Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Live A Hero Summer Survival Island Episode 8 (Abridged)

Type Octopus: REEEEE
Zaniah: Squeal some more you little big freak!
Sadayoshi: I will use all my strength to face you!
Zaniah-Sadayoshi one-two smackdown!

MC: It's working! Keep attacking!
Giansar: Ugh. This bitch is big but it's still pretty strong. Whatever, I'm gonna search for the core! Yuhang, keep the tentacles off me since they keep going after who's up front!
Yuhang: Alright! MC, help me out?
MC: Right! Let's go!
Giansar charges in! The tentacles converge towards him!

Yuhang: Ooh, Giansar was right. My turn to make some sashimi!
Yuhang starts cutting tentacles down!

Giansar: Pffft, one trick pony ass Monster. Scanning time! Invasion "Malicious Exploit"!
Giansar reverse grips his knife, slips through the tentacles, then stabs the Monster in the head!

Type Octopus: REEEEE

The membrane on the Monster head snaps, and Giansar jumps back!
Sadayoshi: MC, look! The Monster's core is in its head!
Zaniah: That's the weakpoint then! Hang on, Benke and Isaribi, we'll get you out!
MC: Get ready you two! Sadayoshi, aim! Zaniah, assist!
MC VP Charges Sadayoshi and Zaniah!

Sadayoshi: Understood! Zaniah, please keep the tentacles out of the way so I can snipe it! Here goes!
Zaniah: On it! Stay down, sucker sticks!
Zaniah swings her whip SO hard she makes waves that rise up as walls!

Zaniah: Okay, go Sadayoshi!
Sadayoshi: Right! Hup!
Sadayoshi, super jump away!

Sadayoshi: (Just like Isaribi taught me. Jump high, aim, and smack that thing hard!)
Sadayoshi: Full power! Summer Meteor Spike!
Type Octopus used Defend! But it failed... and it's still alive.

Giansar: Good hit! But it still blocked some damage, so hit it again!
Zaniah: It's STILL not dead yet!?
Sadayoshi: Ugh! MC, send me more VP--
???: Hey Boss, send me VP!
MC: Isaribi!? O-okay!
Isaribi jumps off a tentacle with his spear glowing from the VP Charge!

Isaribi: I got this! Super Spear Fisher, goooo!

Type Octopus: LOVELYYYYY (thrashes in the water for a bit before dying)
MC: ...enemy down! W-we did it!

Sadayoshi: Well done, MC. I'm surprised Isaribi didn't get eaten.
Yuhang: That was awesome!
Giansar: ...huh, you're doing pretty well after all that. And you stole the kill shot.
Zaniah: Who cares about that anymore. Benke!? Where are you!?
Zaniah is about ready to jump into the water when Isaribi swims over.

MC: Isaribi, are you okay!?
The party slows the ship down and pulls Isaribi up.

Isaribi: I'm good, I can tank a lot with all this beef! But never mind that. Zaniah, look!
Isaribi sets down Number 2 on deck.

Sadayoshi: ...he's breathing. He doesn't seem badly hurt.
Zaniah: Benke...!
Zaniah runs over to hug Number 2!

Zaniah: God, stop trying to kill me through stressing over you! ...I'll stop putting you guys through the ringer too, promise. I'm so glad...
Number 2's still out cold.

Isaribi: Aww, that's so sweet! Weeeh...
MC: That's great, Zaniah! / Why are you crying, Isaribi?
(A) Zaniah: Yeah. If Benke's fine, I don't need anything else.
(B) Isaribi: ...oh shut up, I ain't cryin'! Just got salt water in my eyes!
Sadayoshi: I'm surprised you were okay in the water that entire time.
Zaniah: Yeah I thought you got vored!
Isaribi: Don't write me off THAT quick! I can breathe underwater for a bit! Couldn't move because of the currents though. Peelin' off that damn tentacle was hard, man...hm?
The Monster's body is dissolving into light now. The Cerulean Sphere's glowing now too.

Yuhang: Hey, why's the Cerulean Sphere lit up now?
Giansar: ...is that an ether light reaction? Well I dunno why the Cerulean Sphere's lighting up, but maybe it works off ether like the ship engine. I'll stop the ship, maybe it'll charge the engine up.
Zaniah: Is that what the Cerulean Sphere's really like? Pretty!
And so the party takes some time looking at the pretty light show.

Zaniah: Finally, feet on solid ground...
Sadayoshi: The ship wasn't that bad.
Giansar: Stop being so literal! ...though if anyone didn't have solid footing, it was Isaribi.
Isaribi: Eh, it ain't that bad in the water. Also where's Yuhang?
The party looks around. Yuhang walks out of the bushes.

Yuhang: You guys! I found food! Shining rainbow coconuts! Now how do I crack them open...?
Zaniah: wait when did you go looking
Sadayoshi: ...I could probably crack them with a good hit, but maybe we shouldn't eat these.
Yuhang: Aww, just a little taste?
Giansar: Damn, you guys still have bandwidth for shenanigans after all that?
MC: Hungry / can't move...
(A) Yuhang: I got you! So many new foods to try!
(B) Giansar: Yeah, that's to be expected after all that. Well get some rest, or I'll ditch you when it's time to go.

The party sits down around a fire back at camp.
Sadayoshi: Now that we got back Number 2 and the engine, we just have to escape from here.
Giansar: Yeah. It'll take until morning before the engine charges back to full though.
Zaniah: Fine, if we have to wait that long...
Yuhang: Gotta rest. You guys hungry?
Isaribi: Oh yeah, how 'bout I swim again to catch some fish? I'll find something different!
Yuhang: I'mma try new cooking methods!
MC: Awesome!
Girl Who STILL Gets Labeled Number One: E-excuse me!
Oh hey that one girl along with that one guy who's now awake are here. They seemed worried earlier, and now they're bowing in classic formal Japanese fashion.

Guy Who Totally Didn't Get Called His Name So Many Times: Thank you so much for saving us and Milady!
Girl Too Unimportant to Change Name Tags: And sorry for how we treated you at first...
MC: You guys! Good to see you're okay.

Isaribi: Good, you two ain't hurt! And it was our fault thinkin' Zaniah's ship was our tour boat. Sorry about that.
Sadayoshi: I apologize for all that, Zaniah. That ship can't have come cheap.
Zaniah: Well about that. It wasn't THAT pricey. Sure I had to work hard for it, but it was just about to be scrapped when I bought and fixed it up a bit. Then some weirdo scientist or whoever came by...
Viscunam: Hello, I am a passing scientist. Do you want anything invented for you? Anything at all! ...ship repairs? That's it? ...wait, I can mod it if I do that! Okay then! ...okay the Wild Turbo is done! Remember what it's called, haha!

Zaniah: And then he did it for cheap! Amazing work on a junker like that!
MC: WHAT / really? / ...oh I see then.

Zaniah: Yeah. Well my family's safe, so I'll let it go. Just this once though!
Number One and Two hug Zaniah from behind!

Zaniah: W-what!? What's going on!?
Number One: Sorry for all the trouble we caused you...
Number Two: Sorry...
Zaniah: Oh...
Zaniah hugs them back.

Zaniah: You two came all this way because you were worried about me. Okay so it bothers me that you did it by stalking me, but I'm glad you two are okay. (lets go)
Zaniah: ...so MC? I still care a lot about money since I'll need it to make my family happy. But not much matters more to me than them.
She smiles. Her eyes shine like the sun.

Zaniah: MC, you taught me a lot. About you guys, about how there's people who'll help us. My family and I are gonna be together without being sneaky, and I can protect them instead of them protecting me now... so thanks.
MC: That's great!

Number One and Two nod as they look ready to cry. Zaniah claps her hands.
Zaniah: ...right, calling it all even! Now come help make dinner you two! We'll eat together!
Yuhang: You sure? Okay, look for more of these veggies. More people to feed now!
Zaniah: (wipes tears) ...yeah! We'll get it done quick!
Isaribi: Cool! I'mma go fish then!
Yuhang: Good luck out there! Got some veg, fruit, and spice to make things tasty!
Yuhang starts stirring something.

Yuhang: Sucks the Monster poofed into light. Oh well, next time I'll eat one!
MC: Seriously!? / How many do you think the octopus could feed...?
(B) Giansar: You're a freak too!? Can you at least do your crazy away from me?

Good times.
Yuhang: Hey Sadayoshi, can you crack the rainbow space coconut so we can drink the water inside?
Sadayoshi: Okay...oh right, MC? How about we do some exercise after dinner? Some beach volleyball since there's still daylight. Would you like to join, Number One and Two? I'll hold back.
Giansar: Yeah. Not like earlier when you used a goddamn hero smash in a ga--WHOA
Sadayoshi: ...oh, sorry. The coconut bounced over there. Pick it up for me.
Giansar: You were trying to hit me with it, weren't you you asshole!
Sadayoshi: Oh no, that was an accident. You would actually have been hit if I were trying for that. Also, food isn't for playing with.
Isaribi: Hey Boss I'm back! I got--wait Giansar what's up?
Giansar: We gotta flex on Sadayoshi RIGHT NOW! Zaniah, where's that ball from earlier!?
Isaribi: wait this again?
Zaniah: Ohoho! Grudge match time!
MC: I'll referee! / wait what about dinner!?

Night falls
Giansar: (frowns)
Giansar gets up while everyone else is sleeping.

Giansar: ...later, dopes.
Giansar heads towards his ship.

Zaniah: Took you long enough. Everything's ready here.
Giansar: ...why are you here?
Zaniah: Same reason you're here. Can't get ditched here. Also Ceylon and Benke are here too, thanks. Anyways, we're villains. We may be cool with MC and the guys, but we live in different worlds. Can't get arrested here.
Giansar: ...fine, can't have you screaming and waking everyone up. Another charge to the tab.
Zaniah, Giansar, and the NPCs ship off.

Giansar: ...so, you sure about giving up on the Cerulean Sphere?
Zaniah: Well what else do you expect me to do? Your ship can't drag it out, so I can't just sell it yet. I gotta think about it. Then again if I can't move that big part, I still have this bit for me!
Zaniah pulls out the Cerulean Sphere piece.

Zaniah: This thing only started shining near the main piece, so I think it's a key or something! That's how old treasure hints went! I'll come back for it one day, and I'm not giving this part up to anyone! I wonder how much I can get for it all...
Giansar: You sound more like some treasure hunter than some phantom thief. Eh, whatever.
Zaniah: Ohoho, details! Whatever gets me money! Besides, we could all come back to pick it up together sometime! It's still mine though.
Giansar: Ask someone else to help you, dammit.
Zaniah: Boo, you're no fun. Come on, don't you want Yuhang's cooking again?
Number One: You're in a good mood today, Zanini.
Number Two: She's always like that, which is good!

Giansar sighs and fiddles with his phone.
Zaniah: Oh yeah, isn't the jamming still up?
Giansar: The jamming gear shut down when the Monster went down, so comms are up again.
Zaniah: And you didn't say anything???
Giansar: Uh, obviously? We'd have been arrested if someone came by earlier for a rescue. I'd been using my phone to jam comms after. Short range only, but they wouldn't figure that out.
Zaniah: Damn, you think through everything, huh? ...oh.

Zaniah: So it's morning. Pretty view. Wonder if I can monetize it somehow?
Giansar: Seriously? ...well that's on brand for you.
Nice breeze.

Giansar: ...yeah, the view ain't that bad.
Zaniah: You say something?
Giansar: No. Now shut up for a bit since I have work to do.
Zaniah: Ruuude. What are you working on anyway?
Giansar: ...nothing big. A pro's gotta be thorough even for the pain in the ass clients.
Giansar's phone plays an old signal message out into the wild.

Giansar: There. Someone's bound to notice it sooner or later.
And so the message goes for the people on the deserted island.

Title Card: S. O. S.

???: MC!
Day 3 of being stranded in the middle of nowhere. MC wakes up from the yelling.

Lilac: MC, are you okay!?
Pubraseer: Do you feel sick or anything!? I've been so worried!
Kirsch: I didn't know what to do when you suddenly went missing!
Gorou: ...you good MC? You don't seem hurt, so that's good.
How's that for a wakeup call?

MC: Oh my god you all came for us!? We can finally leave!
Lilac: Yes, we've been staying on a nearby cruiser. Let's go over there.
Kirsch: Hey MC, where's Yuhang, Isaribi, and Sadayoshi?

Yuhang, Isaribi, and Sadayoshi come out of the bushes as Kirsch looks around.
Isaribi: W-wait what, is the rescue party finally here!?
Pubraseer: Yeah! You look fine! I'm glad you're alright...
Gorou: Something was up when we couldn't call you, so we came running.
Sadayoshi: I apologize for the worry, but at least now we can leave.
Yuhang: We're all good! Sorry about that, Kirsch.
Kirsch: You better be after what you put me through!
The rescue team relaxes a bit finally.

MC: Say, where's Zaniah and Giansar? And Zaniah's family?

Sadayoshi: When I woke up, they were already gone. I kept on guard while searching the island, but I haven't seen them anywhere. Giansar and I never did settle our game...
Isaribi: I checked the bay. Giansar's ship is gone.
Yuhang: Yeah, they must've bailed.
Sadayoshi: ...I suppose I did let my guard down too much. They are villains, but I'm glad MC was unharmed. I apologize for everything.
Isaribi: It ain't your fault. I was a lil worried what would happen if we weren't rescued though...
Yuhang: Yeah I was worried they just ditched us here alone...huh?
Yuhang notices something on his phone.

Yuhang: Hey wait I have a signal again.
Isaribi: ...wait, don't that mean Giansar called help for us before he bailed!?
MC: I'm getting messages from my office! A LOT of messages actually!
Isaribi: Say Pubraseer, how'd you know where we were?
Pubraseer: Oh, we picked up an emergency signal around here. Dunno who sent it, but we were sure it was you guys. But if you didn't send it, did Colonel Sadayoshi do it?
Sadayoshi: ...
MC: Huh...I see then.

Kirsch: W-what, what is it MC?
Gorou: Isaribi, what happened here?
Lilac: Were you in danger again, MC?
The rescue team seems worried.

Sadayoshi: It's a long story. I'm not even sure where to begin.
Isaribi: Maybe with Zaniah and Giansar first? ...hey what's that smell?
Smells good.

Yuhang: Hey, how about we talk over breakfast?
Kirsch: You're cooking NOW!?
Yuhang: It's important to eat! I'll be done soon, so maybe leave the phone calls back for later.
Kirsch: Call the office right now, Yuhang!
Gorou: Ooh, smells nice. Come to think of it, I haven't had time to drink yet either, so maybe I'll have a taste.
Isaribi: Gorou ain't drinkin'!? Holy shit, bad storm incomin'!
Gorou: Wow, ruuuude! I'd been worried about you guys, and now that we found you I'm drinking myself under the table when we get back!
Pubraseer: Huh. Now that I've slowed down, I'm hungry.
Lilac: Oh. Yuhang, can you tell me what that aromatic is?
Yuhang: Sure! I picked it from the wild so I dunno what it's called tho!
Sadayoshi: Wait, did that herb just glow like the rainbow? Yuhang, show me!
Yuhang: Chill man, it's all edible! Want some MC?
MC: Yay! / I'm calling my agency now!
And so the party's worries drift away with the waves as the memories live on at that uninhabited island.

The End

Top of Summer Mountains Prologue Part 2 (Abridged)

Meanwhile, at Akihabara Academy...
Tindalos: What the fuck is a Multilayer Overworld Shift Phenomenon?
Turing: I'm not sure how to dumb that down for you any further, love. It is a phenomenon when multiple overworld shifts happen all at once at the same place layered atop one another. Do you understand the worlds coming out of my mouth?
Tindalos: And how's that any different from all those other overworld shifts happening? Old news!
Turing: It's on a higher order of scale love, keep up now. Like right now, I'm pretty certain Mt. Hakone has at least 30 levels of singularity mind dungeons.
Turing: And still counting! Would be quite an issue if they spread off the mountain too. Doesn't that sound like fun?

Tindalos: Turing what the shit man!? I don't NEED the world getting more dimensions! 2D is plenty enough for me!
Turing: Oh yes, right. I can't make it through the day without afternoon tea with a side of gentlemanly snark.
Tindalos: Meh, why the hell are bonfire videos popping off these days? People seem bored of me tryna blow up the net with hot takes.
Turing: Sounds like a hint to change gears from the internet to me!
Tindalos: Pffft, who do you think I am? I'm proud of doing my streams my way so...
Turing: Yes?
Turing: Oh! Well in that case I've sent some help to investigate. A specialist you know and barely tolerate.
Tindalos: Why didn't you say so!? I was 'bout to smash my head on the screen begging!
Turing: I'll keep Akihabara shipshape, so I sent our best base defender and comms expert. They should be at Shinjuku by now, I can't wait to see what tea he'll pour as they say these days!

Shinjuku Academy front gate
???: Arrived at destination as planned. My schedule is perfect, as it should be. Also what is all that noise?
Wandervogel Club

Club: Yaaaay!
Chernobog: Mmm... (munch munch)
Bigfoot: Taste like succotash from home!
Zao: Seconds please!
Durga: Me too!
Tanngrisnir: Ahh, the appetite of youth. Yes, there's plenty more! Plenty indeed!
Enigma walks in.
Enigma: ...President Santa, what is happening here?
White: A stew party. Would you like to join, electron child?
Enigma: Is everyone feeling ill or the like? Extremely incompetent?
White: Now now, a big appetite is good. I've been expecting you, Enigma.
Enigma: ...so you know the situation. Very well, I shall test out this body.

Wandervogel Club: Event plot!?
Enigma: Oh. You decided to eat first instead of do exposition? Okay, I might as well try using my new body to give you the information directly.
MC: Why ARE you here, Enigma? / Hmm, that body... / The stew was too good...
(A) Enigma: Yes I am here as your cyber secretary, Master Incompetent.
(B) Enigma: It was made to help with emergencies. I can support you even in the physical world now.
(C) Enigma: Such inefficient fueling methods, Master Grazer.
White: Well we should introduce ourselves to new faces. I'm Ded, Santa Claus.
Tanngrisnir: And I'm Tanngrisnir!
Bigfoot: Oh. You famous!
Enigma: I am Enigma, Akihabara student. The Creators guildmaster sent me to help investigate the event plot, and I can do anything if necessary to cover for your incompetence.
Zao: ...so why is Santa and an e-secretary here? We aren't that bad in either sense...?
MC: Senpai is naughty / We do have an incompetent club president / Yeah, Senpai's good and competent!
(AB) Zao: !?
(C) Zao: :)

Wandervogel Club: Event plot!?
Enigma: why are we doing this again
White: I'm sure you all know about Mt. Hakone.
Zao: Yes, it's our home mountain.
Durga: Mt. Hakone is weeeeird. Something about it connected to Santa's mountain?
Tanngrisnir: Indeed. Have you heard of Korvatunturi? General faith says Santa can fly and therefore fly over mountains. And some of us in Tokyo are Santas, so maybe some of the overworld shifts are from our home world. Anyways we were contracted to investigate and do some Santa training and care at the same time, so--
MC: That's the event plot...? / so mountains are popular right now? / is that relevant to us somehow...?
(C) Enigma: Aww, so confused. What a cute meatbag.

Durga: So Enigma, why are you here?
Enigma: Investigation work since my Master wants to get news ahead of everyone else. Mt. Hakone seems normal on the surface, but insufficient information is making predictions impossible. Thus, we seek more information for the Akihabara Defense Plan and--
Zao: what
Frowning Wandervogel Club.

Enigma: (stares)
Enigma: I apologize. I have underestimated the amount of dumbing down that would be required of me.
Chernobog: Now now, let us grasp the situation first before deciding anything. Fair enough?
Enigma: I suppose so.

MC: Okay so...
Chernobog: The event plot is a multilayered overworld shift happening with something unusual stemming from it.
Durga: But isn't like nothing happening right now? How is this even new?
Bigfoot: Surface, no effect. But maybe something happen later...
Zao: And that's why they need us to go check it out. We can see what's different.
Enigma: Indeed. Excellent summation of my shared intelligence.
Durga: Uppity jerk acting like you're better than us!
Enigma: Indeed. I am better than you.
Zao: Hmm...
MC: What's up? I'm surprised you aren't jumping all over this already.

Zao: Can I speak with the club in private?
Enigma, White, and Tanngrisnir agree and leave the room.

Durga: What's up, Zao? You're being weird.
Zao: Okay so, here me out... if we do this, this might be the last club thing I do this summer.
MC: Oh right, you'll be graduating soon / You actually went to extra classes!?
Zao: Right, I'll be retiring from the club then. I did want to answer right away and go to Mt. Hakone, but I couldn't bring myself to do it... I wasn't expecting us to go when I didn't plan for it.
MC: You don't want to do it? / It'll be a good time / We can always see each other outside the club
Zao: Of course I want to go! But then this would be the last time we all go as a club...
Bigfoot looks surprised. Chernobog and Durga frown.

Zao: ...I don't want to climb mountains for a living. I want to do it for fun. But MC's right I would have gone no matter what, the way I was before. I do want to go, but that isn't enough for this. We barely have enough gear and no money!

Wandervogel Club: Zao.
Zao: W-what?
MC: Since this is your last time, do what you want and we'll come with you.
Zao: Kouhai... (looks at everyone else)
Chernobog: I respect you. I will always be with the club.
Durga: Let's do it!
Bigfoot: Me, new guy. Me, follow. But personal opinion...me want to climb mountain with everyone.
Zao: Guys... (turns back to MC)
MC: Let's go to Mt. Hakone and see what the hell is going on!
Zao: Right! Wandervogel Club, this summer we are going to solve an event plot in the mountains!
Durga: Awesome! Let's do that one thing!
MC: Uhh, oh! Right!
Wandervogel Club: Wandervogel Cheer!

White: I think they've decided. Oh such nice children.
Tanngrisnir: I'll join as their advisor.
Enigma: Really...?
Tanngrisnir: Oh right, Enigma! Sorry we ran out of stew earlier, but I remembered I still have some backup in--
Enigma: No thank you, cyber bears don't need to eat. But please stay away from me.
Tanngrisnir: E-Enigma?
Enigma: I have a report to make, see you when we make the trip out. (leaves)
Tanngrisnir: O-okay cool...well he didn't have to be that cold.

That night, Setagaya
Snep Girl: So, work with Shinjuku's Wandervogel club? The club mommy knew this would happen~! So, what do?
Himavat: Accept it of course. It's not like I do mountain climbing for fun, Xi Wang Mu.
Krampus: Okay cool. Good luck on the mountain.
Himavat: I promise to do the best investigation.
Krampus: O-okay?
Yule: We'll be going now. Take care up there, kthnxbaiii!
Himavat: It will be perfect as always. Also tell Santa we said hello.
Xi Wang Mu: Aww, so cool-headed! I'm having first world mommy problems not having anything to help you with.
Himavat: What? We are totally the best mountaineering group in Tokyo, no one will ever equal us, and we have to keep it that way.
Xi Wang Mu: Now now, no keeping secrets from mommy~! I saw when perked up when they mentioned Shinjuku's club.
Himavat: ...right. Also it's slightly funny no one calls you Seioubou despite how every other Chinese origin character gets treated. But yes, it's the cool mountaineering president who gets me worked up like no other, Zao Gongen!
Xi Wang Mu: excuse me did you just call him cool? Well anyways should I call the rest of our club? All two other people? Wipe off your head before you catch a cold! Okay back to the kitchen with me, bye~!

Some forest
Asterios: O-okay, that's this week's lot of charcoal lumber. There's the money and... see you next week. A-also, maybe clean up and bathe for once?
Much Less Ugly Yuno: Being dirty makes me relax like I've told you so many times already.
Asterios: I-I guess. Bye Kumano Gongen. (leaves)
Kumano: Damn, I finally get used to being alone and now summer club stuff is almost over. And I'm supposed to be next in line after President Superman? Oh well, charcoal work done for the day. Time to get ready to hike... oh no, my connection dropped again. Video uploading is hard, man.
Kumano: (stares)
Kumano: Can't I just be left alone? It's so much easier.
And somewhere in the distance, a temple bell rings.

End of Episode

Top of Summer Mountains Prologue Part 1 (Abridged)

Ah yes, Shinjuku's Mt. Hakone, the artificial mountain. Totally unremarkable, nothing to see here...except when singularities overworld shifts happen on it. Are you new? Think Persona 4 TV World dungeons. It happens like all the time here. China, South America, India, Santa's Mountain, so many other mountain places transposed onto the thing from other people's memories. It'd be a total disaster zone without a mountaineering specialist nearby. Also? Unlike other places, overworld shifts on Mt. Hakone tend to stick around instead poofing on their own. Why? Who's causing it? Who CARES about the previous two questions says this one hiker!
Zao is off staring at his coffee set while sitting in the mountains.

Zao: ...okay cool. (sips) Good! Wow that was easy.
Zao stares at the brand name hiking set he got. It's a present since normally he can't afford it.

Zao: I should make this coffee for Kouhai!

Zao stands up.
Zao: Okay break time's over, back to it! ...where's my phone? Oh there it is, time to put my videos back on.
Bonfire ASMR video after obligatory Youtube ads!

Zao: Niiiice...
More coffee sipping.

Zao: Right, here we go. Mountain magic activate!
Zao sharpens his senses and starts galaxy braining as he tunes in with the leylines!

Zao: Okay, cool. (takes a breath) Hey mountains, can we talk?
Business as usual for Zao.
Zao: I've got something on my mind lately...
Slight mountain bump.

Zao: Okay so I'm graduating school in three months. It's been fun in the wandervogel club, so I've been thinking...I'm not ready to let it go yet. I probably won't be able to come as much once I start work too, so...do I have to graduate? Maybe I can be held back a year. And I don't want to climb mountains for work so--oh the connection dropped for some reason. (bonks the ground a few times) Oh no, should I not have talked about this!? Uhh, got all my things and everything's clean! Time for me to go dow--
Who's that Pokemon?
Zao: wait what just happened
Zao tries to walk away when the ground opens up beneath him!

Zao: Wait this is KIND OF AN OVERREACTION AAAAHH (falls in)

TV News: So like yesterday there was this big earthquake at Mt. Hakone but the local government office says they didn't feel anything. One official has said on record "that was really weird, bro." Moving on...
Shinjuku Academy

Zao: And that's what happened. Good thing I made it out okay!
MC: ...how? Did you just make all that up?
Zao: That'll take me a few hours to explain...why are you looking at me like that?
Durga: How are you so casual about all this!? I thought you were making something up at first and now I started eating these chips.
Organic low fat chips or whatever!

Zao: Haha, I never lie about mountain stuff. You two jump to conclusions too much.
MC: wow you actually made it back alive / is anything about you real? / chips please
(C) Durga: Hey you're taking too many!

Zao: All's well that ends well.
Durga: Okay whatever then. Want a chip?
Zao: Sure. Ooh that's good.
Durga: I know right? The news said Some Bear from S Academy grew too many potatoes during his research and made these.
Zao: Wow.
MC: Which school was he from? / Sounds familiar... / You should be more like that, Senpai
(A) Durga: Uh, I forget.
(B) Zao: You know so many people. It's cool, I know lots of mountains myself.
(C) Zao: It's rude and uncute to be nitpicky!

Durga: I remember it was a famous farming school at least. They got lots of students contracted with outdoor brand products. I got sponsored mountain hiking stuff, and Ashigara sometimes drives tractors or something.
MC: cool / wait why are farm stuff and outdoor products grouped together
Zao: Oh huh, it's club time. Weird of Chernobog to be late. Guess we'll start the meeting without him?
MC: Secretary MC ready! / we have to send in a club report or else they'll disband us / yay (phoned in clapping)
(A) Zao: Nice! The offices told us they'll disband us if we don't send in a report...
Zao: I've got a surprise announcment today!
knock knock

Zao: Ooh, nice timing! Come in, newbie!
MC: WHAT (looks towards door)

MC: ...no one's there.
Zao: What? They're standing right behind you.
Bigfoot: Hi.
MC: Bigfoot!? Oh my god! / Wow, a real surprise!
(C) Zao: Yep, that's ri--wait what's that supposed to mean

Zao: So newbie, introduce yourself.
Bigfoot: Me, Shinjuku 2nd year. Chief Hairy's son, mountain shaman. New wandervogel member, nice meet you.
Durga: Oh my god I don't think we've had a new member since...me actually!
Zao: I'm glad you're happy about this.
Zao and Durga: Yay!
MC: Senpai, did you blackmail him or something?
Zao: Oh my mountains what do you take me for!?
Bigfoot: This place nice.
MC: Still, Bigfoot as a new club member huh? / Glad to have you! / Go buy me a yakisoba bun, new kid
(A) Bigfoot: Yes. Feels weird. Nice.
(B) Bigfoot: Me happy too.
(C) Bigfoot: Okay...what? you joking? Tokyo jokes weird.

Bigfoot: (stares)
MC: What's up?
Bigfoot hugs MC!

MC: WHAT / (hug back)
Bigfoot: MC, no remember? Me, always here. See MC lots of times.
MC: what / Figures
Flashback scene where Bigfoot's with Oscar in an opera house!

Bigfoot (narrating): Not MC's fault. Me, folklore, location unknown. People only remember me, not where me go. But me ordered to work in Shinjuku wandervogel club. Me with you during investigation. Me know most about mountains among managers.
MC: did you say something? / wait what / ...
Bigfoot: Nothing. Me, same club as you this summer.
MC: Glad to have you! Let's make some good memories.

Durga: Hey wait why are we just standing here? New member party time!
Zao: Good idea! We'll need snacks and drinks...
MC: Thanks for paying, Senpai!
Zao: But I have no money left after I bought that camping coffee set!
MC: Damn, how broke are you?
Durga: We're kidding, Senpai. We're splitting the costs! Except you Bigfoot, this is your party. Wait I'm broke too. Hmm...
Chernobog: (walks in) What if we footed it to the club budget then?
MC: Hey Chernobog, new club member! / Yessss, club expensing!

Chernobog: We can't take much out, but we can at least partially fund it from that.
Zao: Chernobog! U-um, no problems then?
Chernobog: Yes, it should be fine for a welcoming par--
Zao: Oh, I meant you actually. Not like you to be late.
Durga: Yeah. Something happen?
Chernobog: Yes, I was in the staff office.
Zao: Oh no, extra classwork!
MC: He's not you, Senpai / what happened?
Chernobog: I was sent to greet a visitor coming to see our club.
Zao: what?
???: Hello everyone. MC, have you been training and eating stew?
MC: That voice! / That smell!
White: Hello everyone.
Tanngrisnir: Good day, I'm here too!
End of Episode part

Friday, January 3, 2025

Live A Hero Summer Survival Island Episode 7 (Abridged)

What a lovely late afternoon for a boss battle.
Zaniah: Hands off, freak! Phantom Whiplash!
Oh hey Zaniah can make her whip split up to make a shield!

Isaribi: But it ain't got hands tho--WHOA, thanks Zaniah!
Zaniah: Shut up and fight!
Yuhang: Aww, she fighting so hard for her family. Let's do this again, MC!
MC: Right! Alpha strike it!
Sadayoshi: Me first! Summer Archer Spike!
Isaribi: I'll round it up! Big Hauler's Net!
Yuhang: And now it's my turn! Giant Butcher Knife Special!
The attacks counter the tentacles swinging in! But...

Giansar: The Monster's main body is still underwater. Do we have to wait for it to come up? I dunno if the engine will last that long.
Giansar looks at the engine while fighting. It's starting to bottom out.

MC: Umm... / Is it running out of gas?
(B) Giansar: What century did you crawl out of? But, basically yeah.

Giansar: The engine can recharge by absorbing ether in the air, but if it craps out now, we're stuck in the open water.
Isaribi: Yeah that'd be bad if it happened right about now.
Zaniah: Benke doesn't have all day either! So we just have to kill this thing really soon! Speaking of which...take this!
Zaniah swings her whip! The tentacle retreats underwater!

Zaniah: Dammit, stop running and give me back my brother!
Calm sea...wait, something's coming from underneath!

MC: I sense something down there! The main body has to be close!
Zaniah tries to climb overboard!

Isaribi: Girl, you can't be serious! You can't save your family if you go die first!
Zaniah: I know! But what else am I supposed to do!?
Yuhang: We gotta keep calm in times like these.
Sadayoshi: The tentacles are still down there. We can't jump in recklessly.
Zaniah: (frowns)
Isaribi: My friends keep tellin' me to take care of myself too.
Zaniah: Then seriously! WHAT. DO!?
Giansar: ...think.

Dramatic silence.
Giansar: ...think, or else we've lost. The Monster backed off for now, so it has to fear us a little. What it's doing? Who knows. But it still wants to fight.
Sadayoshi: ...so it'll come back at some point?
Giansar: Yeah, probably. We can't keep things going as is.
Giansar looks at Zaniah. Zaniah looks serious.

Zaniah: We can't just fight the tentacles...and we can't jump into the water. So...we have to lure it out, but the engine and Cerulean Sphere aren't enough apparently.
Giansar: Well the idea seems good. I have a suggestion for a new approach: MC, put out your hand and pull the Monster out.
MC: That's a thing I can do?

Isaribi: I-if we can, let's do it!
Zaniah: Yeah, stop holding out on us!
Giansar: Goddammit, slow down and think some more. MC, if you were a Monster why would you ever bother sticking your head out of safety?
MC: Well I wouldn't just give up an advantage... / maybe if I was cornered... / Uh, if there's something worth it?
(A) Giansar: Right. So if you HAVE to get out of there, then you'll definitely look for some way out.
(B) Giansar: Huh, same idea as me. Yeah, it'll pop out if it's in danger down there.
(C) Giansar: It wouldn't pop out just to eat. It can also pop out if it's in danger of dying.

Sadayoshi: ...I see. We threaten it up somehow?
Isaribi: Oh yeah, we do that in fishin' sometimes too!
Sadayoshi: So how are we doing that?
Zaniah: Yeah, we're in this spot because we can't hit it from here.
Yuhang: Yeah...
Giansar: So we're gonna use this. I didn't want to use it here though...
Giansar slides some chip out of his phone.

Zaniah: what
Giansar: I've got an S Rank hero's data in here, back when I used his avatar.
MC: Wait... / Well there's an S Rank hero in my agency...
(BC) Giansar: ...yeah, it's Zap the Justice.

Giansar plays with the chip.
Giansar: So yeah, hero licenses have ranks. S Rank heroes are weird somehow, like their power scope, traits, results, or mentality. I'm gonna use part of it with my Parallel Weapon to materialize it as an avatar.
MC: So you can transform into Justice and use his power?
Giansar: Well it's more a disguise than transformation that goes onto my suit. It's a prototype that can use the data I got from that one time. It also only works once, but yeah.
MC: oh okay / you're gonna be Dark Ryekie, huh? / ...are you making more of them?
(C) Giansar: Heh, that's your first concern? And what if I am? ...relax, I'm not yet. It's a one-time use thing, and the original data couldn't be used for non-destructive stuff...at least for now.
Giansar's implying if he could get out of this without losing it, he could copy the chip.

MC: (...I guess it's better it gets used here then.)

MC VP Charges Giansar!
Giansar: Okay, here goes. (stabs the chip with his knife Parallel Weapon)
Giansar has transformed into Dark Ryekie!

Isaribi: Oh my god???
Sadayoshi: You really do look alike now...
Zaniah: Giansar, is that you?
Giansar: Yeah. This might be a bad memory for MC though.
MC: Emergency, I know. / Can't just let it go that easy... / ...
Giansar briefly looks up in response, then gets to checking himself out.

Giansar: ...okay, avatar transposition done. Not perfect, and only for a few minutes, but good enough for what we need. We better go over the plan since we only have one shot at this. Don't mess this up.
The party nods.

Sadayoshi: MC, I'm ready at any time.
Zaniah: I'm in position. Yuhang, Isaribi?
Yuhang: Ready!
Isaribi: Same! MC, start us off whenever!
MC: I'm good! Begin the operation!
Everyone squares up!

Giansar: Right. MC, tell Sadayoshi where the Monster is once you've located it...remember, this whole plan rests on you.
MC: Oof, getting nervous... / Well this isn't my first time / It'll work out somehow!
(A) Sadayoshi: ...MC, it will be okay. I'll protect you if something happens.
(B) Isaribi: Heh, it all comes down to instinct and experience! It's cool, I'm here to help!
(C) Yuhang: Yeaaaah! It's allll cool!

MC nods and starts focusing, eyes closed!
MC: Boss Monster, 12 o'clock! Sadayoshi!
Sadayoshi nods and high jumps!

Sadayoshi: No mercy needed for Monsters! Fire!
Sadayoshi spikes his ball at the Monster, clearing a path into the water!

MC: Giansar, now!
MC shifts gears and sends Giansar VP!

Giansar: I'm a professional. I'll get it done. (Giansar charges up) RYEKIE THUNDER CRASH!
Giansar focuses all the lightning and shoots it as a giant thunder beam at Sadayoshi's ball to attack the whole ocean!
Zaniah: Y-you did it! Operation Surprise Thunder Boom worked!
Isaribi: That name sucks. Oh whatever, Zaniah gonna Zaniah.
Zaniah: It's fine! I'm up next, defending the ship!
MC: Zaniah, go!

Zaniah: My whip will shield us!
Zaniah disperses incoming shockwaves!

Zaniah: Okay this is actually kind of rough, but anything for Benke!
Yuhang: Yeah, go Zaniah! We gonna stay upright at this rate!
Isaribi: Hey Boss, here it comes!
More tentacles start coming up and start attacking the ship!

MC: Yuhang!
Yuhang: I'm up! Time to get cooking!
Yuhang cuts down the tentacles, which burst into light in the water!

Sadayoshi: The plan is going well. I'll fight off the tentacles too now!
Yuhang: Yeah, tenderize them!
Sadayoshi: Very well. Volleyball Smash!
Big roar!

MC: Here it comes! Isaribi!

Isaribi: Got it! Gimme a ton of VP! Now get up here, baby!
Isaribi's net gigantifies as he throws it into the ocean!

Isaribi: ...got it! Okay, hang tight guys!
The ship starts getting pulled aside!

Isaribi: Ooooh...MUSCLE POWEEEER!
Isaribi throws everything in and drags the boss Monster up!

Type Octopus: (SCREEEES in octopus, shaking everything)
Zaniah: Oh my god it's HUGE!
Isaribi: I ain't never seen a boy that big! What is that, an octopus?
Zaniah: hey wait, what's the Monster wrapped around?
Oh wait Giansar's Dark Ryekie thing ran out of time.

Giansar: OOF holy shit I know I went full power but still. That man is just built different. (falls on his knee)
Sadayoshi: Giansar, did you take recoil damage!? Are you okay!?
Giansar: ...pffft. Gimme a sec and I'll be fine. I always get things done. Also I'm sure the avatar keeps his racial traits so...either I got that wrong, or does he actually take that every time?
MC: Giansar, take a moment! We'll handle the Monster!

The rest of the party agrees.
Isaribi: Right! We can hold it off to give ya a breather!
Yuhang: But man, how did big boy get so BIG?
Zaniah: Who CARES? We got to save Benke!
Isaribi: Rig--wait Zaniah your bag's glowin'.
Bright light!

Zaniah: Wait, the Cerulean Sphere!?
Yuhang: I think there's more.
The giant whatever the Boss Monster is wrapped around is glowing too!

Sudden tentacle attack on Zaniah!

Sadayoshi: Zaniah, get down!
Zaniah: wHA
Sadayoshi jumps in and pushes Zaniah down as the tentacle closes in!

Yuhang: Nope! (cuts tentacle down)

Isaribi: Uhhhh, I think it's after the Ceruluean Sphere!
Zaniah: (gets back up) Ow. I know you were trying to save me but you could've been gentler.
Sadayoshi: Still better than getting pancaked. Anyways, it really was after the orb. So it's legit then?
Yuhang: It has to be if it went after it.
Isaribi: Well if it is, most of Muirauqa IV knows about it so...
MC: Hey wait, what if...

Zaniah: Oh my god the rumors were true! They said it was hand sized but still!
MC: What if the thing the Monster has is the Cerulean Sphere?

Everyone looks over.
Isaribi: Then what's this glowin' thing?
Sadayoshi: I suppose it's something connected to it then?
Incoming tentacles! The ship starts getting rocked!

Zaniah: OH NO
Zaniah loses her footing and loses her grip on the Cerulean Sphere(?)! The tentacles make a grab for it!

Isaribi grabs the Cerulean Sphere(?)!

Isaribi: Zaniah, you hang onto the damn thing! The Monster must want it for some reason!
Isaribi tosses the Cerulean Sphere(?) up as the tentacle bears down on him!

MC: Isaribi!
Isaribi gets dragged to the Monster!

Zaniah: Isaribi, no!
Sadayoshi: No! Ugh, I can't get a read on the tentacles!
Isaribi: Oof, my Parallel Weapon!
Yuhang: Hang on, we're coming!
Isaribi used Struggle! It wasn't very effective...

Isaribi: Oh goddammit. Zaniah! Focus on savin' your family! I believe in--
Zaniah: ISARIBI!

Title Card: That's Why We'll Go Forward

Sadayoshi: Oh no, Isaribi!
Isaribi got vored!

MC: Colonel, move from there! Tentacle coming from up top!
Sadayoshi: !!
Yuhang: Zaniah, careful! It's after you too!
Zaniah: ...okay, I'm getting pissed.
Zaniah grabs her weapon and is filled with determination!

Zaniah: I'm gonna kick your ass SO HARD and take back everyone who's fought for me! Eat whiplash!
Zaniah swings her whip and holds off the tentacles! But...
MC: Zaniah, fall back! We won't make it in time!
Zaniah: I can't... I can't! ...ah!
Yuhang: Zaniah, you good!? ...you good. Still, oof we lost a party member. MC, what do you think? (readies knife sword)
MC: welp this looks bad

Yeah everyone can see how being a man down has the party's position getting pushed back now.
Sadayoshi: There's just no end to them!
MC: Sadayoshi, behind you!
Sadayoshi: Huh? Oh no!
Sadayoshi gets back attacked while taking a shot!

Sadayoshi: (I can't dodge from here! ...then I should at least take it out with me!)
Sudden slash!
Giansar: I saw that kamikaze idea go through your head. We aren't down THAT bad yet.
MC: Giansar!
Sadayoshi: Giansar, you...
Giansar: I said we only had one shot, so don't mess up. Was that you messing up just now? Get up already.
Giansar shoves Sadayoshi's ball back at him, then turns towards the boss Monster!

Giansar: Come on, we got an octopus to nail. If anyone's gonna beat you heroes, it's gonna be ME!
Sadayoshi: ...right. I'll take you on. (takes position by Giansar)
Zaniah: Giansar, you wiped out earlier! You're okay already!?
Giansar: I am now. We better get Isaribi back. The engine won't hold out much longer anyway.
Yuhang: Nice! Sadayoshi, I think we got this now.
Sadayoshi: Yes. Giansar, I will be paying you back for earlier right now.
Giansar: ...heh. I've got my own shit to do, stay out of my way.
Sadayoshi: I won't be caught by the same trick twice.
Type Octopus: REEEEEE
MC: This is it, everyone!
The party stands firm!

Giansar: MC, forget the tentacles and focus on the main body. Now show me one more time you know how to command me.
Yuhang: One octopus, coming right up! It'll be cool MC, food's good when you get to sorting things out after!
Zaniah: I'm gonna take Benke AND Isaribi back!
Sadayoshi: ...I want to win this battle and bring everyone home safely. Ikusabata Sadayoshi stands ready! MC, let's go!

Fabulous Summer Host Epilogue (Abridged)

Gabriel and Nyarlathotep: Radio show time!
Gabriel: Hey Nyarly, they're almost done with the summer event thing with the Tycoons!
Nyarlathotep: that was a thing?
Gabriel: Yes??? It's why we're doing this radio show! Well anyways they tallied all the sales and are annoucing the winner later. Who could it be?
Beach Bar
Y'golonac is staring into the distance.

MC: Good work, old man. Good times, but...
Y'golonac: Yeah I was worried about how I'd do with y'all at first, but we did good. Still dunno who won yet, but still. We did good.

Hakumen: OHOHOHO, thank you all for coming! Thanks for making soooo much money!
It's the announcement ceremony!

Perun: Why are we doing all this? We obviously won.
Sarutahiko: Stop tempting fate!
Barong: Believe, Sarutahiko! Believe like I do!
MC: We'll be fine! / oof / I wonder how it'll go?
Tsukuyomi: We did out best, now we wait.
Y'golonac: Yeah, but I'm still gonna cry if we ain't winnin'!
Tetsugyuu: I can't go back emptyhanded after ev'ryone at school came to see us!
Shino: Neither can I! I must give all that I am and more for those pups!
MC: Don't cry, old man / You'll be fine, Tetsugyuu / NO SHINO DON'T DIE

Y'golonac: It cool. Like Tsukuyomi said, we did our best. Mosta us ain't even host before and we got this far!
The party nods.

MC: Nice, we can all be proud. / Praise me!
(C) Y'golonac: Ya worked the hardest of us! Gwehe, do me next!
Perun: Look, it's announcement time! We win, hahaha!
Hakumen: Okay, I'm reading the winner now. Drum roll!
Panning shot of so many people!

Hakumen: The winner is...ME!
Party: WHAT
MC: Wait, Hakumen had a project going!? ...I guess she would.
Hakumen: This event, rigged? Well I guess you'd doubt me, but it was actually a toss up a few days ago! The Fabulous Summer Host project really kicked in that second half, like wow.
The party didn't win. Cheers are happening elsewhere.

Y'golonac: W-we didn' win...?
Y'golonac is dissociating a little. Everyone else looks down too.

Perun: How about I buy off the winning team and win that way?
Okay everyone except Perun seems down. Perun picks up his phone.

Y'golonac: No wait stop! ...it sucks, but don' do that.
Perun seems ready to argue but rethinks it after looking at Y'golonac.

Perun: Huh, really? Why are you stopping me? Giving up your identity?
Y'golonac: ...naw. It's cuz I AM Y'golonac.
The cult leader Foreigner Y'golonac was the one who synched and possessed people. He'd never lose sight of his desires out of anyone.

Y'golonac: It ain't about me. It's about how we tried makin' our thang the best. We didn' win, but I know we won in the inside. Y'all the best!
MC: Y'golonac... / yeah, thanks guys / (still kinda salty)

Y'golonac: I think y'all number one, so be proud o' that!
Bael: That doesn't mean much from Kabukicho's number 2.
Bael: I kid. I also think it's significant we didn't actually win.
Y'golonac: Oh my god you changed??? Maybe ya oughta stop being the devil host!
Barong: Now girls, stop fighting. If we didn't make it to number one, that means we can keep going on. but you two are already number one to me!
MC: what about me? / stop flirting dammit / what does number one mean anymore
(A) Barong: (whispers) Super number one!

Sarutahiko: Still...maybe we coulda done something?
Y'golonac: Stop bringin' the mood back down!
Sarutahiko: I can't help it, I keep thinking when it drags out like this.
Y'golonac: Stop, ya makin' me saaaad! Waaaah, MC hug meeee! (glomp)
Barong: Wait, me too!
Tetsugyuu: Me three?
Shino: ...Lord MC I would appreciate some attention as well.
Hug time!

Tsukuyomi: I still think you all shone, even if we didn't win.
Tsukuyomi thinks this is hilarious and trying to hide his laughing.

Sarutahiko: Waaah, MC pat me on the back!
Barong: I'm sad too!
MC: this is getting awkward / (hug everyone) / You're not getting in on this, Bael?
(AB) Y'golonac: Aww Bael, not gonna jump in? Gwehehe.
(C) Y'golonac: Meh, leave Mr. I'm Not Telling Anyone How I Feel alone, gwehehehe.

Bael: Okay FINE! Yes, I'm mad. Happy!?
Bael jumps into the pity party too.

Y'golonac: Wow, I actually thought you was gonna go "I'm too important to stoop to that."
Bael: I do my best when going for number one in anything! How DARE we lose!
MC: mmm, side perks / aww... / help I'm boiling alive
Hey look it's Ophion.

Ophion: Stop that crying this instant, Y'golonac!
Y'golonac: wait why are ya suddenly here with all the other Tycoons
Ophion: So you didn't hear. Fine, I shall let this slide. Let's repeat this for them, Hakumen. You said there's prizes for people besides the number one winner?
Hakumen: Correct. I thought you were informed the main point of this event wasn't to be number one. It was to make my resort even better! And now we're good as that resort over in Edogawa, hohoho! Since everyone did so well, everyone's a winner! And as the resort owner, I'm here to present your prize!

The party is too surprised to react much, so a suit drags Y'golonac up on stage.
Ophion: Give it to him, Hakumen. He's my representative.
Hakumen: Maybe you should give it then. (hands Ophion a certificate)
Ophion: Ahem. Congratulations on giving so many people a fabulous time this summer! Your thoughts, Y'golonac?
Y'golonac: It's kinda weird getting an award when we didn't actually come out as number one.
Ophion: What kind of ruler would say that? Do you not hear the people's cheering?
Mobs: YOU'RE SO COOL / i wanna sniff your pits!
Ophion: Do you still believe this award to be worthless? (laughs in proud dragon)
Y'golonac: ...nah. That's what we accomplished this summer.
Ophion: No need to thank me. I got to see my WIIIIFE in a host suit!
Y'golonac: Man do you ever NOT talk 'bout yo wife?

More special prizes given in the meantime!
Y'golonac: why were we competin' so hard if it came to this
Ophion: Trying hard pushes you that much more. Every project gained its fans, and it pushed you all into the spotlight.
Y'golonac is touched as he looks at the party and at the fans in the crowd. Both are places where he belongs.
Ophion: I called you up because it was fitting you be rewarded.
Y'golonac: Aww, thanks! I'mma treat you to my heart attack ramen bowl one o' these days!
Special prize handouts done. Hakumen pics up her mic again.

Hakumen: Okay, can everyone hear me? Let's start with the Fabulous Summer Host group. How was the event?
Y'golonac: It was awesome! Thanks babies! I also wanna thank--
Perun: You are boring the people! I'LL get on the mic now! (steals mic)

Perun: I am the number one emperor host, and I will sing you one last song! Now lend your ears and be ready to cry in joy!
Mobs: YEAAAAHHHH / noooo, king! / i wanna lick your feet!
Bael: Perun, stop being shameful!
Perun: But the people want to hear me sing! We can do a duet!
Mobs: YEAAAAHHH BAEL / look evil! / I wanna touch your tail!
Bael: !?
Bael: Well I suppose I must then. You too, MC.
MC: Yeah! / can I just not / (wave to the crowd)
Shino: Do I really need to stand in front of such a crowd...?
Bael: Look sharp, mad dog.
Barong: Tsukuyomi, we should get up too!
Tsukuyomi: Well I suppose so.
Sarutahiko: Oof, I'm getting cold feet.
Tetsugyuu: Heh, wanna hide behind me?
Everyone gets on stage and the cheering intensifies! Apparently Amaterasu is out there. And maybe Sarutahiko's boss? Someone's boss anyways.

Y'golonac: Y'all here? One last song! ...oh wait, I know! Gotta give the babies a show!
Sarutahiko: NO WAIT STOP
Y'golonac: Purge button, goooo!

MC: That was fun / I wanna sing more / (stare out at sea)
Y'golonac: Kinda sad it's over, but we gotta get back to things.
Y'golonac and MC are sitting on the beach. A voice comes from the beach bar!

Barong: Hey you guys! They're ready for the afterparty!
Y'golonac: Be right there! Come on, lesgo baby. (holds out hand)
MC: You're not gonna bite me with that, are you...? / (grab his hand) / No, you already call other people baby!
(A) Y'golonac: Gwehehe, ya better watch out if ya ain't cool with that.
(C) Y'golonac: Hehe, sharp. So whaddya wanna be called then?
Y'golonac and MC stand up. Y'golonac brushes some sand off MC, and then both head over to the beach bar.

Sarutahiko: Cool, we're all here! Now, cheers!
Everyone toasts.

Bael: So MC, would you like some BBQ? I can grill it!
Barong: Whoa! I want some of that meat then!
Bael smacks Barong's hand!

Bael: That one isn't perfectly ready yet.
MC: (ask Bael to grill something) / spoilsport! / Aww, chill!
Bael: Have some standards like you do on the job, Barong. I know when it's ready.
Barong: Oh my god you're right!
Y'golonac: Bael stop messin' with the poor baby. It's all the same goin' down!
Barong: What? Ruuuude.

Perun: MC, come over here! Sarutahiko, you too! We shall provide background music!
Sarutahiko: Ain't that the set piece? I thought you hated it.
Perun: Barong begged me, so I learned it out of imperial grace! I shall even dance!
Sarutahiko: Aren't you the one who says only clowns dance? Whatever, I'm in!
The afterparty's starting! And now here come the Outlaws!

Y'golonac: Y'all took yer sweet ass time! Welcome to mah summer castle!
MC: Hey, welcome to Fabulous Summer Host! Great seeing you!
Tetsuya: Hey MC, nobody tried anything funny to you did they? No need to stab a bitch?
Gyoubu: Shino, Tetsugyuu, how have you two held up doing something different?
Tetsugyuu: It's been fun, and we made it somehow. How about I host you?
Gyoubu: Okay. Shino, aren't you going to host me too?
Shino: Fine, I'll show you!
Marchosias: I apologize for not making it earlier.
Bael: It's fine. If you came earlier, I'd have assumed things were an even bigger farce than it had been. Are you planning on selecting me? I have very high prices, you know.

Suzuka and Ibaraki look pissed as they go to Y'golonac.
Ibaraki: There you are, bitch! I heard what you did!
Suzuka: Gangsters take care of their own, one way or another. Maybe we should eat you.
Y'golonac: Noooo, I'm the bad kinda fat, y'all!
Tsukuyomi: Now now, Y'golonac worked hard. How about some appreciation?
Ibaraki: Oh right, I heard you actually worked in the daytime. You dumped all that work on us, King Dick!
Tsukuyomi nonverbally goes oof and looks to Y'golonac for help.

Y'golonac: Whaddya lookin' at me for? I can't argue 'gainst that.
Tsukuyomi: Aww, but I had to try so hard too!
Ellie: So did we, back home.
Suzuka: You really took to it when you tried, even when you decided to do it for funsies.
Ellie: Thanks Suzuka. Oh wait, Eboshi. This code name thing's annoying. Oh well, I'll do it again if I feel like it. So how'd you do MC?
MC: It was awesome! / Good times. / can I lie down yet
(AB) Ellie: That's good then.

Ellie: Good job guys.
The rest of the Outlaws give their congrats too.

Y'golonac: Whoo, that's all done with. BBQ time!
Ophion: Hello Y'golonac. Go eat your fill at this banquet tonight.
Y'golonac: Whoa, you here too?
Ophion: Of course. It is the duty of those who stand above to recognize the efforts of those below. And now that you have shown me the value of my WIIIIFE in a host suit...
Y'golonac: ...wAIT.
Ophion: Yes! We shall do the Fabulous Autumn Host next!
Y'golonac: I know y'all can do whatever, but maybe you oughta NOT be taken over by your desires???
Ophion: That sounds perfect! I shall put my WIIIIFE in all the outfits!
Y'golonac: You gonna get yerself hurt one o' these days, I'm tellin' ya! Also I'm feelin' a lil sad now, so maybe I'll go talk to everyone else.

Bael: What do you MEAN we're continuing onto the next season!? I have lawyer work to do! ...but okay, I suppose I can play along some more if you need me that much. Heh.
Sarutahiko: WHAT? I mean, cool but...I can bail out? Don't be like that, I'm in! Hehehe...
Y'golonac: Okay, that everyone? If we're goin' bigger we gonna need...
Perun: FOOL! You forgot me!
Barong: And me!
Y'golonac: Can y'all just not scream in my ears? I already counted ya since I knew you'd come even if I didn't say anything.
MC: Nice, we're all together again. Should we ask more people to join?

Barong: How about I get a dance lined up?
Perun: Hahaha, I shall practice my singing then!
Sarutahiko: Hmm, I wonder if the bathhouse will be okay with me going again.
Bael: This time, I'll make those nosy demons work for ME!
Tsukuyomi: Sorry to interrupt, but aren't you guys forgetting something? We were competing for the summer event, but we also need to see who did best on the one-on-one hosting.
Last match for the Fabulous Summer Host, at the afterparty! Time to see who will win!

Y'golonac: Get ready to lose, Tsukuyomi. We got an extra member, so we can't be losin' now!
Tsukuyomi: Good luck pulling the trophy out of my hands.
Bael: Would you like to turn this into a bet? Winners get to order the losers to do one thing.
Perun: Sounds good, but I'm missing out if I'm on the same team as MC!
Sarutahiko: Damn, you ALREADY think you've won!?
Shino: (blushes)
Tetsugyuu: You're thinking it's fine if you're with or against MC, weren't you?
Shino: N-NO!? No impure thoughts here!
Barong: Awesome! MC, you think you're gonna win?
MC: Yep! / Not really... / Maybe we can split it?
(A) Y'golonac: Nice!
(B) Bael: Now now, did you forget all that money you made off the World Representatives?
(C) Sarutahiko: Sounds nice!
The summer evening arrives, when hosts bring their special services. If they made you happy, tell them how fabulous they were. And one day, maybe the Odaiba hosts will come again to bring you these dreams...
The End