you suck at something. I know how rude I am, and I apologize for that. May mankind be a mess for eternity.
MC: Ruuuude. But still...
MC: That's what makes you, you Enigma. / I'm glad we're together / Marry me, Enigma.
Enigma: !!
Enigma: You sure are casual about saying what it is you cannot--

Enigma: ...third party sensors have been deactivated. Ahh yes, the incompetence...
MC: We're gonna help. Come on, Enigma.
Enigma: ...! Yes Master!

Pirates: HEY HO
Belphegor: WHAT
Pirates: We were sailing and now we're here somehow! Give us your money!
Macan, Snow, and Belphegor: Sign in please.
MC: Well damn.
Pirates: wAIT, you're up man!
Fafnir: My time has come! Bring me treasures, humans!
MC: WHAT / oh my god the singularity spread that far!? / Hi Fafnir
Claude: YES, this is what marriage should be like! Welcome to the Berserkers Wedding Chapel!
Fight Ring
Claude: Spouse and Spouse, if 'til death do you part is what you seek, it is time to put your bonds to the test and fight! May fortune smile upon you!
MC: Oh my god???
Belphegor: It's cool, this was already part of their program! Well they signed up to fight the guild, but pirate mobs and dragon man is close enough! Get ready to RUMBLE!
MC: Welp!
Enigma: Then we shall join in their customs, Master Useless!
BATTLE START (more happens later)

Pirates: Retreat! We'llgetyouforthisSORRRRY!
Fafnir: ...wait what was I doing? I was looking for the puny hero, then... oh no, I got carried away! My apologies!
MC: Welp.
Belphegor: Well it's all cool now. Time for the toast! You too, Dragon Lord.
Fafnir: Very well, I shall give a treasure for this toast!
MC: Wow, Belphegor.
Zao: Okay that went well. And now the Berserkers will give us their data.
Kumano Gongen: Okay that worked out. Still, marriage is--
Zao: Now now, no complaining about marriage right now.
Kumano: Oh, right. Yeah. I should say, marriage led to my death as a human. I'm surprised you cared to say anything now though, Zao. I...
Kumano claps for the happy couple!

Taurus Mask: Okay, everyone got their drinks? Okay time for the Berserkers special toast!
Panning shot of everyone in attendance!

Cthugha: Cheers, bro!
End of Episode

Top of Summer Mountains Episode 2 Part 1 (Abridged)

So like Enigma just popped out of the internet one day. He's some data conglomeration beyond human understanding. He's an AIDA. And he can think so much faster than you. So how DOES he get defined as a data life form? Let's ask Turing!
Turing: Well it's very simple, loves! The big sticking point is whether he can cross the bounds of human cognition. Humans can't consider anything that can perfectly predict the future as an equal. Give some money to a machine and it's probably going to dump a toy on you. Give money to a person and hello, what's going to happen here? If someone can guess everything that happens in a given interaction with A Thing, then that Thing isn't worth paying attention to as it is a tool and not a person.
So Enigma is superior to people in various ways, but humanity has something he doesn't.

Turing: That's the ability to take responsibility for things. Transients from other world Systems get that, but not him! Since Enigma was barfed out of computer data, Tokyo legally and colloquially considers him some program tool. How stereotypically droll. I mean, Enigma might as well be a Transient from System Tokyo. But you know how cause and effect goes. Modern society is all about something having to take responsibility, and no one believes Enigma can do it. If he shoots someone, the one who told him to do it gets blamed. No responsibility means no borrowing allowed. No marriage either. Can you believe it?

Team Shinjuku has never seen any of this before! A bunch of overworld shift singularities are moshpitting it up in the mountains!

Enigma: Technojargon scanning...complete. File formatting, compressing data... connecting to server... connection failed. Retrying...retrying... connection established on the 13th try.
MC: How can you work at a time like this!? / would it kill you to play along / uhhh, competency!
(AB) Enigma: Currently busy. I shall leave the reactions to the incompetents.
(C) Enigma: Why yes, I am. Now keep the compliments coming, caveperson.

Himavat: ...your thoughts, Enigma?
Enigma: Yes I am getting to that, Setagaya Club Captain. So I've detected unnaturally large radio wave interference from the plot singularity and connection levels are degrading rapidly. Measurements seem likely to be restricted to short range.
Tanngrisnir: Hmm. Those clouds...
Strange airflows.

Tanngrisnir: Headmaster Ded felt worried about them.
Zao: Is that storm bringing the mountain's network down?
Enigma: Unknown, but highly likely.
Himavat: (stares)
MC: There's a network up here? / aren't we supposed to be in an enclosed space? / Enigma, were you doing this earlier?
Andvari: We have intranet up here like a respectable tourist trap! It ain't connected to the outside internet tho, but it's still a HUGE problem if it's down! But here we are. The public ain't even ride the ropeway yet either.
Durga: Damn. Cool view though.
Andvari: Yeah. But too dangerous to be showing.
Enigma: Additional problem report: life signs detected within anomalous region.
MC: How's that a problem? / !! / what
(C) Enigma: Their origin is unclear.

Enigma: The area is currently isolated from the outside via mysterious weather phenomena, so scanning from the outside is impossible. Scanning may be possible if the barrier is broken or the majority within outstrips Tokyo. How it may affect the outside is currently unpredictable, but severe disaster is possible.
Himavat: (stares)
Enigma: I suggest we pull back and martial an army to deal with this situation.
Casual Enigma.
Himavat: I smooth.
Enigma: ...wha--
Zao: (stares)
Bigfoot: Everyone, thinking something. What wrong?
Zao: I guess the rest of us are on the same page? Bigfoot, just watch us as we do a group yell!
Chernobog, Durga, and Zao: 1... 2... 3!
MC: Let's go check it out! / We got mountains! / Zao's the best!
(C) Zao: ...wait what
Bigfoot: !?

Enigma: !?
Enigma: ...did you not understand my explanations?
Andvari: Yeah, what the hell are you guys thinking!? If the singularity got into my resort then... then...that'd be SO COOL! It'll be a great tourist spot!
Enigma: Excuse me???
Andvari: Okay I was worried at first, but maybe this can make me some money....
MC: Welp! There goes the man who turned Bald Mountain into a hot springs resort. We got this!
Himavat: Zao, a question. Why do you guys think you should do this?
Zao: The mountains tell me to!
Himavat: ...well okay then!

Enigma: You are all incomprehensible.
Himavat: Do you plan on making everyone stop then?
Enigma: I cannot. I am here to help the investigation.
Himavat: ...okay. So what do you want to do?
Enigma: I...want to help humanity with what they can't--
Himavat: If you call that work, you suck at this.
Enigma: EXCUSE ME!?
Himavat: Okay so you get points for your comms specialty, but work's about taking responsibility. The rest of your team's cleared a bunch of mountain hikes. Zao took responsibility. Your thinking is logical, but logic alone won't get you to the top.
Enigma: ...!
Zao: why does he know so much, Kouhai I'm scared
Chernobog: Himavat reminds me of someone...
MC: Zao is to Himavat what mountains are to Zao.
Durga: Wow...
Zao: Oh! Is that a compliment?
MC: Yes / Not really
(A) Zao: Finally you get it!
(B) Zao: Would it kill you to be nice to me!?

Tanngrisnir: Himavat, you should stop it at that point.
Enigma: ...Tanngrisnir?
Tanngrisnir: Everyone has their sore spots. Teams are all about covering for each other there, no?
Himavat: I disagree but I'm not going to argue any further.
Enigma: ...why did you cover for me, Tanngrisnir?
Tanngrisnir: ...I just think it's nice to have multiple ways to the top.
Enigma: ...oh. I apologize then.
Xi Wang Mu: Oh look we're near the top. Can we keep going, Andvari?
Andvari: Not on the ropeway! Get to walking people, good luck out there!

Durga: Huh. I can't see the Plot Thing anymore that we got off the tram.
It looks like a single mountain instead of a mashup singularity now.

Chernbog: May I ask you a question, Enigma?
Enigma: By all means, I will answer if I can confirm your incompetency.
MC: Are you suddenly nicer? Oh wait, no not really. / Stop being an ass to Chernobog!
(C) Chernobog: That's very kind of you, MC, but I've lived through worse on Bald Mounntain.
Chernobog: So the president and I have come here often, but we've never seen what we saw before on the tram. Why is that?
Enigma: I only have theories, but the simplified version is that you normally saw the mountains from a different vantage point.
Durga: what
Enigma: Do you not know what overworld shifts are?
Chernobog: (stares)
Enigma: Master MC, you must know. You run into one every other month.
MC: Uh yeah, I think / PTSD!
(C) Bigfoot: That many? Really? Oh. Big oof, MC.

MC: In retrospect I don't think we ever saw it from that high before.
Enigma: Yes. You can see what the original memory holders could see if you were at their same position. Perspectives change even if people look at the same thing, which I hypothesize is why the layers are different.
MC: what? oh.
Chernobog: So entering by foot is different than entering by tram?
Enigma: Yes, though I am unable to ascertain its significance.
Durga: Too hard for my brain. Can we talk about something else?
Bigfoot: Okay. Where are we?
Zao: Hmm, based on this compass and my calculations...
Tanngrisnir: I believe we're on the eastern path. The sightseeing path is to the north.
Kumano Gongen: I get charcoal wood here. Most tourists don't come around here.
Chernobog: But the path is maintained. Is something around here?
Tanngrisnir: Hey I see a sign...

Suddenly a chapel!
Party: WHAT
MC: WHAT / awesome, captain!
Zao: How wonderfully complementary!
Durga: Let's go inside!
Chernobog: Yes, for the investigation!
Kumano Gongen and Enigma: Hmm...
MC: What?
Tanngrisnir: Wow he's fast.
Chernobog: Excuse me, may we ask you something?
Belphegor: Oh, gimme a second! Ahem, welcome to the Capitoline Hill! For all your wedding needs! What brings you here?
MC: This is a real chapel? / what / So who are you, fluffcheeks?

Belphegor: Oh my god I smell MUSK! Oh wait I'm working. Ahem, I'm Belphegor, an intern and planner. Whatever your wedding plans are, I'll help you make them!
Xi Wang Mu: Weddings? In mountains? Kids these days!
Bigfoot: Home, something similar. Responsibility contract.
Enigma: (stares)
Belphegor: EUREKA! I need to tell Claude about my new wedding idea!
MC: wait what
Snow: Belphegor, what is going on? ...oh, I see now.
MC: Snow!
Enigma: (gasp!) A real butler!
Snow: Yes. I am Snow, and I serve the Berserkers guildmaster. Claude manages this place as part of his wedding business, and this one is based off one of the hills of Rome. Very auspicious, so construction is being expedited. So MC, what brings you here?

Claude: Well hello my fine hero! Fate works in mysterious ways. Choose your wedding attire!
MC: welp / I'm busy now / you have a wedding business?
Claude: Indeed. I started by ordering all manner of outfits and suddenly I went and started buying a whole business. Life works in mysterious ways.
Snow: By the way, the rental outfits are Claude's own property.
MC: rich people are aliens
Himavat: Lots of students find their calling during school.
Himavat seems to direct his comment at Zao for a second.

Himavat: That happens a lot in our school at Setagaya.
Claude: Anyways, let's talk about the event plot again. Behold!
Snow gives Enigma an envelope.

Enigma: What!?
Claude: Our own local area investigation results. Or part of it.
MC: giv pls

Claude: I'm open to negotiations.
Enigma: Hmm...
Enigma connects to the network.

Enigma: I think I will just hack into your cloud data and--wait I can't find it!?
Shocked Enigma for once!

Enigma: It's analog only!? In this day and age!?
MC: So you need to physically jack in?
Claude: Pffft. A wedding ceremony should be witnessed in person rather than streamed!
Enigma: Maybe, but that denies the point of my existence!
Enigma actually sounds a little upset.

Claude: Fighting it out is all well and good, but I have a better idea!
MC: Enigma, let's hear him out. So what's your better idea, Claude?
Enigma: ...understood. What do you propose?
Party: (stares)
And that's how teams Shinjuku Wandervogel and Setagaya Mountaineering became venue workers.

End of Episode part

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Live A Hero Conspiracy Masquerade Episode 1 (Abridged)

So. We're in some old interrogation room for some reason.

MC: I can explain.
Red: Pffft. All the evidence is against you. Letting foreigners in was a mistake! Now say you stole the Poderna!
MC: what / you've got the wrong person! / ...
Red: Fine. We have ways of making you tal--
???: Stop.
It's Astosis!

Astosis: They are a suspect, and due process says no violence is allowed for investigation and interrogation.
Red: Hmph. Damn attorney. Whatever, start talking about when you first got here.
Astosis: MC, I'm sorry you got caught up in this. But please, bear with it and take your time as you tell us what happened.
MC: ...fine.

Several weeks ago or something. It's autumn! MC goes to Parallel Flight.

MC: I'm back! Getting cold out there.
Akashi: Hey MC.
Sui: Hello MC. Oh you have a leaf on you, I'll get it.
Akashi: Fall already, huh? So nice out I might overdo my outdoor workouts.
Sui: Yeah it's been hot until recently. I think your tan lines have faded. How furries could get those is a mystery.
Akashi: You went to Muirauqa IV, huh? I spent all summer at baseball training camps...
MC: Hey Akashi, how about we go to some hot springs sometime? / Sui, thanks for the skin care stuff!
(A) Akashi: W-what, me and you!? ...uh, so we'd eat together, wear robes, hold hands... sure, tell me when so I can clear my schedule!
(B) Sui: You're welcome. I'm just repeating what Master told me.
Mokdai and Melide walk over.

Mokdai: Hey MC. You guys want some Chinese buns? I was watching Yuhang's logs and suddenly bought a bunch.
Melide: I'm going on break too. Want tea? I'm about to make some.
MC: Sure, thanks Mokdai / Sure, thanks Melide
(A) Mokdai: Okay! There's pork, pizza, curry, red beans...even this seasonal sweet potato bun! Sure is autumn.
(B) Melide: Here you go, hope you like it.

Good times.
MC: Hey where's everyone else?
Sui: Ryekie, Exio, Yoshiori, and Monomasa went to some event meeting.
Mokdai: Tis the event season. I wonder which hero will show up!
Sui: Fanboying is fine, but weren't you asked to appear as a hero too? Won't you be busy?
Mokdai: I-I know, but it just hits different watching from a screen! Oh wait, the topic. Crowne's in a meeting.
Sui: She said she's working on a new gadget with Master. Director Huckle's around too, but he's been in a meeting this whole--oh wait here he is.
Huckle is making a face as he comes out.

Huckle: Hmm...
MC: Hi Director, I'm back! I'll give the report later. (Huh, what's with the face?)
Huckle: ...o-oh, welcome back MC! I take it your meeting went fine.
Huckle goes back to thinking again.

Huckle: ...well I'm not getting anywhere. MC, Melide, can I have a moment?
 MC: Okay, what's up? / (be scared)
(C) Huckle: U-um, you can relax. I just need to talk to you two. 

Melide: So, is this Operator work you want to talk about?
Huckle: Yes actually, so I wanted your opinions.
Huckle seems worried.

Huckle: We got a dispatch request for an on-site Operator who can do anything. Specifically, they want security support for some traditional festival thing. The client's a hero too, so the main job is supporting them.
Melide: Um, what makes this different from any other job?
Huckle: The location. It's a planet in a far-off galaxy that never did much interplanetary exchange, so there's restrictions and distant streaming won't work. There's not much information on the place, so it's risky. I've turned it down for now, but still...
MC: Huh. Something else happen?

Huckle: Yes, I've been in a call with them all day.
Melide: Didn't you turn them down though?
Huckle: They called back begging to negotiate.
Surprised gang!

Melide: Wait, are on site Operators that rare? Not that I've seen many others myself though.
Huckle: Right, most Operators don't work that way and other agencies don't like sending them out. The client tried asking other agencies and they all said no. One of them told the client about you two, how you go on location, and how good you are. That's nice, but then it sounds like we're the only agency doing that... but what do you two think?
Melide: Hmm. I think I'm up for it, risky as it may be. I know what it's like to look for help and not find anything...
MC: I'm in! / Well if they're that hard up... / Hmm, concerning...
(AB) Huckle: Thanks you two.
(C) Huckle: Thanks you two. I'll support you as best as I can of course.

Huckle: I suppose we can negotiate it then. Since the planet's in a closed system, we'll have to send a hero with you...
Huckle checks the schedule. MC's got more space to go.

MC: So, me? Better get ready. Kind of exciting!
Melide: It'd be better if I went too...
Huckle: Thanks MC. We can send you next time, Melide. But anyways, we still need to find a hero to go with you...
Akashi: U-uh, me! MC's gonna blow things up if they go alone!
MC: RUUUUDE / not ALL the time! / (look away)
Huckle: Not to interrupt, but the job lands on a weekday. Can you swing that, Akashi?
Akashi has a flash of Toshu in his mind!

Akashi: uhhhhh, no...
Huckle: I think it'd be a great experience, but you should focus on school.
Super disappointed Akashi.

Mokdai: So where is this job happening anyway?
Huckle: Oh, right. It's in a city called Closure or Courrèges or something.
Dramatic door slam!

Maculata: Was it you, Huckle!?
Crowne: O-okay hang on a minute, stop yelling, and chill Maculata! What the hell got into you?
Maculata: Oh, right. Excuse me.
MC: You okay Crowne? / Hi Maculata, long time no see! / oh are you two done with your meeting?
(A) Crowne: I guess. But seriously, what?
(B) Maculata: Oh hello MC, back from Muirauqa IV? Let's see...ah, you've been using the skin care products Sui gave you. I'd have given you such an earful if you still had tan lines, even somehow through fur if you have any.

Crowne: Hey MC, we just finished delivering on the gadget we were asked for.
Maculata: Perfect as always. I'll ask you again when I get another idea.
Crowne: Cool thanks, come again. So what's all this crow bird nonsense or whatever?
Maculata: It's Courrèges or something you uncultured swine! Anyways Huckle, it's that one city of fashion and textiles, right?
Intense Maculata!

Huckle: I don't know what kind of city it is, but yes Courrèges sounds right. Why?
Maculata: I was planning on taking a vacation to go there soon and attend their festival.
Huckle: Wow, what a coincidence. We know nothing about the festival or city.
Maculata: Not surprising. Even the fashion world only just heard of the place. They made super fine and unique styles while isolated on the level of cutting fashion and their festival is a once a year deal. I'm going, and nothing, no one will stop me.
Huckle: you've been there before?
Maculata: Yes, enough to know the main important layout.
Thinking Huckle.

Huckle: ...soooo, Maculata my friend, my esteemed colleague.
Maculata: Yeees, Huckle my darling, my lovely compatriot.
MC: Welp.
Maculata: So Director, how about I go as your Operator's bodyguard?
Huckle: Sounds good to me, Miss Veteran Hero. I'll contact Creative Brain and see what they say, then send the contract if they okay it.
Maculata: I'll contact them too. They should be fine with it.
Maculata types on her phone.

Maculata: Okay Sui you heard all that. I'm changing up my plans, so hold down the studio for me?
Sui: Y-yes ma'am. Um, Courrèges is that city with the fashion museum you told me about, right? Could you take some pictures...?
Maculata: Got it, it should be great reference for you. I'll bring back as much as I can.
Sui: Thank you!
Maculata: And there we have it. MC, we leave in three days. Don't forget to pack up.
MC: well that was fast

And so all the relevant paperwork is done. Fast forward to departure day!
MC and Maculata are in a space taxi to the Sunflower Galaxy.

MC: I wonder what Courrèges is like? / I notice we aren't taking your own spaceship.
(C) Maculata: Oh you remember that? We could have, but if we're jumping straight to work then this is easier. But next time, come with Sui. I can invite you on our studio office trip and I'll drive.
Maculata: Okay, I'd better give you a crash course on Courrèges before we get there.
Pretty stars outside.

Maculata: Huckle told you Planet Whatsitname only just started opening up with other planets, right? Well we're going to Courrèges, which has only barely managed to be in interstellar contact for 50 years. They've got original designs that's gotten the spotlight recently so--oh wait I said that already. Well you'll see soon for yourself. I should talk about the festival we'll be guarding then.
Maculata passes MC a drink.

Maculata: So Courrèges is really big on the moon. Actually, it's a city with a lunar view.
MC: what
Maculata: Their moon looks almost exactly like Earth's moon, but they only get to see it once a year. Well, more like it's another planet that comes up nice and pretty only once a year. Every time it does, it looks different just like Earth's moon. Anyways, the people of Courrèges think it's special and have the festival for it. They call it Luna by the way.
Maculata smiles.

Maculata: So on years when Luna looks like a full moon? They exhibit a really special dress at a ball in their art museum, and coincidentally that's this year!
MC: Huh / this might be my first real ball! / oh is that what the security is for?
(C) Macalata: Correct.

Maculata: That dress I mentioned is called the Poderna, very valuable historically and artistically speaking. Since the city's gotten more famous, having the dress on display gets riskier. I think they sent out reinforcement requests for security since they don't have enough hands for that.
Time to change the subject.

Maculata: You know, I'm glad to be on this job with you MC. You've gotten better with every job, so I've wanted to work with you full power at least once. Also the ball's an invite-only affair, so joining the security detail's a nice way to get closer!
MC: Welp! / Tell me how you really feel.
(C) Maculata: Oh you~.
Maculata: Oh, we're almost there. Brush up one more time before we meet the client.

Touchdown! There's a welcoming party at the space port.

Astosis: Hello. Are you MC and Miss Alsciaukat?
Maculata: Yes, thank you for coming to get us Mister Neras. I'm Maculata Alsciaukat from Creative Brain.
Macalata steps forward to cover for MC and bows.

MC: Hello I'm MC. Nice to meet you. / (omg he's hot)
(C) Astosis: Hmm. We've just met but I sense that you like me. How nice.
Astosis: I'm glad to meet you in person now. To reintroduce myself, I am Astosis Neras, attorney and your client for this security job. I'm also part of the security organization as a hero as you call them. In the interests of better relationships, may I give you a hello hug?
Astosis spreads his arms.

Maculata: Oh, how bold. Alright.
MC: I don't mind. / Okay! / could we not...?
(B) Astosis: How passionate! I should show the same level of passion for fairness's sake.
(C) Astosis: Oh, excuse me.

Maculata: So Mister Neras, mind introducing the nameless thugs with you?
Astosis: Astosis is fine, please. They're also members of the Chasseur security organization.
Red and Blue: (stares)
Astosis: I apologize for their rudeness, but for now they're my rotating shift guards. Being in a law profession means villains have more reasons to go after me. But please don't mind them. I'd like to talk about the job, but there's actually one other person I asked to come over and I'd like to start once he comes...
Someone is running over!

Yohack: Oh I made it! Hi I'm Yohack, I came for a hero job! I'm a locksmith in the Muirauqa star system, but I also do some servicing for other machines and stuff!
MC: Hi I'm MC, nice to meet you. / ooh, fluffy
(C) Yohack: Why are you staring at me? Oh wait, I know! You want a hug? Okay!

Maculata: Hello, I'm Maculata.
Yohack: Nice to meet you too! Let's do our best on the security thing! Also fun fact, I'm from Courrèges so I can tell you anything you're confused about!
Astosis seems surprised to see Yohack.

Astosis: ...a-are you THAT Yohack? Why are you here?
Yohack: Wow, long time no see Astosis! I thought I might see you after I saw your name on the contract!
Astosis: Yes, very long time. But why are you here? Are you--
Yohack: Yep, it's me! It was originally someone else in Laborer's Site until they got hurt, so I was subbed in. The contract should've been sent!
Astosis: I haven't seen anything though. One moment...
Astosis checks his phone and sighs.

Astosis: ...I see it now. One of the Chasseurs accepted it. Sorry for the late reply. Anyways, I don't think I've seen you since the last time the Poderna was on display.
Yohack: Yep! I'mma visit your office when this is all done!
MC: Um, you know each other?
Yohack: Oh, whoops!
Astosis: Yohack used to live here. We've known each other for a long time.
Yohack: When I was a kid I used to play in Astosis's family's law office a lot!
Astosis: Yes, Father was angry at how you just barged in. But never mind that now, I should explain your assignment. I'd like you all to protect the Poderna at the masquerade ball.
Title Card: Opening Act, A Sudden Escort
End of Episode

Top of Summer Mountains Episode 1 Part 2 (Abridged)

Enigma: Regular analysis and recording complete. Encrypt, then send to Master Turing. Returing to the investigation party now.
Report time for Enigma!

Enigma: ...this body isn't half bad. It should make me even better at helping incompetent people and make myself more valuable.
Later, at the inn

Durga: Oh my god you run this inn as a part of club business!?
Hippolytus: Yeah, is that weird? All our club stuff is run like a business, with each doing PR, management, looking for sponsors, all that stuff. The school always tells us it's not our job to make do with what we're given!
Zao: ...!
Hippolytus: Even after graduating, lots of students stick around to do work for the clubs! Oh wait, I should stop talking about all this. Come on in, Shinjuku Wandervogel club!
Someone goes out as the club starts heading in.

MC: Huh?
It's Himavat!

MC: Oh! You guys go on ahead! (goes after Himavat)
Durga: wait what

Himavat: ...didn't Zao teach you how to actually follow anything? You suck at this.
MC: ...! (comes out)
Himavat: Why aren't you at the inn with everyone else? ...wait, what's your name and year?
MC: I'm MC, Shinjuku 2nd year!
Himavat: Oh, so you're the one Zao talked about...
MC: What?
Himavat seems uninterested as he looks at MC.

Himavat: know what? You can follow along, but I'm still not telling either way.

Some forest
MC: Senpai, where are we? It's so dirty. Wait, is this a charcoal making place?
Himavat: One of my club members is here. He's a weirdo who doesn't show up much and makes money off his charcoal videos. Get out here, Kumano Gongen!
Kumano walks over in a cloud of soot.

MC: Oh my god all this soot! Is he some monster!? No wait...
The soot settles.

Kumano: You're here again, captain? I told you to stay away.
Soooo much soot on Kumano all over.

Kumano: Geez, can't a guy quit? You've got another school team helping, it's better that a filthy guy like me not go.
Himavat: Clean up and go say hi to them.
MC: There's an actual person? / Uh, hi! / Dirty guys are fine too!
(C) Kumano: (stares) ...uh, you the type to blab what's on your mind too then? God it's like looking at myself.

Kumano Gongen: who are you?
MC: I'm MC Fullname from Shinjuku's Wandervogel club.
Kumano: Oh...
Kumano seems awkward as he looks away for some reason.

Kumano: I'm Kumano Gongen, space waster in Setagaya's mountaineering club...wait have we met before?
MC: Don't think so / I'm amnesiac... / Are you hitting on me?
(A) Kumano: Oh. Never mind, weird question.
(B) Kumano: Oh. Oops, awkward...
(C) Kumano: UHHHH NO I SWEAR???
He seems terrified.

Himavat: Yeah whatever, good enough. Time to work, Kumano.
Kumano: (frowns)
Kumano: ...fine, give me a moment to wipe down first.
MC: We came here for him? Who is he...?
Himavat: He's my successor just like you are for Zao.
Kumano: But I'm the same grade year as you!
Himavat: Doesn't matter in our school. You know that.
Kumano: (stares)

Back to the inn!
Durga: Where have you BEEN, MC!?
Bigfoot: You okay? Suddenly gone, we worried.
MC: My bad. I'll tell you later Durga, sorry to worry you Bigfoot.
Zao: okay, Kouhai?
MC: Yes. Sorry I just wandered off on my own.
Zao: As long as you're fine. You'll still get punished for rule breaking though.
Himavat:'re too soft. I guess you really are just a hobbyist.
Himavat just whispers that to himself.

Kumano Gongen: ...huh? Oh my god, it's you Zao!
Zao: Kumano? Wow, it's you! How have you been?
Kumano: Welp, this is gonna turn into a disaster then.
Zao: wait what
Kumano: I'm regretting my life choices to be here even more now.
MC: You know each other? / damn, he's just going all in on the rudeness!
Xi Wang Mu: Ohh, are all the troublemakers here? Lunch is ready! It's my turn for kitchen duty today. Wash your hands and eat!

Chernobog: Mm, smells good.
Himavat: It's part welcoming party, part apology for making you wait. Go ahead and eat.
Durga: We can!? Well alrighty then!
MC: Thank you!
Chernobog: Mm, such extravagant soups and dishes!
Durga: Oh my god there's everything!
Xi Wang Mu: Mommy made plenty, so eat up!
MC: Whatever it is, it's good / This is so fancy... / (look at her)
Xi Wang Mu: It's an honor...but really this is nothing special for me! Oh right, my name. I'm Xi Wang Mu!
MC: Nice to meet you, food's delish / Mommy!
(C) Xi Wang Mu: Oh you~!

Xi Wang Mu: Nice to meet you all, Shinjuku members. Everyone's my baby! Go on, eat up for the trip!
Kumano Gongen: Mm, good food as always. I just eat whatever when I'm alone so having real food is do I bail while I can since Zao is here, or not...?
Bigfoot: (sips something) This, nice. What called?
Xi Wang Mu: You like the soba? Those are buckwheat noodles.
Bigfoot: Oh okay. More please.
Enigma: ...why are you all partying when we're going to inve--actually I suppose I'm just too late to do anything about this.
MC: Enigma! / where were you? / Come eat with us!
(B) Enigma: Unlike you people, I had work to do.
(C) Enigma: That is unnecessary for this body.

Andvari: S'up Investigation Team?
MC: Andvari? Wow, you are here.
Andvari: Yeah I manage this place too. I made my centerpiece resort...and then problems happen. Come over here, you'll see.
Ropeway Station

Andvari: New resort feature, the Andvari Ropeway! Get in losers, we're going for a ride.
Party (except probably Enigma and Kumano going wtf): Yay!
Partway up the ropeway ride

MC: wow! / OMG so high!
Andvari: Stop looking down. Your goal's over there actually.
It's a magic mountain covered in storm and lightning dragon clouds like a dragon!

End of Episode

Top of Summer Mountains Episode 1 Part 1 (Abridged)

Day 1 of the mountain event hiking trip! Starting at Ungodly O'clock AM as MC leaves the dorm.
MC: Stealth time!
Mononobe: Oh hey MC, leaving for your trip already? That's rough.
MC: Mononobe-sensei! / Dad!
Mononobe: Heh, calm down. I figured I may as well see you off. Also, have some rations since it's too early for the cafeteria to be open.
MC: Hmm? Ooh, chocolate? What brought this on?
Mononobe: Oh not much. Just bought it at the convenience store while I was there.
Old brand chocolate in a new modern package!

Mononobe: A mountain hiking friend recommended it. Some sort of collab thing? Said so on the back.
Yep, big sponsored brand name collab written right there. Along with famous sports brand model Himavat's face on it.
MC: Thanks, I'll eat it later. Be back soon! / Are you sad?
(C) Mononobe: Well, I guess I am.
MC: I'll be careful. I'll tell you all about it when I get back! / (leave)
Mononobe: Take care. Okay, nap time in the faculty office.

MC gets to the mountain path entrance to Mt. Hakone! Other people are here too.

Zao: Shinjuku Wandervogel Club! Head count! One!
MC: Two! (raises hand)
Chernobog: Three!
Durga: Four!
Bigfoot: Uh, five!
Zao: Okay that's everyone. Also this time we have a special advisor--
Tanngrisnir: Yes hi, that's me, Tanngrisnir! Hello!
MC: Glad to have you / Nice! / It's like we're a real club now!
(B) Tanngrisnir: I'll do my best, yep!
(C) Zao: But we ARE a real club, Kouhai!
Tanngrisnir: It's been forever since I've gone mountain hiking! Now come on y'all... I mean, let's go, everyone!
Literally one step forward.

Chernobog: Wait, Ded gave me a message to pass on to you, Tanngrisnir: don't forget about your old leg wound.
Tanngrisnir: (trips) OOF
Chernobog: ...too late.

Tanngrisnir: Welp! Sorry about that.
Tanngrisnir is hauling a sled full of supplies, recording equipment, and a big ass stew pot. But back to hiking.

Durga: Is this really okay after that scar acting up? Also isn't all that heavy?
Tanngrisnir: I'll be fine if I don't put too much weight on my feet. And no worries about the sled, it's got Santa Power floating it.
Chernobog: Oh, is that the Santa Power thing I've heard about?
MC: Wow! / what
Bigfoot: Um. What is Santa Power?
Durga: I wanna know too!
Zao: Honestly I am curious as well.
Chernobog: Oh. Well, I do not know myself.
MC: Welp! Explain please, Tanngrisnir.

Tanngrisnir: Certainly! But I suppose you all have an idea already?
Durga: Um, some special magic of Santa's?
Tanngrisnir: And there you have it!
Chernobog: ...that's it?
Tanngrisnir: Good enough! Don't think, feel.
MC: A SUPER meathead answer. / More details please!
Tanngrisnir: So faith is what everyone in Tokyo believes, like Santa coming in a sleigh with reindeers on Christmas. It helps that even that running around I did yesterday can be considered Santa Action, so my helping the party for the time being means I can use the sled like this.
Durga: But Santa School's pretty famous for sports stuff! Even my senpais at Yoyogi have heard about you, Tanngrisnir! So anyways, Santa Power is everything people think of as "doing Santa stuff"? Even though it's not Christmas?
Tanngrisnir: Yes, though it being summer means the Santa Power isn't that strong. But it's fine as long as Tokyo believes Santa goes with reindeer.
MC: Oh okay / (what)

Tanngrisnir: Conversely, you can say it's natural that sort of influence isn't time sensitive. Like bird and dragonic Transients can fly without needing the App, even if Science™ says their wings aren't big enough to let them do that with physics. There's also giants and dwarfs that Science™ says shouldn't physically exist either. Which means Santa and reindeer can fly so long as no one bothers to ask how that works. Oh, that reminds me. Some scientists believe our beliefs that we can't do whatever is some sort of mental restriction block.
MC: wait why are we talking about this / (wait)
Tanngrisnir: Wings equal flight and legs equal running. Those are thoughts that arise from restricted thinking. Cognition is built off common sense. Everything that happens is us explaining things via common sense, and anything that goes past our framework of understanding is something we can't comprehend.
MC: oh
Bigfoot: Hmm. Interesting. Thank you.
Tanngrisnir: You're welcome. It's like I'm a real teacher for once! So would you like some st--ow
Chernobog: Do not push yourself too hard. Perhaps we should take a break now.
Tanngrisnir: Sorry, I think I'll do that. Man, I wish I had a partner with me like back in the day... (looks into the distance)

Durga: Oh my god, so many people! We haven't even reached the top of Mt. Hakone, right?
Zao: Right, this is the first otherworld mountain. It's a tourist spot now. Some super merchant type set up a resort or something around here.
Bigfoot: Oh. Smell...sulfur?
Chernobog: Yes, there's a hot spring resort here. I work there sometimes. Lots more tourists lately too.
Zao: So Tanngrisnir, where's the rest of the investigation team?
Tanngrisnir: I was told they'd meet us in front of the resort inn. (eats bun)
The party heads over.
Xi Wang Mu: Hey Himavat, the Shinjuku party is here.
Himavat looks out the second floor window.

Himavat: ZAOOOO!
Xi Wang Mu: Hey Himavat? Are you--oh.
Himavat jumps out the window!


Bigfoot: Who that? Smells like me, snowy mountain.
Himavat: I am Himavat, avatar of the Himalayas and Setagaya Mountaineering Club captain! I've been waiting for you, my rival ZAOOOO! We'll prove which club is better on this group investigation!
MC: Himavat!? / wait you have a rival, Senpai? / He's hot
(C) Himavat: Who cares what the plebs think? I only care about ZAOOOO!
Damn that's cold, especially since he's not yelling like before.

Durga: You actually have a rival, Zao!?
Chernobog: You actually have friends outside our school, Zao? How nice.
Durga: Where'd I hear about Setagaya's Mountaineering...oh wait! They're that super elite hiking club, heard about them at the track and field competition!
Zao: ...wait, I have a question.
Himavat: Heh. Even you must feel the fire of passion in front of your rival, cool as you are.
Zao: literally who are you

Bigfoot: Big oof, Captain. That, awful question.
Zao: What do you want from me? Seriously, have we met before?
Himavat: ...heh. So you think little of even ME, do you!? Did you really forget about that night!?
Tanngrisnir: How about we move on from that? And wow, you seem the complete opposite of what Yule told me about you.
Himavat: You're...the special advisor from Santa School, Tanngrisnir?
Tanngrisnir: Yes, I'm here as a collaborator for the event plot investigation. So Himavat, how about we all calm down and talk--oh.
Himavat: (frowns and sighs, dropping snow around)
Himavat: Excuse me. Welcome, everyone of Shinjuku's Wandervogel Club. I apologize, everyone from my club isn't here yet. We've booked rooms for everyone, please come on in.
MC: he says, casually / you can use the club budget for that!? / damn they have way more money than we do
Himavat bows and goes inside.

MC: he mad / Senpai, you seriously don't know him? Not even know OF him???
Zao: I seriously don't know, stop looking at me like that!

Hippolytus: Hello, I've been waiting for you!
MC: who / Wow, what are you doing here?
(A) Hippolytus: Oops! Right, intros first!
(B) Hippolytus: Wow MC, nice to see you again after so long!  But if we're meeting here...ah, you're part of Shinjuku's hiking club.
Hippolytus: Hello everyone, I'm Hippolytus of Setagaya's gardening club! And I'm here since Setagaya's club union helps fund and manage this hot spring inn.
End of Episode part

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Live A Hero Summer Survival Island Episode 8 (Abridged)

Type Octopus: REEEEE
Zaniah: Squeal some more you little big freak!
Sadayoshi: I will use all my strength to face you!
Zaniah-Sadayoshi one-two smackdown!

MC: It's working! Keep attacking!
Giansar: Ugh. This bitch is big but it's still pretty strong. Whatever, I'm gonna search for the core! Yuhang, keep the tentacles off me since they keep going after who's up front!
Yuhang: Alright! MC, help me out?
MC: Right! Let's go!
Giansar charges in! The tentacles converge towards him!

Yuhang: Ooh, Giansar was right. My turn to make some sashimi!
Yuhang starts cutting tentacles down!

Giansar: Pffft, one trick pony ass Monster. Scanning time! Invasion "Malicious Exploit"!
Giansar reverse grips his knife, slips through the tentacles, then stabs the Monster in the head!

Type Octopus: REEEEE

The membrane on the Monster head snaps, and Giansar jumps back!
Sadayoshi: MC, look! The Monster's core is in its head!
Zaniah: That's the weakpoint then! Hang on, Benke and Isaribi, we'll get you out!
MC: Get ready you two! Sadayoshi, aim! Zaniah, assist!
MC VP Charges Sadayoshi and Zaniah!

Sadayoshi: Understood! Zaniah, please keep the tentacles out of the way so I can snipe it! Here goes!
Zaniah: On it! Stay down, sucker sticks!
Zaniah swings her whip SO hard she makes waves that rise up as walls!

Zaniah: Okay, go Sadayoshi!
Sadayoshi: Right! Hup!
Sadayoshi, super jump away!

Sadayoshi: (Just like Isaribi taught me. Jump high, aim, and smack that thing hard!)
Sadayoshi: Full power! Summer Meteor Spike!
Type Octopus used Defend! But it failed... and it's still alive.

Giansar: Good hit! But it still blocked some damage, so hit it again!
Zaniah: It's STILL not dead yet!?
Sadayoshi: Ugh! MC, send me more VP--
???: Hey Boss, send me VP!
MC: Isaribi!? O-okay!
Isaribi jumps off a tentacle with his spear glowing from the VP Charge!

Isaribi: I got this! Super Spear Fisher, goooo!

Type Octopus: LOVELYYYYY (thrashes in the water for a bit before dying)
MC: ...enemy down! W-we did it!

Sadayoshi: Well done, MC. I'm surprised Isaribi didn't get eaten.
Yuhang: That was awesome!
Giansar: ...huh, you're doing pretty well after all that. And you stole the kill shot.
Zaniah: Who cares about that anymore. Benke!? Where are you!?
Zaniah is about ready to jump into the water when Isaribi swims over.

MC: Isaribi, are you okay!?
The party slows the ship down and pulls Isaribi up.

Isaribi: I'm good, I can tank a lot with all this beef! But never mind that. Zaniah, look!
Isaribi sets down Number 2 on deck.

Sadayoshi: ...he's breathing. He doesn't seem badly hurt.
Zaniah: Benke...!
Zaniah runs over to hug Number 2!

Zaniah: God, stop trying to kill me through stressing over you! ...I'll stop putting you guys through the ringer too, promise. I'm so glad...
Number 2's still out cold.

Isaribi: Aww, that's so sweet! Weeeh...
MC: That's great, Zaniah! / Why are you crying, Isaribi?
(A) Zaniah: Yeah. If Benke's fine, I don't need anything else.
(B) Isaribi: ...oh shut up, I ain't cryin'! Just got salt water in my eyes!
Sadayoshi: I'm surprised you were okay in the water that entire time.
Zaniah: Yeah I thought you got vored!
Isaribi: Don't write me off THAT quick! I can breathe underwater for a bit! Couldn't move because of the currents though. Peelin' off that damn tentacle was hard,
The Monster's body is dissolving into light now. The Cerulean Sphere's glowing now too.

Yuhang: Hey, why's the Cerulean Sphere lit up now?
Giansar: that an ether light reaction? Well I dunno why the Cerulean Sphere's lighting up, but maybe it works off ether like the ship engine. I'll stop the ship, maybe it'll charge the engine up.
Zaniah: Is that what the Cerulean Sphere's really like? Pretty!
And so the party takes some time looking at the pretty light show.

Zaniah: Finally, feet on solid ground...
Sadayoshi: The ship wasn't that bad.
Giansar: Stop being so literal! ...though if anyone didn't have solid footing, it was Isaribi.
Isaribi: Eh, it ain't that bad in the water. Also where's Yuhang?
The party looks around. Yuhang walks out of the bushes.

Yuhang: You guys! I found food! Shining rainbow coconuts! Now how do I crack them open...?
Zaniah: wait when did you go looking
Sadayoshi: ...I could probably crack them with a good hit, but maybe we shouldn't eat these.
Yuhang: Aww, just a little taste?
Giansar: Damn, you guys still have bandwidth for shenanigans after all that?
MC: Hungry / can't move...
(A) Yuhang: I got you! So many new foods to try!
(B) Giansar: Yeah, that's to be expected after all that. Well get some rest, or I'll ditch you when it's time to go.

The party sits down around a fire back at camp.
Sadayoshi: Now that we got back Number 2 and the engine, we just have to escape from here.
Giansar: Yeah. It'll take until morning before the engine charges back to full though.
Zaniah: Fine, if we have to wait that long...
Yuhang: Gotta rest. You guys hungry?
Isaribi: Oh yeah, how 'bout I swim again to catch some fish? I'll find something different!
Yuhang: I'mma try new cooking methods!
MC: Awesome!
Girl Who STILL Gets Labeled Number One: E-excuse me!
Oh hey that one girl along with that one guy who's now awake are here. They seemed worried earlier, and now they're bowing in classic formal Japanese fashion.

Guy Who Totally Didn't Get Called His Name So Many Times: Thank you so much for saving us and Milady!
Girl Too Unimportant to Change Name Tags: And sorry for how we treated you at first...
MC: You guys! Good to see you're okay.

Isaribi: Good, you two ain't hurt! And it was our fault thinkin' Zaniah's ship was our tour boat. Sorry about that.
Sadayoshi: I apologize for all that, Zaniah. That ship can't have come cheap.
Zaniah: Well about that. It wasn't THAT pricey. Sure I had to work hard for it, but it was just about to be scrapped when I bought and fixed it up a bit. Then some weirdo scientist or whoever came by...
Viscunam: Hello, I am a passing scientist. Do you want anything invented for you? Anything at all! ...ship repairs? That's it? ...wait, I can mod it if I do that! Okay then! ...okay the Wild Turbo is done! Remember what it's called, haha!

Zaniah: And then he did it for cheap! Amazing work on a junker like that!
MC: WHAT / really? / ...oh I see then.

Zaniah: Yeah. Well my family's safe, so I'll let it go. Just this once though!
Number One and Two hug Zaniah from behind!

Zaniah: W-what!? What's going on!?
Number One: Sorry for all the trouble we caused you...
Number Two: Sorry...
Zaniah: Oh...
Zaniah hugs them back.

Zaniah: You two came all this way because you were worried about me. Okay so it bothers me that you did it by stalking me, but I'm glad you two are okay. (lets go)
Zaniah: MC? I still care a lot about money since I'll need it to make my family happy. But not much matters more to me than them.
She smiles. Her eyes shine like the sun.

Zaniah: MC, you taught me a lot. About you guys, about how there's people who'll help us. My family and I are gonna be together without being sneaky, and I can protect them instead of them protecting me now... so thanks.
MC: That's great!

Number One and Two nod as they look ready to cry. Zaniah claps her hands.
Zaniah: ...right, calling it all even! Now come help make dinner you two! We'll eat together!
Yuhang: You sure? Okay, look for more of these veggies. More people to feed now!
Zaniah: (wipes tears) ...yeah! We'll get it done quick!
Isaribi: Cool! I'mma go fish then!
Yuhang: Good luck out there! Got some veg, fruit, and spice to make things tasty!
Yuhang starts stirring something.

Yuhang: Sucks the Monster poofed into light. Oh well, next time I'll eat one!
MC: Seriously!? / How many do you think the octopus could feed...?
(B) Giansar: You're a freak too!? Can you at least do your crazy away from me?

Good times.
Yuhang: Hey Sadayoshi, can you crack the rainbow space coconut so we can drink the water inside?
Sadayoshi: Okay...oh right, MC? How about we do some exercise after dinner? Some beach volleyball since there's still daylight. Would you like to join, Number One and Two? I'll hold back.
Giansar: Yeah. Not like earlier when you used a goddamn hero smash in a ga--WHOA
Sadayoshi: ...oh, sorry. The coconut bounced over there. Pick it up for me.
Giansar: You were trying to hit me with it, weren't you you asshole!
Sadayoshi: Oh no, that was an accident. You would actually have been hit if I were trying for that. Also, food isn't for playing with.
Isaribi: Hey Boss I'm back! I got--wait Giansar what's up?
Giansar: We gotta flex on Sadayoshi RIGHT NOW! Zaniah, where's that ball from earlier!?
Isaribi: wait this again?
Zaniah: Ohoho! Grudge match time!
MC: I'll referee! / wait what about dinner!?

Night falls
Giansar: (frowns)
Giansar gets up while everyone else is sleeping.

Giansar: ...later, dopes.
Giansar heads towards his ship.

Zaniah: Took you long enough. Everything's ready here.
Giansar: ...why are you here?
Zaniah: Same reason you're here. Can't get ditched here. Also Ceylon and Benke are here too, thanks. Anyways, we're villains. We may be cool with MC and the guys, but we live in different worlds. Can't get arrested here.
Giansar: ...fine, can't have you screaming and waking everyone up. Another charge to the tab.
Zaniah, Giansar, and the NPCs ship off.

Giansar:, you sure about giving up on the Cerulean Sphere?
Zaniah: Well what else do you expect me to do? Your ship can't drag it out, so I can't just sell it yet. I gotta think about it. Then again if I can't move that big part, I still have this bit for me!
Zaniah pulls out the Cerulean Sphere piece.

Zaniah: This thing only started shining near the main piece, so I think it's a key or something! That's how old treasure hints went! I'll come back for it one day, and I'm not giving this part up to anyone! I wonder how much I can get for it all...
Giansar: You sound more like some treasure hunter than some phantom thief. Eh, whatever.
Zaniah: Ohoho, details! Whatever gets me money! Besides, we could all come back to pick it up together sometime! It's still mine though.
Giansar: Ask someone else to help you, dammit.
Zaniah: Boo, you're no fun. Come on, don't you want Yuhang's cooking again?
Number One: You're in a good mood today, Zanini.
Number Two: She's always like that, which is good!

Giansar sighs and fiddles with his phone.
Zaniah: Oh yeah, isn't the jamming still up?
Giansar: The jamming gear shut down when the Monster went down, so comms are up again.
Zaniah: And you didn't say anything???
Giansar: Uh, obviously? We'd have been arrested if someone came by earlier for a rescue. I'd been using my phone to jam comms after. Short range only, but they wouldn't figure that out.
Zaniah: Damn, you think through everything, huh? ...oh.

Zaniah: So it's morning. Pretty view. Wonder if I can monetize it somehow?
Giansar: Seriously? ...well that's on brand for you.
Nice breeze.

Giansar: ...yeah, the view ain't that bad.
Zaniah: You say something?
Giansar: No. Now shut up for a bit since I have work to do.
Zaniah: Ruuude. What are you working on anyway?
Giansar: ...nothing big. A pro's gotta be thorough even for the pain in the ass clients.
Giansar's phone plays an old signal message out into the wild.

Giansar: There. Someone's bound to notice it sooner or later.
And so the message goes for the people on the deserted island.

Title Card: S. O. S.

???: MC!
Day 3 of being stranded in the middle of nowhere. MC wakes up from the yelling.

Lilac: MC, are you okay!?
Pubraseer: Do you feel sick or anything!? I've been so worried!
Kirsch: I didn't know what to do when you suddenly went missing!
Gorou: good MC? You don't seem hurt, so that's good.
How's that for a wakeup call?

MC: Oh my god you all came for us!? We can finally leave!
Lilac: Yes, we've been staying on a nearby cruiser. Let's go over there.
Kirsch: Hey MC, where's Yuhang, Isaribi, and Sadayoshi?

Yuhang, Isaribi, and Sadayoshi come out of the bushes as Kirsch looks around.
Isaribi: W-wait what, is the rescue party finally here!?
Pubraseer: Yeah! You look fine! I'm glad you're alright...
Gorou: Something was up when we couldn't call you, so we came running.
Sadayoshi: I apologize for the worry, but at least now we can leave.
Yuhang: We're all good! Sorry about that, Kirsch.
Kirsch: You better be after what you put me through!
The rescue team relaxes a bit finally.

MC: Say, where's Zaniah and Giansar? And Zaniah's family?

Sadayoshi: When I woke up, they were already gone. I kept on guard while searching the island, but I haven't seen them anywhere. Giansar and I never did settle our game...
Isaribi: I checked the bay. Giansar's ship is gone.
Yuhang: Yeah, they must've bailed.
Sadayoshi: ...I suppose I did let my guard down too much. They are villains, but I'm glad MC was unharmed. I apologize for everything.
Isaribi: It ain't your fault. I was a lil worried what would happen if we weren't rescued though...
Yuhang: Yeah I was worried they just ditched us here alone...huh?
Yuhang notices something on his phone.

Yuhang: Hey wait I have a signal again.
Isaribi: ...wait, don't that mean Giansar called help for us before he bailed!?
MC: I'm getting messages from my office! A LOT of messages actually!
Isaribi: Say Pubraseer, how'd you know where we were?
Pubraseer: Oh, we picked up an emergency signal around here. Dunno who sent it, but we were sure it was you guys. But if you didn't send it, did Colonel Sadayoshi do it?
Sadayoshi: ...
MC: Huh...I see then.

Kirsch: W-what, what is it MC?
Gorou: Isaribi, what happened here?
Lilac: Were you in danger again, MC?
The rescue team seems worried.

Sadayoshi: It's a long story. I'm not even sure where to begin.
Isaribi: Maybe with Zaniah and Giansar first? ...hey what's that smell?
Smells good.

Yuhang: Hey, how about we talk over breakfast?
Kirsch: You're cooking NOW!?
Yuhang: It's important to eat! I'll be done soon, so maybe leave the phone calls back for later.
Kirsch: Call the office right now, Yuhang!
Gorou: Ooh, smells nice. Come to think of it, I haven't had time to drink yet either, so maybe I'll have a taste.
Isaribi: Gorou ain't drinkin'!? Holy shit, bad storm incomin'!
Gorou: Wow, ruuuude! I'd been worried about you guys, and now that we found you I'm drinking myself under the table when we get back!
Pubraseer: Huh. Now that I've slowed down, I'm hungry.
Lilac: Oh. Yuhang, can you tell me what that aromatic is?
Yuhang: Sure! I picked it from the wild so I dunno what it's called tho!
Sadayoshi: Wait, did that herb just glow like the rainbow? Yuhang, show me!
Yuhang: Chill man, it's all edible! Want some MC?
MC: Yay! / I'm calling my agency now!
And so the party's worries drift away with the waves as the memories live on at that uninhabited island.

The End