Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Live A Hero Holy Night's Hot Water Front Line Episode 2

A flashback kicks in as some rando neighboring inn manager talks to Nessen's grandmother and asks about Nessen being her grandson from Shizuoka. Granny Mochizuki says that's true and prompts Nessen to greet the neighbor, so he does so with a bit of awkward mumbling.
Nessen then takes over narration as he talks about how he came to this place where his grandmother lives while he was in elementary school from Shizuoka. Half of the reason his family moved is because Kaibutsu destroyed their home, so they had to leave anyways. The other half is because Nessen was bullied. At that point of his life, other people were afraid of him. Between his horns and his grim looking face, the other children would say he looked like a monster from old picture books and avoided him.
But when Nessen came to this town, the other children here welcomed him and offered to show him around. Some of them thought his horns were cool and asked to touch them, which he agreed to with some surprise while the inn manager from before tells the kids to stop bothering the new guy.
Nessen talks about how the people of this town never said anything about his horns against him and called him cool. When he asked about it, he heard that Earth was progressing in stages to having aliens come in, so the town stopped thinking of them as unusual. He wonders if it's because the place was always a resort town, so they had less of an issue with outsiders. But whatever the case was, they accepted him. Since then, the horns that made him hated now made him popular. He regained his confidence and optimism, and he spent his days in happiness. Compared to the big city in Shizuoka, this place was rustic and backwater as hell, but still Nessen came to love the place.
Eventually Nessen came to think of the town as his true hometown. And it's because of his love for this town that he couldn't stand to watch it die out. And so he steeled his determination, both to protect this place, and to fight against villains who would threaten the peace.
Title card pops up, and this episode is called Disappearing into Steam.
The story then tunes back in to the present on the same day in the banquet hall in the Mochizuki Inn's third floor. Some suit tries to sound ingratiating as he invites Subaru for a beer, but Subaru politely (but still with some irritation) declines saying he doesn't like alcohol. Whatshisface Tanaka persists in his attempt to wheedle Subaru into joining as he talks about how Subaru's new book is already printing a second edition. The book he announced last year Romance of the Fireflies is now apparently coming to theaters next summer to all of Japan, and Overly Friendly Suit credits Subaru for all the profits their company's novel sales publishing have gotten.
Subaru continues trying to keep his distance as he says he wasn't planning on setting the literary world on fire when he was writing that, so he passes on accepting his thanks. All that's happened is that their publishing company gave him a good convenient deal. Insistently Extroverted Desk Dork whines and pleads for Subaru to be a little more cheerful, but he gets cut off by some other office man telling him to stop before he ruins Subaru's mood and affect his work for next year.
Subaru sighs as the second man bows apologetically before dragging the first man away, knowing how annoying Man A was. Subaru talks to himself about hating these parties. He came because he likes hot spring inns, but he could have gone without the congratulation party by the publisher employees as he wonders if they were trying to be sympathetic. Subaru sighs again as he complains about wanting to go back to his room, and if this was how things were going to go he'd have had more fun writing at home. Then he sips his glass of oolong tea.
At that point, someone quickly thumps in towards the banquet hall and slams the doors open, and some man in a yukata is in hysterics about someone disappearing from the baths. He was with someone, but now he can't find them anywhere. One of the publishing workers tries to get the guest to calm down and ask who disappeared and if he did a thorough search yet. Subaru stays quiet as he watches, and the panicked guest starts trying to remember who he was looking for, only to forget who it is and why he was making a fuss at all. The publisher thinks the dude just got drunk and tells him to get a grip.
The sudden tension in the banquet hall melts away back to the quieter mood it had before, and Subaru starts spinning the gears in his head as he watches with his sharp eyes and messy hair. Subaru notes that this is the fourth incident of someone running in yelling about how someone they were with had disappeared. At this point it's hard to dismiss it as someone being off on a bender, so what could be happening? Subaru also wonders if it has to do with the weird feeling he's been getting since he got to the inn. He mutters reluctantly to himself that he ought to investigate the first floor bath at least once, and while he feels he should do it he still takes the time to say how bothersome being a hero is.
One of the publishers notices Subaru talking to himself and asks if he's okay. Subaru says he's done here, so he'll be leaving. He won't need any more food either. The office man tries to protest since the main star of the banquet, the roast chicken, hasn't come in yet. Subaru bluntly says he has more important things to do than waste time at the party, and he also makes a point of saying he doesn't care about getting friendlier with them as he excuses himself before quickly leaving.
Camera then shifts to your end of things at this same time period with you guys in the hallway. You've finished the business meeting with Nessen about tomorrow's show and are now heading towards the big bath that is the pride of the inn at his suggestion. Nessen says the meeting went a bit long, but he thanks you all for your work so far. He explains that the baths in the inn are great at helping with fatigue, so he invites you guys to try it. Akashi sighs about how tired he is and is glad for the idea. Toshu caught up with him earlier and lectured him for an hour, and then the meeting with Nessen went on for two. You either express sympathy for Akashi and say being a college student is tough, or you ask if Akashi is at all repentant. C gets an extra bit with Akashi blustering in embarrassment saying he knows and that he's tired to the bone.
Mokdai exhales after taking a drink, saying having something sweet really does refresh the self after having to use his head. Akashi said he noticed Mokdai left earlier and is incredulous that he went to go buy some fresh juice from the store up front. Mokdai says he saw it when they passed it by in the shopping district earlier and got interested, so he decided to go for it after the meeting finished. Akashi is amazed Mokdai spent like all day eating and drinking, but he does grant that Mokdai spent the whole meeting talking. Mokdai gets self-important as he says he's in charge of directing tomorrow's show, so he needs to put in the effort for it.
Huckle says Mokdai is always handling special event plans and productions. He admires how Mokdai always has a good handle on the process of catching the hearts of fans in a neat way. Ryekie agrees, saying that when he and Huckle did it the events did bomb out often, but that's never happened when Mokdai ran them. Huckle is embarrassed at Ryekie mentioning this and says he just wasn't used to doing the planning since he had always been a hero.
Mokdai laughs and says it's not that big a deal. He just crammed the events with things he wanted to see when he was just a fan. Sui thinks aloud about the idea of things turning out well because you like them and the idea that people can make the things they like for the same reason. It's something her teacher and clients have said when they were complimenting her work. She tells Mokdai he could stand to have some confidence in himself. She might not know much about hero shows, but she can tell Mokdai is making a show that he likes.
Mokdai is embarrassed at first, then thanks Sui. He comments that having his work complimented makes his drink taste even better. The juice was good to begin with though with what he describes as a refreshing, clear sweetness. Nessen laughs and thanks him for his comments, then mentions that half the fruit used in the juice served by the bar is grown in town, so the farm manager will be happy to hear that.
Akashi is surprised that the resort town grows fruits too and comments that they do everything here. Nessen explains that while this is a resort, it was originally just a village that did tourism and farming. Those two industries kept going on as the town became what it is now, so the farmer from then is the farmer now. Mokdai burps and says that the large size bottle is larger than he anticipated, so he offers some to Akashi. Akashi sighs about this being why he told him to stop buying the large sizes, but he accepts the drink.
Akashi comments on how good the juice is after he takes a drink, saying it's got that perfect bittersweet flavor to help his tiredness and prompting you to have some too. You either decide to accept, wonder what kind of juice it is, or start thinking aloud about this being an indirect kiss. In A, Akashi says there's still a bunch left and warns you not to drop the bottle. In B, Akashi says he doesn't know since there's a whole bunch mixed in, but he suggests you try it out. Ryekie asks to have some next after you because the scent of the juice has been making his nose twitch. In C, Akashi starts thinking about that too and blushes as he goes quiet. Mokdai asks why he's getting so red, so Akashi blusters that he isn't and tells you to stop being weird. A and C then group together to have Ryekie say the juice smells great and asks to have some after you. Something about the scent is making him crave it.
In any case, Ryekie says he's been talking the whole time too, so he's feeling thirsty now. Huckle sighs a little and says Ryekie probably wouldn't be feeling so thirsty if he lowered his voice a lot more. Mokdai says it's okay since there's a lot of juice left, then asks you to give Ryekie the juice bottle. You either go okay and do so, or you think out loud about this being an indirect kiss with Ryekie. B leads to extra stuff as Akashi tells you to stop being weird because it's making him think about it now. Sui is surprised as she asks why he cares when this situation would be with Ryekie. Akashi sputters in shock before loudly denying that he's thinking about it, so Sui says he did say he was and calls him incomprehensible.
Anyways, Huckle notices the smell of the juice by this point. Ryekie is about to take a drink when Huckle tells him to stop and snatches the bottle out of his hand. Ryekie is shocked by this of course and asks what gives, and Huckle pants as he tells Ryekie to have some more self-awareness before saying it's true Ryekie's body would react to this scent. You are taken aback as you ask Huckle what's wrong with the juice, so Huckle turns to Nessen and asks if the juice contains kiwi. Nessen is surprised by the question but confirms it, saying it gets used since kiwi is a local specialty.
Huckle hangs his head as he says he's glad he took the drink away. Mokdai is surprised as he asks what's going on with the kiwi. Huckle is surprised himself as he asks if Mokdai doesn't know about the special trait of Ryekie's race. He explains that they have a fondness for the aroma of things like kiwi fruits and what's classed as actinidia genus plants (kiwi, catnip, silvervine etc) on Earth. If you give them a little bit of it, they go nuts. You ask a bit more into this before you get a brainwave and ask if a kiwi fruit is enough to trigger this.
Huckle talks about how Ryekie's race has a lot of commonalities with Earth felines, but while Earth cats will almost never react to a kiwi, Ryekie is a lot more sensitive to it due to being an alien. Ryekie is shocked as he tries to argue that he should be fine if it's just a little. He does admit that he sometimes blacks out in his memories, but he remembers how nice it tastes. Huckle points out that having a memory black out is a problem, and he starts to ask him if he has any idea of the crap the rest of them have to deal with when that happens when a scream cuts him off.
You get shocked by the scream, and Nessen picks up that it's coming from the big baths and asks what's happening. Ryekie says it's not a normal voice and says to Nessen that they should go since something has to be happening. Nessen collects himself and leads the way, and Akashi says you guys should go too since he's getting a bad feeling. You either agree or ask if it's okay to suddenly barge into the baths. B gets Akashi to admit he thought of that too, but he points out now's not the time to be caring about it.
Huckle stops you all for a second and gives Mokdai back his juice. Mokdai is surprised and slow to react, but he asks you guys to wait since he's coming too. He then chugs the rest of his bottle, and the juice is apparently really cold because he gives himself brain freeze because of this.
Time passes as the party runs into the bath area, but when you get there you find no one there. Nessen finds that strange since he's sure the voice came from here. Sui says she checked the changing room, but no one's clothes were in there. The restroom was empty too. Akashi reports that the sauna was empty and wonders what's going on. Ryekie thinks aloud about how you guys could hear someone screaming but not find anyone. He starts to dismiss the idea he comes to since it might be a stretch since this isn't a city or a place like Southern Kanto.
Everyone turns to look at Ryekie as he talks to himself, but you start to sense something bad around. As you look around, Huckle notices that you've picked up on it too before trying to pinpoint it himself. Eventually the both of you focus on the same point, and you point to the bushes. A small Kaibutsu pops out at being noticed and screeches, surprising Mokdai. Huckle is also in some disbelief, since even if this is a tourist spot it's also not a big city. Ryekie points out that there is a monster in front of you guys though, as much as he'd rather not believe so.
You either wonder what's happening or ask about Kaibutsu not normally appearing in places like this. Huckle explains that Kaibutsu normally have a tendency to appear where lots of people are. While this place is a tourist spot, it's unusual for them to be here. Huckle would like to explain some more, but he sets it aside for now so that you guys can get rid of the monster first. Nessen is shocked by the Kaibutsu's presence since as far as he knew, none of them have ever showed up around here before.
Nessen is so shocked that he stands there paralyzed as the Kaibutsu starts turning towards him. Akashi tells him to get away from there, but Nessen is too distracted to do so in time before the monster jumps at him. Before it actually gets him, someone narrates that Nessen suddenly slips and falls. The recited sentence glows in green lettering underneath Nessen and then causes the stated event to happen. This in turn lets Nessen avoid the attack by a hair. You turn around and asks who's there and if they're a hero.
Subaru reveals himself in his hero outfit, commenting that he wasn't just imagining things and that this is trouble now. He gets described as a hero with a glowing pen dressed in old school clothes like a hakama, a school cap, and an overcoat. Nessen refers to him as Nobeyama-sensei and thanks him for helping, and Subaru apologizes for how rough the assist was since that was all he could think of at the time. You ask if Nessen knows him or comment that Subaru looks great on a closer look. C gets an extra bit where Subaru asks what's wrong before he asks you to stop staring at him in embarrassment since he's not a showpiece.
Anyways Subaru introduces himself, describing himself as a novelist and a hero. Ryekie starts to thank Subaru in surprise and starts to say who he is, but Subaru preempts him on that since he recognizes him. Subaru also asks if it's fine for him to be spacing out like that since the Kaibutsu is calling for its friends. More arrive in the area, and Subaru describes them as creepy crawly, pushing for you guys to help him if you think it'd be hard for him to deal with them alone. You are either taken aback at how roughly he's talking to you guys, call him scary, or say he seems like a sadist.
Akashi comments that Subaru's harsh speech patterns is reminding him of someone. Sui takes offense as she asks him who before telling him to stop standing there. Akashi scrambles to get ready as he says he'll go fight, then asks you to transform him. Mokdai says he'll go in too and asks you to do him too, so you nod and tap through the command window to get things going.
Akashi gets himself fired up as usual when he transforms while Mokdai announces himself as Mighty Knuckle, telling the monsters to eat his fists of justice. Akashi is surprised as he asks Mokdai why he's calling himself Mighty Knuckle, which shocks Mokdai as he says he's trying to make that his hero name and asks him not to ruin it so fast by using his actual name. Akashi goes oh at that and says they should go, but he still refers to Mokdai by name instead, leading Mokdai to pout about it. You either comment on Mokdai having thought of a hero name, say how sad this is, or wish him luck as you call him Mighty Knuckle. C gets an extra bit where Mokdai is happy and says he knew you'd understand. Akashi insists that he understands too and just messed up.
Subaru is already done with the comedy act as he describes the banter as and asks if they're done yet. Akashi is shocked at the description and denies that's what they're doing before calling Subaru rude as hell. Huckle says the camera is running so the live has started, though he notes that Subaru's agency's camera drone is already active. Ryekie says he's counting on you all as he urges you on, and the episode battle starts as Nessen dejectedly asks how this could be happening. More story happens afterwards.
After the battle, Mokdai pants after things have settled down, but Akashi points out that several of the Kaibutsu managed to run off. Since the battle has ended, everyone reverts back to civilian form. The monsters' victims start reappearing and waking up again, wondering how they got there. At least one guy remembers being attacked, but everything past that is a blur. The rescued guests then start processing that there's a crowd of people there and that they themselves are naked.
Nessen is preoccupied about needing to do something about the Kaibutsu before he remembers he needs to help the customers. He asks if they're okay and apologizes as one of the hotel staff for all the trouble. If any of them are hurt, he offers to take them to the nurse's office, though he asks everyone to get dressed first. Huckle offers to help people too and asks them to be careful not to trip as the two of them lead the randos to the changing room.
Subaru comments on how the Kaibutsu running away could be a problem, especially if their origin point is around here. Even if it isn't, there's still the possibility that there's repeated appearances of them elsewhere within the resort. Mokdai sadly agrees, saying it doesn't seem possible with all the people around and Ryekie says that means you guys will need to sweep the whole resort. You'll also need as much help as you can get, so he yells in frustration about his inability to fight.
Mokdai asks Ryekei to not let it get to him since he should focus on his recovery. Ryekie knows that on a logical level, but it still bothers him. Sui expresses sympathy for him. At that point your phone gives off a little bit of light, so when you look at it a new alert is on it. A path has been found for R__, although the strength is at the weakest possible level. It's the same window you saw when Akashi and Mokdai transformed for the first time, but this one closes on its own the second you look at it.
You wonder what that was all about, and Ryekie asks you if something is on his face in surprise since you were staring at him. Akashi says it would be nice to have Ryekie join you guys if he could fight as Justice, but since he can't Akashi suggests asking the other heroes in the area for help. Mokdai agrees, though the only people around he can think of would be the Heroic Educators. Akashi is sure Kyoichi will help since he likes taking care of other people.
Subaru is surprised and dismayed as he asks if Kyoichi is here in town, clearly frowning at the idea. You either express surprise at his expression, note that Subaru can look like that, or observe that Subaru speaks of Kyoichi in a familiar tone. Akashi is also surprised by Subaru's reaction as he confirms Kyoichi is around and starts to ask if he knows him. But before Akashi can finish that thought, Huckle runs out yelling about there being trouble with Nessen, except he trips on a rock. Sui attempts to warn him about it, except she does so after he's already tripped, and Huckle ends up falling on Sui.
Huckle apologizes to Sui and asks if she's okay. Sui is mostly fine and apparently fell into a puddle since she mentions that she got a little wet. Ryekie is alarmed and asks why Huckle was panicking so much, so Huckle remembers his original thing and tells you all that Nessen said he'd deal with everything himself. A flashback kicks in as Nessen apologizes for causing you all trouble and asks you to go back to your rooms. He says he'll handle everything on his own since he can't cause you guys any further issues. He calls the inn and town his responsibility, so he'll protect it all.
You either express shock that he'd do so despite not knowing the scale of this incident, comment on how strong his sense of responsibility is, or say he's the type to take on everything himself. Subaru notes that that is something Nessen would say, and Akashi says that's crazy talk with how big the resort town is. If something goes wrong, then Nessen will just get eaten himself. Subaru agrees, mentioning that Nessen is a hero but is too reckless to be doing this. It takes Akashi a moment to process that fact, and you express shock at the idea that Nessen is a hero too.
Elsewhere at the same time, Nessen is running around the place with a frantic, merciless look on his face. He talks to himself and drops his polite persona as he says he has to do something about all this. This is the town that he said he'd take full responsibility for and his hometown, the most important thing in his life. And on that note the episode ends.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Live A Hero Holy Night's Hot Water Front Line Episode 1

Nessen starts off narrating about his past in a casual private tone, saying he was unbearably lonely and frustrated about how the town that raised and changed him was steadily declining. There were times where he was jealous of spaceships that could travel the galaxy. There were also times where he resented the development and prosperity of space travel. Still, he knows that glaring at the sky wasn't going to bring tourists around.
Nessen then decides that he'll change his town into a first class tourist spot that'll be the most famous hot springs town in Japan the world the universe. It's the one thing he can think of to repay the town, even if he has to spend his whole life doing so. He swears to take on all the responsibilities for dragging the townspeople into this plan with him, and he plans to give his all to the town. And it is that emotion that brings him to stand in front of his house even today.
Title card pops up, and this chapter is called Past the Tunnel was a Hot Springs Town.
Scene then tunes inside a train as the PA system starts rattling off a canned announcement about thanking everyone for boarding the Limited Odoriko Express. Then a train sales clerk walks by and asks if anyone would like to buy lunch boxes, souvenirs, drinks, sweets, or ice cream. Mokdai decides to place an order for a golden eye snapper box lunch, a fried chicken box lunch, and a specialty kiwi ice cream. He quickly pays electronically, then receives his food from the clerk.
Mokdai laughs to himself and says he wanted to eat a little bit more, but before he gets into any of it Akashi sighs at how much Mokdai can eat, though he admits he ate two boxes himself earlier. But that aside, he reminds Mokdai that this is a business trip instead of a personal one, so he questions if it's okay to be eating so much. Mokdai argues it's because this is a work trip that he should eat and pack on energy so that he can work hard when they get to their destination. Sui says that's fair, but she asks him to not eat so much that he goes up a size again since she only just measured him a while ago.
Mokdai admits she has a point, so he asks if you'll take the fried chicken lunch off his hands. Akashi questions what difference that makes, and you either comment that Mokdai always eats a lot, accept the lunch box, or say you like that he eats so much. A has extra lines where Mokdai protests that this is normal levels of eating, and that he's actually been cutting back. Sui is surprised by this and asks how eating less caused his waist size to go up in the span of a month. C also has extra lines where Mokdai blushes at hearing that and reconsiders having the fried chicken after all. Akashi however tells him not to change his mind so quick in shock and also tells you not to spoil Mokdai.
Huckle laughs and says there's still some time until you guys reach the next station, so he doesn't mind if you guys relax until then. He points out that Ryekie is taking a nap, and he is snoring like hell. You either nod and say he's definitely out cold, comment on how loud his snores are, or say he looks cute when he's asleep. Huckle figures it's getting to be too loud and possibly bothering the other passengers, so he whacks Ryekie to get him to wake up. Ryekie does so, shouting out in alarm about falling asleep on the job and apologizes. Huckle gets alarmed for a sec as he forgot about Ryekie being loud after waking up, then prompts him to quiet down a little.
Akashi changes the subject to you guys going to a hot spring town for work since every other job had been inside the city up until now. Mokdai says requests to participate in tourist area events come in from time to time, though a lot more come from amusement parks. That said, you guys are going to Orient Spring Resort, which is also a kind of theme park.
You ask what Orient Spring Resort is like, so Mokdai asks if you've seen the commercials before explaining that it's a theme park centered on some hot springs with an accompanying ryokan. They've got 30 different kinds of hot springs and baths, an aquarium, stores stylized after a hot spring district and a bunch of other facilities. They also get tourists from other countries and planets too.
Huckle adds that there aren't many tourist spots that you can get to within one stop through space transit and one hour tops travel time. The person requesting you guys this time is one of the managers of the ryokan named Mochizuki. He's also the manager for the entire resort, and he's going to be asking you guys to handle one of the Christmas events happening tomorrow.
You comment that having Christmas at a hot springs doesn't seem fitting. Akashi agrees that it's weird too as he asks why a Japanese styled tourist spot would have Christmas stuff. Huckle shrugs, but he suggests that it's normal for tourist spots to host seasonal events about relaxing after the year's hardships to bring in customers. There's a bunch of them coming in fact. Ryekie adds that children are looking forward to seeing him, so it's not like they have any reason to say no to this. He was also told that he doesn't need to fight to do this, so he fires himself up to please the crowds.
You ask about Ryekie still not being able to transform due to his injury. Huckle says that even if Ryekie can't transform, he can still put on the suit and look the part. That's why they had Sui replicate Ryekie's hero suit. Ryekie looks sad, and you can either ask him what's wrong or say nothing. A gets an extra bit where Ryekie is surprised you noticed and loudly claims that nothing is wrong.
Sui is uncomfortable and wonders if it's okay for her to join you guys on your business trip. Huckle says she may as well since she's here. This is also appreciation on their end for her getting Ryekie's suit made by tomorrow. If they take into account that they got a discount since Ryekie can't fight right now, they're making up for the difference by paying for a night's stay for Sui. Why not enjoy the occasion? You comment that relaxing at an inn and hot springs sound great, say you'd like to relax and soak in the hot water, or say it's a chance to relieve the day's stress.
Sui seems to accept the reasoning, but she still worries about her work. Mokdai informs her that Maculata/Begonia(?) had asked you guys to take Sui with you. He also quotes her telling Sui to go spread her wings since she'd otherwise spend all day thinking about work if she left her alone. Sui is surprised her master did that, though she mentions she would get mad and tell her to take a vacation already sometimes. Akashi says she should take a break since her boss is saying so, then mentions he goes on break after he does his term tests. Sui expresses her surprise out loud that Akashi actually attends college, which offends him as he demands to know if she's picking a fight.
Ryekie laughs as he says he's excited since they never could have had an end of year party with only three people in the agency. He loudly suggests celebrating all your efforts together and enjoy things. Huckle tries getting Ryekie to quiet down again, so Ryekie apologizes for getting loud when he gets excited. Other passengers have taken notice, and a few come up to ask if Ryekie is Justice and to ask for his autograph. One guy even asks Ryekie to sign the back of his shirt. Huckle sighs about this being why he wanted Ryekie to keep his voice down, and you comment on how popular Ryekie is. Ryekie agrees to do some autographs, then asks people to form a line. Huckle considers lecturing him, but then he starts figuring that might not work coming from another guy of the same age.
Eventually the party reaches the resort town, where plenty of visitors are walking around while the whole town has been made part of the theme park. A lot of inn buildings have been built into the mountains to the point it looks like an old castle, and in the middle of the stone paved plaza heavily done up for the Japanese aesthetics is one glaringly out of place object. You express shock at the Christmas tree being there and note how big it is. Sui is also taken aback at how jarring it is with everything else, but on its own it's nice. Akashi needs a moment to process it but thinks it's refreshing how in your face it is about not fitting with everything else.
A voice from offscreen starts talking to you guys and asking if you're all surprised, then says they were surprised too when it first showed up. Nessen then walks up to the party, appearing from out of the crowds and getting described as a man with nice horns. He bows deeply to you all in his Christmas colored happi with a gentle smile on his face. Nessen asks if you're all with Parallel Flight and welcomes you to Orient Spring Resort. He introduces himself as Mochizuki Nessen, the one who put in the job request, the manager of the Mochizuki Inn, and the manager of the whole theme park.
Huckle introduces himself back to Nessen as the company director and thanks him for hiring you guys. Ryekie follows suit and introduces himself by his hero name, though he does this so loudly that Huckle has to tell him to quiet down again since he's drawing attention. Nessen observes that Ryekie is a lot bigger than videos make him look as well as how loud he is, so Huckle apologizes and says he's been trying to get him to lower his voice all day. Nessen doesn't mind though, and he actually thinks it's more appropriate. He says an energetic greeting is important, and he's looking forward to tomorrow's show.
The rest of the party takes turns in introducing themselves to Nessen, and Nessen politely repeats everyone's names to himself as he smiles. Mokdai comments on how polite Nessen is after that's done, which he figures should be expected from a large hotel operator. Sui says she should learn from him since her teacher has often told her to speak the polite formal mode the right way. You either comment that Nessen seems kind, say he looked scary at first glance, or say that he's well built. In A, Akashi agrees and mentions how crazy the gap is since he thought he looked scary at first. In B, Akashi agrees as he says the horns make Nessen look imposing. In C, Nessen reveals he can hear you despite being a bit further away. He thanks you, though he explains he inherited it from his parents. Akashi is shocked he can hear from that far away.
In any case, Nessen laughs and says he's been told that a lot. Even his hotel workers have told him that the difference between first impressions and their later thoughts are mind boggling. Akashi freaks out at Nessen overhearing you guys and apologizes, but Nessen waves it off and says being told he's polite in talking with customers is a delightful thing to hear. Mokdai is also surprised that Nessen could hear him despite Nessen talking with Huckle and Ryekie at the time and Mokdai being further away.
Nessen apologizes and says it's become a habit since listening to how customers feel is their job as a hotel man. Akashi hesitates for a moment but decides to ask straight up if Nessen is an alien. He has a Japanese Earthling's name, but he doesn't quite look the part. Nessen explains that he's half-alien. His mother is Japanese while his father is an alien race that has horns. Also he inherited the inn from his mother. The horns did give him a lot of grief in the past, but now he treasures them he says as he rubs them.
You try to ask Nessen what he meant by grief, but Nessen changes the subject to say he shouldn't be standing there and gabbing with you guys outside, so he suggests going somewhere else to discuss the job for tomorrow. Nessen says he'll show you guys to your rooms and offers to carry your luggage, then asks you guys to follow him. Huckle is a little taken aback as he agrees, though he tries talking Nessen out of carrying your stuff since it's a bit much for one person. Nessen says it's no trouble and proceeds to grab everyone's bags and carries (or rather holds around) it all as he leads the way.
Ryekie is surprised and comments on Nessen's sense of balance to be carrying his suit, Mokdai's camera, and all the fragile machinery with no issue. Mokdai is surprised at how strong Nessen is, saying his stuff is heavier than usual since he brought extra clothes. Huckle suddenly senses something and looks around. Ryekie notices and asks what's up, so Huckle says it's nothing and wonders if he was imagining it.
Time passes as the party goes over to the Mochizuki Inn, which has a big sign with its name outside, and goes down a hallway with a beautiful garden view. Nessen explains that you guys have six special rooms in the hotel annex set up for you all, though he apologizes for it being a little far. If you want to go to the baths, every room has their own private open air baths aside from any of the big baths in the resort you want to use. There's also a big bath and reserved bath in this building and floor that you can use if you like.
Ryekie comments on all the baths available and says he's not sure where to start. Nessen explains that there's a map in the rooms that explains the baths, so you can take a look at that since the water quality is different between them. Nessen also mentions that it takes him about a week to visit them all even with him taking five baths a day. Ryekie is shocked by this, and you either suggest this is too many baths, note that Nessen must like bathing, or say you want to bathe with him. A and B has Nessen laugh and say it's been a habit since he was young. If he doesn't bathe no matter how busy he is, he can't relax. Akashi suggests that something might be wrong with him to go that often. In C, Nessen is surprised but he says he doesn't mind. Huckle is shocked as he tells you not to bother your clients.
Suddenly Mokdai tells you to stop and look ahead of you. This isn't enough warning to stop you as you turn to look, at which point you bump into someone coming out from an adjacent hallway. She screams, so you apologize and ask if she's okay. The lady you bump into apologizes too as she gets back up, saying she was distracted checking her mail. Sui takes note of the lab coat lady's skin color and wonders if she's a Lunarian too. The lady says she's fine and asks if you're hurt, so you either say you're okay or comment on how pretty she is. In A, she smiles and says that's good. In B, she's surprised but thanks you for the comment.
Anyways, a voice calls out to the lady calling her Flamier-sensei asking her to send a text saying she's here when she did get there. Akashi recognizes the voice in some surprise, and Kyoichi shows up, surprised to see you here and asking why you are. You either make an observation that he's here or move to greet him with some body contact. The latter gets an extra bit where Kyoichi is okay with this as he calls you forward and moves to touch you too, but Akashi interrupts in shock to say you guys are in public.
Kyoichi notices Akashi is here too and comments on him having a nice ass today, but Akashi cuts him off by elbowing him. Huckle is scandalized by this, so Akashi apologizes and says his elbow just flew out on its own. Flamier asks Kyoichi if he's okay, and Kyoichi answers that he's okay and that this is business as usual. You ask about Flamier and ask if she's one of Kyoichi's coworkers.
Kyoichi takes a second to process your question before answering that Flamier teaches chemistry in a high school on the moon. Flamier then greets everyone as just Flamier and says it's nice to meet you all. Huckle knows of her and asks about her being a hero, so she confirms as much and says she's also a member of Heroic Educators. She recognizes you all as Parallel Flight and says she often hears about you guys.
Kyoichi explains that Heroic Educators's heroes are having an end of the year party here, and the rest of them are in the baths. Nessen adds that Heroic Educators visits every year, though there's fewer of them this year. Kyoichi says the rest of them couldn't make it due to whatever circumstances they have going on, and aside from Flamier everyone here is someone you've already met. Mokdai thinks on that and asks if that means Shouen and Toshu are here. Kyoichi confirms that and says you can probably see them if you go into the big bath right now. You either comment that everyone's here, think their hair might be sticking up or something, or get excited at the thought of joining them in the baths.
Akashi gets pensive as he says he'll go to the baths later since he doesn't want to run into Toshu. Toshu walks up behind Akashi and asks why he doesn't want to go in if he's there, and you either note that he's here, comment on the fresh out of the bath smell he has, or go play with his mane. C gets an extra bit where Toshu asks you to stop since he's trying to talk to Akashi, but he purrs all the same.
Akashi freaks out at seeing Toshu and stammers for a bit before throwing out an apology as he runs off. Ryekie asks in shock where Akashi is going, and Toshu tells Akashi to stop and asks if this is about the end of term martial arts report. Toshu says he needs to talk to him about that, and he also tells Akashi to stop running in the halls as he powerwalks after him. Sui wonders aloud if Akashi actually goes to school after Toshu leaves.
Kyoichi wonders if Akashi halfassed another report again and compares it to what he sees at the elementary school he works at. Flamier just giggles and says it's fine, so Kyoichi tells her that Akashi is 21, so he's not a kid anymore. Shouen walks over and makes a haiku about having come out of the bath without using any seasonal words, and you either point out he's there, compliment his poetry skills, or enjoy the sight of his washed stomach aloud. C surprises Shouen since he doesn't know how to respond, so Huckle says he can complain if he wants and that he'll warn you either way.
Ryekie comments on the coincidence of meeting all the Earth-based heroes of Heroic Educators here, then asks how the baths are since you guys will probably go in when you find some time. Shouen says the water's great, what with the cool gentle water quality being soft on their fur. He starts trailing off about something else after a moment, so you prompt him to go on. Nessen also asks if there's something wrong with the water, so Shouen says it wasn't that. Instead, he says he feels some sort of strange presence within the fenced area of the open air baths.
Nessen asks about this feeling, so Shouen says he looked but didn't find anything, so it might be his imagination. Still, he's been feeling some unease like he does before a battle all day, like he's about to go fight some Kaibutsu. Huckle puts a hand up to his chin as a stern expression shows on his face, and he thinks to himself that he wasn't the only one to sense it. Since this is a tourist spot, he wishes it was just his imagination though.
You notice Huckle thinking, so you ask him what's wrong. Huckle decides to say it's nothing, though he does tell you to not let your guard down too much for today and tomorrow. If it comes to it, you should be able to feel it too. Scene then shifts to elsewhere in the inn at the same time as a small Kaibutsu shows up at a large bath, and the episode ends as a random customer screams at it.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunshine Christmas Episode 2 Part 2

We tune in on Christmas Eve at the AndvaResort. You've just split up from Ziz with some others, and the group you're with heads to the mall. Chouji notes that you guys are here and says it's time for the final checks. You are surprised by this since it's almost time to start selling, so Chouji tells you that Andvari told him he wanted to personally taste test them himself. You either ask Chouji if he has confidence in his summer Christmas food or say you're sure he'll be okay. C has an extra line where Chouji says you're kind and is confident he'll be okay since he's a pro. And anyways he says he'll show you his faith in himself, citing your enjoyment of his cooking as proof.
Ded and Itzamna show up a little later, and Itzamna asks you how Ziz's pastorela went. White says he'll be glad to partake of the dishes and says he's excited for this since he's usually the one giving things. Chouji is surprised to see them there and asks if they're also going to be taste testing his dishes. Andvari slides in to confirm that. He'd be fine doing it alone, but he figured he may as well include the contributors of the event since they were there already. Chouji asks if you'll help him out. The dishes are done, he just needs to set the table and put them out. Andvari suggests starting then and says their criticisms will be strict.
Chouji leads them to a table where you set things up as he instructs, lining it with dishes for the other three. There's cake, roast beef and chicken, salad, soup, and all the other standard Christmas classics. Andvari is baffled speechless for a second before he turns to Chouji and brings up telling him before to make something that suited a midsummer Christmas. This looks nothing like that.
Chouji tries to placate Andvari by asking him to hear him out to the end. The soup he made is a cold soup he made together with Tanngrisnir. The salad is a simple one with dressing and plenty of veggies in it. The popular roast chicken has been cut into pieces so you can pick what size portions you want. The roast beef has been paired with oroshi sauce to make it easier to eat. Chouji continues explaining that the fresh cream was put in controlled portions for the cakes, which has jelly and mousse for a refreshing taste. The bowls and plates being handed out are also cooled, among other ideas meant to counter the heat.
Andvari asks Chouji the reasoning behind that, so Chouji says that the image people have for Christmas isn't something that can be changed that quickly. So because of that, Chouji decided to do the classic dishes a little differently since they're things that remind people of Christmas. Andvari looks unconvinced, so Ded prompts him to try the food out. Itzamna notes that the food looks palatable in the heat, perfect for eating while talking with others. White offers Itzamna some sparkling apple juice, so Itzamna laughs and accepts it before toasting to the hopeful success of the event. Andvari reacts with total bafflement at how calmly the old guys are taking all this.
You try to ask Andvari what he thinks of the food, so he admits that the taste of the food is great since it is by the chef he picked out. That said, he says it won't be enough with to go with what's on offer right now. At the end of the day it's still the same old food as usual. Andvari starts ranting about how business needs to something that catches peoples' eyes, and that you'll need something that will get the attention of even people who don't care about food.
You turn to Chouji and says it's time to bring out That Thing now. Chouji smiles at that, then brings out something from the kitchen. Chouji then asks him to take a look at the main Christmas dessert from another culture for the season, the ~rosca de reyes~. He explains that Itzamna taught him about this dish, and there are various explanations out there, but the ring shape is based off a king's crown while the toppings are based on gems.
Itzamna is impressed with the presentation of the dish while White starts talking about all the cut fruits placed in the center and how the shine of the syrup in it looks like jewelry. Andvari seems slightly interested and compares the thing to a pizza, then notes that the hole seems small. Chouji explains that he made a bunch in different sizes, and this is the smallest of them. When it's made for a taste test, it's common to have only one hole. Chouji says he'll cut the cake now, and he tells the rest to be careful because Something Hard is inside.
Andvari is intrigued as he notices the cake isn't made of sponge, but bread dough. He also notes that oranges seem to be kneaded into it before saying it tastes good. White talks about the mellow sweetness with the brightly colored dried fruits and the Christmas colors of red, green, and yellow. Itzamna laughs at the nostalgia it gives him, saying he used to watch children eat it while standing far above them.
Andvari reacts in surprise when he bites into something hard, which he thinks is plastic of some kind before fishing out some figure of Ded. Chouji congratulates him and says fortune will be visiting him. Andvari asks about that and about the possibility only he had the Ded figurine. Chouji explains that one of the dolls is baked into the hole, though the original custom has a clay pottery doll put in. Andvari thinks on this and calls it a charm. It doesn't seem based on any fact, but he still has a happy feeling inside now.
Itzamna laughs and mentions that the Ded doll was designed and made by his students. They're still inexperienced, but they're serious kids. Even if their thinking patterns go awry, they keep on trying at it. Andvari thinks aloud about how Tokyo has surprising things, and as weird as this is it's still good since it's related to Christmas. He then declares the cake to be good and approves the rosca de reyes for sale. Chouji cheers about this to you and thanks Itzamna and Ded for their help.
Andvari then asks if Chouji has a plan to push the cakes out since they aren't just going to sell if he just plops them into the store. Chouji answers that he does since he'd like for a lot of people to try the cake out too. Itzamna doesn't say anything, and Ded notices that he looks anxious and asks if something is bothering him. He says no, though transition cuts him off before he elaborates if he does.
Some time later, narration starts to talk about Andvari's resort, the large multifunction beach house built within Kasai Coastal Park. It's built within the swimming area of the place, and business dips whenever it isn't summer. To counter this, Andvari had a shopping mall and accompanying hotel built there. Still, he predictably gave up on trying to attract customers at the end of the year. And now we have this summer Christmas incident happening. Suddenly the place starts booming again, which of course extends to the shopping mall too. The Christmas event that seemed ready to be abandoned due to the rumor of Christmas being cancelled is now back up and running. And over in the food court, a boy's voice rings out over the loudspeakers.
Chouji starts greeting all the people walking around the place, speaking a lot more excitedly as opposed to his usual calm manner. He thanks everyone for always visiting his cake shop, and when he mentions its name some randos get excited about it since the store is famous all over the city. Said randos also discuss how it's also a restaurant and not just a cake shop, and a fencer recommends their rice omelettes. The wolf in the group laughs to himself about having done his research and how he's totally going to grab their seasonal specials. Chouji then informs everyone that the store will open soon, so he asks for their patience as they wait.
Chouji walks out with a mic in hand into the specially set up area in the shopping mall. There's already a huge crowd for his store gathering up, and Chouji goes to make it into a more orderly line. You comment on Chouji taking a more active part in things and note that he acts differently when it comes to cooking, and/or say you like this side of Chouji too.
Itzamna is watching from a ways away and thinks this might be a bit much, so he suggests that they ought to stop Chouji now. White is surprised by this and asks him why he thinks so. Itzamna explains that he's heard that cake is indispensable for Christmas, and he doesn't have much confidence that people will take to the rosca de reyes. As such, he's not willing to have Chouji be crushed by this realization if things don't work out. He can handle taking on suffering himself, but he's not as okay with having his students suffer.
Ded thinks about Yule for a second, commenting in sympathy about how that feeling hits close to home. Itzamna says he once tried doing the same thing back in El Dorado, but that turned out to be in vain. The faith that's taken root in the world is a hard thing to change. The dark sun absorbed everyone, and the lives of the young were tragically cut short. You turn to Itzamna and call his name and/or stare at him. White prompts you to go to Chouji after a moment since it's almost time. He also says he'll take care of Itzamna, assuring you it'll be okay since he's an old man too. You nod to him and ask Itzamna to watch you guys. Itzamna is sad as he looks towards Ded, and Ded tells him he empathizes with him. But White suggests that he try stepping back a little and watching you guys because of those feelings, since maybe something different will happen this time. Itzamna relents and agrees to do so.
Over where Chouji is, he starts telling the crowd it's time to showcase some rare Christmas desserts. You call out to Chouji and say he looks good in his Santa outfit. Chouji thanks you and says Arachne did it up to handle summer conditions, and he's glad you like it. He comments that putting it on puts him in a Christmas sale mood. But anyways he gets back to revealing the rosca de reyes to everyone. Chouji describes how a standard Christmas cake is fluffy and spongy with a lot of fresh cream and bright strawberries, but a rosca de reyes uses bread dough instead along with dried fruits with concentrated sweetness and flavor.
Itzamna can smell the cake from wherever he's standing and is surprised at the fragrance. He says it's not a normal rosca de reyes, then realizes it's using modern day French techniques to make it nouvelle cuisine. He also comments on the spicy aroma, which is both familiar and also inventive that it surpasses new horizons. Itzamna then wonders who Chouji is to have such a genius level sense of things that still keeps traditions alive. Chouji just chuckles, and Itzamna's sudden rant piques the interest of the crowd.
Wrestler A wonders what a Christmas cake made out of bread dough is like for some reason, and Tribal B thinks a Christmas cake is supposed to have cream on it. Wyvern C screeches, which gets translated to it wanting to eat the thing if it's a cake. Chouji says he understands their feelings since he likes having a lot of cream in cakes too, so he suggests trying out the rosca de reyes along a more recognized cake. So on that note it's time for the cake sampling he declares, drawing cheers from the crowd who admits to being interested.
Chouji stops for a second to note that the cake needs to be cooled for a moment since it's fresh out of the oven. So while they wait for that, Chouji says he's going to make a demonstration with the rosca de reyes. Kengo and Ryouta are brought out front to their surprise as Chouji introduces them as his classmates who will be helping him with the demonstration. Kengo complains about being treated as a prop or show assistant all of a sudden, but since it doesn't happen much he'll just deal with it. Ryouta wonders where Touji went since he was with them earlier, then wonders if he had to go to the restroom. You either keep optimistic or act like someone on a game or tv show and ask if they see you. In A, Ryouta laughs saying he's not worried since it's Chouji. In B, Kengo is shocked at how unfazed you are, which he actually admires.
Chouji declares it's time to have the rosca de reyes cut into pieces for him and his friends, and at his signal Touji walks up. You are either surprised to see him there or ask in trepidation what he's doing. He admits he's doing this in exchange for some special Christmas youkan, which is enough motivation for him to stand in front of so many people. Chouji thanks Touji for being there and asks him to do the cutting as he holds the cake up and puts it in front of him. The next moment Touji pulls out his sword a special long bread knife which gleams in the light. He announces that he'll cut the cake into five pieces for him, Kengo, Ryouta, Chouji, and you, then dramatically zandatsus the thing.
After the cake is cut, Chouji prompts for the crowd to give Touji some applause, talking up about how he easily divided the rosca de reyes into five equal portions. Itzamna is impressed and talks about how you can say the basis for modern art is a performance that draws in attention. He also thinks that the showy cutting was fun to watch and a creative, exciting idea. More randos walk by wondering what the crowd is for and asks if something fun is happening, and Ryouta asks if the division of the cake like this means they're doing a speed eating contest. Chouji tells him it's yes and no, but they won't be getting the rosca de reyes just like that. The gang are confused by this until some engine revving noises turn up.
Nomad turns up and declares the rosca de reyes belongs to the Mysterious Biker now. You either react in shock at Nomad being here, ask what he's doing, or casually roll with things. Nomad says he's finally got his bike back from the pawnshop, and he challenges you to catch him if you can as he throttles his engine. Kengo scoffs at Nomad stealing bread now and says he's underestimating you guys to be coming alone.
Nomad tsks at him and says he knows about your guys' abilities, and Goemon and Jiraiya pop up. Jiraiya calls himself Bodyguard A and chivalrous thief as he comments on how fun things seem to be. Goemon introduces himself as the world's biggest thief actor, and while he doesn't get what's happening he's going to be flashy out there. Kotarou pops up in between them and says he's just here for the money and says he's Bodyguard C.
Jiraiya immediately bowls past Kotarou and attacks Goemon demanding to know why he's here, then says he'll cut him first. Goemon freaks out at having to block a sword again and tells Jiraiya he's actually Shukaku as he begs him to get that through his head already. He even undoes his human transformation to stress the point. Kotarou has to remind them to knock it off and get to work if they want money for New Years mochi. You either comment on how their teamwork is already in tatters or ask what the poor ass ninjas are doing. C gets an extra line where Kotarou laughs and says he just has to do this to get food money for his underlings.
Chouji acts like a game show host as he narrates and asks if his classmates can get the rosca de reyes back. He announces his plan to have the sampling be open to the public once all of you guys get the cake back, causing Ryouta to protest that this isn't really a speed eating contest. Also he says this is escalating far too quickly for him. Chouji just prompts him to go after Nomad and the ninjas because they really will run off with it all. This demonstration is going to be the big thing today, so he asks that everyone make it as eye catching as possible. Nomad laughs about putting his engine full throttle and dares you guys to catch up with him, then demands the ninjas do their work right. The three of them nod obediently, and Chouji says he'll join in too as he declares the start of the battle. Itzaman squeezes in a thought wondering what Chouji's goal is before the battle starts for real, and more happens after that.
After the battle, things pick up midway with Nomad taunting the party asking if you guys are just that amazed by his sick driving skills. Kengo laughs at how fun it's getting now and says speed isn't everything. Jiraiya also laughs as he comments on Kengo understanding the situation, and he says if the crowd gets excited then that's good. Goemon says that's why they were brought in, then says he can handle doing anything entertainment related. Ryouta sees what the point is and tells Goemon it's time for his rope running act. Kotarou points out that ninjas aren't supposed to stand out, but he shrugs it off as an occasional thing and a Christmas show. Chouji continues with the host bit commentating on the excitement and whether the party can get the cake back.
A quick flashback pops up as Chouji is informed that Itzamna has worries about whether something new will be accepted by the public. Chouji says he understands and comments it's especially hard when it comes to cooking. Still, he's sure it'll work out and calls himself a proper cook. If you try to force children who hate veggies to eat them, you'll just get rejected. In that case, the better thing is to get them accustomed to it. If he can join his outside the box knowledge with his experience it should work! You agree and say Chouji is slowly getting people accustomed to it in stages.
Back to the present, Ded talks about the posters that have been put up have already gotten the idea of what a rosca de reyes looks like and is called into the people in attendance, so all that's left is a demonstration and a tasting. Itzamna is surprised as he understands what's happening now, saying this is the creativity of Chouji and the others in combining opposites together.
By this point Kengo has grabbed back the cake pieces. Touji says this turned out to be more of a spectacle than he was expecting, but it did work in getting people interested. Ryouta decides it's time to start eating his piece then, excited since it looks good. You thank them as you grab a piece, get excited about the rosca de reyes, or comment on the sweet fragrance. Chouji announces that another rosca de reyes for sampling has been made, so anyone who wants to try can have some. Ninja mobs leap in declaring themselves the Fuuma Ninja work crew, then say they'll hand the cake out.
After the cake is distributed, Chouji asks if everyone's gotten a piece and warns them there might be something hard inside, then moves onto tasting the cake. Itzamna also has a piece as he tries it out, and the taste of it blows his mind as he yells about how creative the flavor is. Andvari comments on the show being a success and says the sales will be off the charts. Kengo talks about how if there are conservative people around, there should be people who aren't around too. And if those people say it's good, it should start getting the attention of the people around them. Touji says this is a perfect example of the 'grass is greener' idiom and nods to himself. Ryouta adds that having a doll inside adds to the elaborateness, and speaking of which he finds an Evil doll in his.
Narration notes that sticking varied and elaborate dolls into the cake is Chouji's other secret trick. Chouji says the dolls were made by the Akihabara Creators and the students in Itzamna's class, who agreed to help get the job done in a hurry. They all joined in when they heard Itzamna was helping with the event already, and they asked Chouji to help Itzamna since they all noticed he was feeling down lately.
Itzamna is surprised and touched by their concern. Touji says the rosca de reyes tastes great and considers buying some for Hougen. Ded notes that the other Christmas special food is a big hit and says the ninjas will be helping out with the sales. The more regular Christmas fare will need to be refilled soon too, so White has a good feeling the Christmas mood will be back on people's dinner tables.
Itzamna raves about the show being a total work of art, a very calculated performance that still moves people. He talks about the emotional preparation and impact was used to familiarize people with the cake and how it's such a modern artist move to pull. Rapid change can push past the cultural walls that exist now, and he wishes he could teach this to the children in his home world. Maybe there already are kids who are creative and artistic like his students in the Iguana House. He then expresses his surprise that he can still be inspired by creativity at his old age.
Chouji finds a good place to stop, then goes over to talk to you. He brings you another rosca de reyes that's been finished as he says you're going to Yasuyori next. He'll come over too after he finishes cooking up some more food, so in the meantime you and Yasuyori should have some together. He's glad he was with you, and your favorable impressions of his food helped support him. Once Christmas is back, he suggests celebrating together, preferably just the two of you.
White starts talking to Itzamna and says it's just like him. Itzamna asks White what he means, so White asks about him giving you guys some wisdom when he came to see you two the other day. White mentions that the Santa encyclopedia contained a certain description in it, saying that the day rosca de reyes is eaten is the day the three wise men from a certain faith gave their gifts. He starts suggesting Itzamna used his Authority in the same way as that tradition when Itzamna asks to stop the conversation there, saying he just wished that you guys had a chance.
Itzamna says his surprise was genuine and how he lived another day to see the creations of the children who will inherit the next age. He's deeply moved and surprised from outside of the box. To him, it really is the wise man's gift after he ended up being unable to believe in you guys. It's an unexpected joy he's received from outside his little world. He and Ded look up at the sun that doesn't set above them as they walk away from the commotion at the mall. Bright as it is it's already evening, and the deadline to take back Christmas draws ever closer. End of episode.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Sunshine Christmas Episode 2 Part 1

Of the 23 worlds connected to Tokyo, one is the world of El Dorado. It is a world where wanting to be a sacrifice for the sun is considered commendable, a world that has the belief that self-sacrifice is held up in high regard. Itzamna has sadly come to terms with this world and its faith. Due to that, he gave the world wisdom and writing and explained to everyone the greatness of art. He wanted everyone to forget about conflict and treasure their lives. He wanted everyone to live in peace, tranquility, and abundance. That was what Itzamna wished for, even if he had to sacrifice himself for it. But maybe even that was a part of the world's System. The old lizard's wish was in vain, and the world continued on unchanging. Still, Itzamna kept wishing for it over and over. Maybe this time it would come true.
Itzamna kept looking at the shining sun(s?) and eventually something happened some time later in his art class in Tokyo. Narration fast forwards to this day where school is over and and students and teachers are absorbed in drawing their pictures in the self-study room. In the center of the room is a wooden easel and a single canvas, and Itzamna stands in front of it. He says nothing as he slowly mixes some colors in the pallet in his hand, then brings the brush to the canvas. He sighs shortly after that, pulling the paintbrush away as he slumps his shoulders crestfallen and leaves the room. Some people in the hallway watch him go in concern before turning to each other.
That turns out to be Licht, Benten, and Kuniyoshi. Benten comments on Itzamna walking off and notes that he seems sad. Kuniyoshi notes that Itzamna is focused on the same painting he's been spending all his time on lately. Licht says Itzamna keeps putting his brush up to the canvas before putting it down, then wonders what could be on his mind since he can't think of anything. Since Itzamna seems to starting on the thing, it probably isn't an issue of him having no idea what to paint.
Benten looks over quietly for a moment before she decides to walk into the classroom. Kuniyoshi attempts to talk her out of it, except he ends up following her in as he notes. Benten wonders what it is Itzamna is drawing since the colors are mixed so much that the colors are all pitch black. Kuniyoshi wasn't planning on agreeing with Benten, but he does. It's weird since Itzamna normally draws using brighter colors. Benten picks up a solemn mood from the painting's colors and figures it was something else earlier.
Kuniyoshi asks Licht what he thinks and feels about the painting since he mainly does oil paintings like Itzamna does. Licht is shocked at being asked, but he steps up to answer all the same. After a moment to look at it, Licht says he thinks it's a painting of 'understanding or resignation towards creation.' He speaks as if he was the only one of the group to sense those feelings. Benten thinks to herself in surprise about how Licht is phrasing his thoughts, then wonders what Itzamna could be worrying about.
Title card pops up, and this chapter is called Grab It with the Rosca de Reyes.
Things then pick back up at the present as Ziz asks you to leave things to her here. Ashigara immediately whines about you ditching him, so Ziz boops him and gently admonishes him saying he shouldn't be selfish since you have work to get to. Ashigara is surprised by this then gets embarrassed as he agrees to stop complaining and asks Ziz to not boop his nose again. Kyuuma turns to Durga in surprise as he points out how Ziz has Ashigara under wraps. Durga notes that there isn't anyone at their school with her personality type, though she debates with herself about whether Mineaki fits.
Ziz says she's going to go back to the station to continue doing the pastorela, then asks if the Evils and Christmas Evils will help her again. They respond excitedly. Shirou thinks for a moment, then asks if he can come along too. If Ziz is going to redo the play again, he'd like to make a recording of the Evils acting along with her. It's their big debut, and he's going to do his best to film it even if his camera work sucks! Ziz laughs at how much of a parent Shirou is being, then says everyone is working hard and understands how he feels.
Kyuuma excuses the jocks and says they'll go check around the mall. Durga asks about there being a lot of events going on, then says they should look around and enjoy it all. Kyuuma then asks Ashigara to stop pouting. Since they're here and all they may as well have fun while looking for Yasuyori. Durga makes an attempt at being a cool big sis type like Ziz and musters the kindest voice she can manage as she tries to get Ashigara to cheer up, or else she'll make him run 100 laps. Ashigara laughs at Durga for sounding weird and asks if crap got in her eyes to make her blink so much. She is unamused by this and expresses as much by literally kicking his ass, leading to Ashigara to plead for her to stop. You decide to leave them be and head off to your next task.
The story decides to jump back a few days ago as it tunes in at a kitchen in Andvari's resort. There, you guys are getting stalls ready for Christmas and all the other events going on. Everyone here (Chouji, Ded White, Itzamna, Ryouta, and you) is part of the cooking team with Chouji at its center. Andvari turns up and suggests starting the discussion so that you guys can get a handle on things. He'll be focused on his business stuff while you guys are working on getting Christmas back, and since you're working together he suggests putting everything forward. You get enthused about the goal and say Christmas looks like it'll be really heated.
Itzamna comments on Andvari being the consummate businessman and approves since he thinks everything that lives ought to be that passionate. White laughs and says business is important too, and that Christmas is all about prosperity for the people. Ryouta is surprised Ded is here since he figured he'd be at the Santa School. White explains all the students and teachers there are doing their best to get things ready for Christmas. He figures it'd be best for him to concentrate his efforts here so theirs won't go to waste, so he asks for you all to help him for the sake of his students and for everyone waiting for Santa. White bows deeply and smiles, though he seems more tired than usual, probably because of the current incident. You ask Ded to not look so sad and/or say you'll bring Christmas back.
Itzamna prompts Ded to raise his head too and says they all agree on wanting to get Christmas back. Ryouta assures him it'll be okay because they have a cooking master here. Ded is intrigued by this and says that's comforting to hear. Andvari says they did get someone suited for the cooking side of things, then turns to Chouji saying he'll be counting on him as he calls him the Christmas specialist exclusive chef. Ryouta prompts everyone to clap for him, describing Chouji as both a cook and the pastry baker for the Tokyo famous cake shop Patisserie Iimori.
Chouji is taken aback at the pressure being put on him, but he gets on with formally introducing himself and says he'll be working harder than usual to get Christmas back. This is important for his store too after all. Andvari says Chouji's job is very simple as it's the development and supervision of food they can sell for Christmas. It's going to be sold here in the food court of the shopping mall here in the resort, and Andvari tells Chouji to pay special attention to the Christmas cake since it's the biggest selling item of the season. Chouji answers affirmatively, though still taken aback a little.
Andvari then says he has to go now since he's got a ton of work as the organizer. You wave him goodbye and comment that it must be rough, though Andvari looks to be holding up well. Andvari stops before heading out as he remembers he needs to tell you something: you're going to be involved with all the planning for everything. You are nonplussed at this, so Andvari repeats that yes you are going to be involved with every part of the event since everyone has been asking for you. Look at you, you famous star you. It's gonna busy Christmas day, so you better be ready for that. And then he flounces out for real, laughing and saying he'll be counting on you.
After Andvari leaves, Ryouta is surprised at how he didn't leave any time for you to get a word in edgewise and amazed at how quick he moves when it comes to business. White suggests that means Andvari has that much faith in you guys, so you should probably try to meet his expectations. Chouji says that's something to be thankful for and suggests getting on with the meeting then.
Itzamna starts the meeting by asking if he can ask Chouji about something. Chouji agrees to hear him out, so Itzamna asks him what Christmas staple foods are since he's usually asleep in the winter. Ryouta pops himself in between them as he starts answering by rattling off a list of foods, which includes cake, turkey, salad, roast beef, terrines, and soups. Tanngrisnir barges in to add stew to the list, followed by Tomte insisting that you not forget about saunas. Ryouta, Choiji, and Itzamna are baffled by their sudden appearance, and you either exclaim about how surprised you are and how forcefully they're coming on, or you point out that saunas don't count as food.
White doesn't bat an eye as he comments on the two of them showing up and asking how the Santa School is doing. Tanngrisnir steps back a bit to introduce himself as a Reindeer Department teacher and Tomte as a second year student, then says they came to help with the emergency situation before offering people his stew. Tomte says that the school is doing fine, and that Yule, Krampus, and all the other no namers are doing their best. They're also worrying over Ded, so Tomte came as their representative to help take care of Ded. White laughs about how nice everyone is and says Black would cry of joy if he were awake.
You either take note that the two of them hurried over to help or ask Tanngrisnir if he really carried a pot of stew all this way. (Shinjuku to Kasai is ~37 minutes by train according to Google.) Tanngrisnir confirms as such since it's an emergency and also because he overheard you guys talking about standard Christmas dishes. Tanngrisnir then asks Tomte to pass the stew out to everyone, so Tomte moves to do so, setting up a table cloth and some bowls and spoons while he's at it.
Some time later, Itzamna comments on how nice the stew is. Chouji comments on the rich fragrance and superb stewing. Ryouta talks about the potatoes being soft and crumbly and the meat being tender, then declares the stew to be perfect. Tanngrisnir agrees and says there's more for seconds if anyone wants any. White looks quietly sad, which Tanngrisnir notices and asks if something is wrong.
White snaps out of his thoughts and apologizes, saying the heat is killing his appetite. Tomte asks if he needs anything and suggests he lie down for a bit. White thanks Tomte and says he's otherwise fine, so he'd like to stay with everyone for the meeting. You agree that it has been hot lately and say you get not feeling hungry. Chouji thinks on the heat being heavy this Christmas as he gives White a glass of cold water.
Chouji says he won't be straying away from the standard Christmas menu since it's still linked to the holiday despite the heat. Still, he has to consider that the summer heat tends to cause a loss of appetite and that the temp differences outside and inside can be shocking to people. Itzamna starts getting what he's getting at and asks if he's saying someone who's walking out in the heat isn't likely to get some stew. Chouji feels there will be demand for the stew since it's so nice, but it not feeling like winter outside will be a problem. Ryouta agrees with the point, though he says he'd still go for it.
You talk about how cake is heavily associated with Christmas, but people aren't going to want it in this weather. Chouji talks about how the summer sun is an issue, though if it were still the same winter cold it wouldn't be. It's going to degrade the freshness of fruits and the fresh cream won't hold up, so cakes that need to be refrigerated are a no go. Short cakes, chocolate cakes, and the seasonal Yule logs are going to be hard to have too.
Ryouta immediately protests against not having cakes for Christmas since they're still good in the summer. Chouji says he knows and says that his store is still selling them well enough for take out. There's far less people eating in though. He then asks Ryouta if he'd go to a beach house in the summer and order a shortcake. Ryouta admits he wouldn't, and Tanngrisnir comments that the mind and body want different things. People might want Christmas stuff, but the heat would be an issue. Tomte asks if he means that Christmas stuff won't suit what people want in those conditions, and you think on Christmas being a winter thing which has things that don't suit summer weather, so you'd have to think of things besides that.
Chouji nods and says the standard cakes won't be enough, so he'll also have to put its opposite out to appeal to people. White says you guys will have to think of a summer Christmas dish then. Tanngrisnir sadly notes his stew might not fit, then mentions his old master would have eaten it regardless of the weather. Tomte still wants to suggest saunas during hot weathers despite the topic being food, but the issue he sees is that there isn't enough time to build one even if they started now.
Itzamna says nothing as he thinks to himself, which Chouji notices and asks why he's making a face. Itzamna apologizes and says he was thinking, then floats the idea of making a cake that is not a cake to Chouji, though he mentions it's not a dish from a hot world. You ask if this is some sort of Zen riddle, but Itzamna laughs and says it's not some trick question and says it still uses fresh cream for decoration. He talks about how Tokyo is connected to many worlds, so there are also many ways to celebrate something. In other words, Tokyo is a fusion of cultures with a countless number of arts and cuisines. Maybe that could lead to a hint for a summer Christmas dish.
Chouji gets excited by the idea as he gets up in Itzamna's face and asks him to teach him about that. Ryouta quickly pulls him back, telling him to calm down and say he's freaking the old man out. Itzamna takes a moment to think before asking if he's heard of a rosca de reyes. Chouji says he hasn't, so Itzamna politely offers to explain. You either comment on how much fun Itzamna seems to be having or call him grampa and tell him you want to know too. B gets an extra line where he laughs and finds the title embarrassing.
Itzamna starts explaining that rosca de reyes is a dish that is eaten in this time period in a certain culture. Bread dough is formed into a ring shape with a hole in the center, then decorated with toppings to make it a dessert. The appearance is meant to imitate a crown, and a feature of this thing is that there's a doll put into the dough. Chouji asks about this, and you wonder if it's like a winning ticket where you get something nice for it.
Itzamna confirms as such and says that the doll put into the dough is the king. Whoever gets the king will be visited by good luck, together with the blessings of their friends and family if they eat it with a lot of other people. Chouji interrupts for a moment to say he's heard of something similar. White knows what he's thinking and asks if he means a gallete de rois, a traditional sweet formed like a crown from some other culture. A coin or a button is slipped into that instead of a doll, but the rest is the same. Itzamna is surprised to hear that two different cultures came up with something so similar, and Chouji thinks about the two kinds of desserts. You think aloud about how both are things made with a wish to bless someone else.
Tomte joins in to mention that he knows of another thing that's similar to those things, a julgrot, which is his next favorite thing after saunas. He explains that an almond gets put into some milk porridge, and if you happen to get that almond your love will be realized next year. It's not actually a sweet as he admits, but it's also something made to bless someone else. Chouji thinks about how Tokyo has something similar, with one of the bones in a sea bream supposedly bringing happiness. Ryouta adds that something similar happens with ice cream. If you find a heart or a star in yours, it's supposed to make you happy.
Ded suggests that all of those things started from the same beginning, a casual word of well-wishing. Everyone wishes for happiness, and as ideas spread, they get taken to different cultures and changed for their customs. The origins remain the same though, and Santa Clauses come from the same place. Chouji thinks about the idea of wishing for someone's happiness and says it's the same for cooking. You either say that's Chouji's specialty and believe that he can do it, or you just silently raise your fist in a show of confidence. Chouji nods back in response.
Itzamna realizes the topic has drifted a bit and gets back to his original point, which is that thinking outside the box may be a good idea if you're stuck while doing something creative. You should recognize that your point of view may be narrowed, then work up the courage to get outside your comfort zone. Your current self may not be able to express something, but sometimes that in itself is where the answer is.
Chouji is intrigued, then notes that that's a hard thing to do. Itzamna agrees with that, so his students have come up with the suggestion of thinking of someone who is outside your box and think about what would make them happy. If you do that, then you can see outside of your box, see yourself, and spread your worldview. Itzanma suggests that if there really are wise men in the world, they would have the most knowledge in the world. His view of a wise man is someone who knows the box they're in and many of the people outside of it. So has the old man rambling been any help? Chouji says it has given him something to think about, so Itzamna approves saying worrying when you're young is a brilliant thing to behold and that he should concentrate on that.
Some time later, Chouji runs into you elsewhere at the resort and is surprised since he figured you left with everyone else. You say you just hung around for reasons you don't get, say you were worried about him, or say you thought he'd be lonely by himself. Chouji laughs and thanks you as he says he did want someone to talk to. Since you're here and all, he invites you to come taste test with him since he's going to make some trial dishes.
Chouji leads you to a restaurant Andvari said that he could use. Since he's the only other person in the building he says you don't need to worry about your table manners as you eat. There's already a table of dishes already made, and Chouji says to start with the basics since Christmas only comes once a year. He invites you to have a bite as he calls you a dear customer, so you gulp and say you'll do so.
Chouji prompts you to do so and hopes you like it. The table is described as crowded with chicken, salad, and soups for the standard Christmas menu. The soup is rich and mellow, the salad is bright and colorful. The chicken is bright and shiny, tender and juicy, and the skin is flavorful too. Everything is first rate and delicate, and you can feel the effort Chouji put into them. You comment on how delicious it all is and how skillful Chouji is at cooking, so much so that your tongue feels like it could melt.
Chouji looks surprised as he says nothing, which worries you as you ask if you said something weird. Chouji denies that as he finds his voice again, then says he felt really happy when you said his food was good. He thinks to himself it feels different than usual, and he wonders if it's because of what Itzanma said or something else. He starts stammering as he pushes the thought aside and says there's a lot of cakes too and hopes you'll taste those too.
Choujin brings out the cakes after a moment, then starts describing one as a standard strawberry with fresh cream. There's also one with chocolate cream too. There's a Yule log as Kengo asked for, and a roll cake that's nice and thick. And there's also a gallete de rois that came up during the conversation earlier. You either comment that it seems to be missing something or make an interested if neutral comment on the cake.
Chouji says he couldn't find a recipe for the cake when he made that one. He heard the idea from Itzamna, but it's hard to do just from listening, so he made a go of it. He wanted to get the basics down, but maybe he'll have to give up on it. You either comment on Chouji having dishes he doesn't know about or say that's a shame. Chouji is surprised to say of course there is, since he can't say that there's nothing he doesn't know about. Even in a single world there are as many recipes as there are stars in the sky, and who knows how many there are now with the worlds connected. Still, he wants to know those recipes and conquer them. But never mind that, keep tasting those cakes since they have his store guarantee of quality!
Time passes by until Chouji notices how late it is despite the sun outside. He then starts talking about how he remembered how fun it was to cook while he was worrying. That happened while you were enjoying his food, so he thanks you for that. Still, he wonders if there's a way he can find an actual recipe for the rosca de reyes. It seems tasty from the sound of it, and he asks if you think so too. You however decide to ask why Chouji is so focused on cooking since you'd like to know more about him.
Chouji is surprised by the question and says it's not that interesting. He doesn't really remember anymore, and one day while he was little he was like that somehow. He's not sure if he can word it well, but he'll tell you if you want to know. You ask him to go on, and Itzanma walks by outside and notices.
Chouji starts talking about how he loves cooking, but he also loves eating as well. Since he loves that, he started thinking about how he wanted to show someone else how great it was to eat too. That was what spurred him to learn to cook, and he recounts he did horribly enough in the beginning that he burned a fried egg. He spent a lot of time deep in thought about whether someone would be happy if he made something for them. It was fun having someone to eat what he made.
It made him happy to have someone enjoy his food, and being able to share that with someone satisfied him. He felt that getting someone to smile truly made him happy. Still, he felt that he was making food for his own sake since it was something he could do and be proud of since he thought he was otherwise worthless. Everyone at school, the Missionaries, and you all enjoyed his food. He's surprised to find this out about himself, and he keeps on talking.
Chouji talks about wanting to make people smile and be happy, not for their sake but for his. He asks if you understand, and you say that's good, say he's a great cook, or say he sounded like Ryouta in the end. Chouji admits he's never told this to Ryouta and laughs at himself for wanting to be in the limelight. Itzamna watches silently from wherever he is, and you are surprised when you realize an artifact is activating, which turns out to be Chouji's as it starts glowing.
Chouji is also surprised at his artifact going off on its own, and narration starts describing how his artifact is in charge of sharing beliefs that relate to cooking. This can be for warming people up, cooling them down, supplementing lost flesh and blood, or making whoever eats it happy. It is something that can make the fantasy that cooking can do a certain thing into reality. That said, it's never glowed like this before as Chouji notes aloud. The pages flip by themselves, and the light glows stronger. Eventually the book flips to an empty page, where the light converges to form words and pictures.
Chouji notes that it's a recipe he doesn't know about and starts reading the name, and you realize it says rosca de reyes. Another flash comes from the book, and narration says that memories about the taste and visuals for the dish also flow into Chouji along with information about it. Chouji says he can make it now, and although he doesn't know what just happened, he thanks his artifact. He asks for all the memories of cooking from beyond the walls to help him, casting his NP as the episode ends.